Cate's Diary

Thanks, LaMa & Rob.
I know that half my problem is just not getting on the scales. Ignorance is not bliss.
After eating breakfast & before I type in my diary I will log my food from the day before if I hadn't already done so & input my breakfast. Weigh-in days will be Friday & Monday. I'm not having any wine today. It's back to being an everyday habit (2 glasses usually).
BF this morning was 420 cals (baked beans, short-cut bacon & garlic chives on sourdough oat toast)
I have set my calories for <1500 a day, which should be a bit more than 1/4 kg a week. I am going to try logging in before I eat, instead of afterwards as that works well for me & often stops me from having something I shouldn't. I was going to wait until after my birthday, but there's no time like the present.
Sounds like a steady, healthy plan. No time like the present means no last hurrahs, which might save you a week or two of work later.
Thanks, LaMa & Em. I’m in town with Arch while G is playing golf. We have walked & walked & are having a spell in the car. I brought a thermos of peppermint tea & a book. I was going to visit our BIL but he’s still in hospital. I’m trying to think of what I might have for lunch. I don’t like leaving Archie in the car for long. I might go see if a sushi place is open & get take away.
Hope the brother in law is doing well and you enjoyed the sushi. I'm so excited for my sushi place to open up again!
Thanks, LaMa & Em. My BIL seems to be coping well with everything. He spends more time in hospital than out. I ended up having a quick Chinese stir-fry in a food hall(left Arch briefly in the car loose) & then visited G's brother & SIL & their puppy. I tired Arch out again. He actually really likes my little car & I have it set up well for him with a bed between the back seat & the front 2 seats so when I'm driving his head just rests on the side of my arm & he sees out well. When I fold over a part of the back seat & unclip him he has the run of the car & I can leave some food & water up the very back. I think my car has become a mobile kennel. When I got back from lunch he was curled up asleep in the driver's seat. I wouldn't leave him in the car in Summer.
It's good that he likes the car and feels safe. Maybe put a thermometer in it somewhere though; cars heat up earlier in the year than people think.
It's my birthday today (not a major one, but every birthday is a bonus) & we have friends coming for lunch. Tonight our older son is picking us up & I'm going with them to their pool comp. They are playing a team who I like & get on well with so I thought "why not?"
The wife of the couple coming for lunch hasn't been to our home before. I really like her & thought it would be nice just to have the 2 of them for lunch on my birthday. The house looks very neat & tidy. It's a good excuse to do a major clean.
I am going to wear my new clothes & boots today. I will do a quick house spruce up before my shower this morning & then can just relax. I want to stay up until midnight tonight as pre-sale tickets to one of our favourite singers go on sale then.
I feel quite content. I don't like a big fuss being made over me, but I do like getting calls from the ones I love & I'm sure that will happen.
Happy Birthday, me :)
Thanks, Vic & Floater :grouphug:
I feel a bit under the weather(heavy head & snuffly) & very tired at the moment. I hope I'm not coming down with something. I do get Autumn hayfever & that is what it feels like. I could go straight back to sleep & it's 10.20 am...
No wine yesterday & I weighed myself on my birthday as I had forgotten to on Monday. I was back to square one. Today I'm back down a kilo, so 4 to go by October.....
Feeling better this afternoon & went for a good walk down to our bush with G & Arch.
I have been worrying about R again. He forgot my birthday again & while I try to pretend it doesn’t matter I do still feel a little hurt. He messaged me 28 times on my birthday & 29 the next, but no mention of my birthday. I know he loves me, that’s never in doubt, but I worry about him when he gets on a bit of a high. He’s likely to spend up & just not be grounded. He has booked in to see his doctor & psych next month to try new meds, with fewer side effects.