Haha. Thanks, Em. I adore them. I think they're really cute. I think I have a sense of fun & I do quite like a bit of silliness.
I had a really good day at the beach with Archie, while G played golf. We did 11,000 steps mostly along the beach & I have pulled up really well. I think it was a really good learning experience yesterday. I had too much of the wrong stuff in the van really. Instead of turning on the fridge the night before I instead took a soft esky with ice bricks. I swear I moved it 10 times & we didn't even use what was in it! Not one thing. I had piccolos of bubbly, cans of diet soft drink, salad items, butter......

I don't know why I bothered with a dog bed as Arch sleeps on ours anyway. Where it went meant I couldn't open the wardrobe.
Next time the fridge gets turned on the night before & there's one less thing sitting in the way in the van. It is really tight for space. I needed something warmer when the sun went down so I will put some clothes in there that can stay. I'll dig out some mid-winter clothes that can go in the little wardrobe, which is a bit hard to get at, but also can hold a fair bit of hanging stuff. I'll put some spare thermals in maybe (old ones) & a polar fleece jacket or vest & some tracky dacks & some thick socks. I bought a $5 raincoat & that is tucked behind the driver's seat & I'll also put a rug as it was cold in the front on the drive down & the way back. I'll work it out. Having an overnight bag was also a pain. There is very little room. I think the van is suitable for one human really but we will make it work. We also had G's golf clubs & buggy.
We played cribbage last night & I beat G 3-1. He knows I don't really like card games & he was really surprised when I suggested crib & had a board tucked away. It was fun.
We also bought fish and chips instead of taking our own food & that was a mistake as we just don't like crap food. The fish was just bog standard frozen stuff. The choices at the nearby store, which closed at 6, were very limited- all just junk food & deep fried. I hate junk food. We both do.
We spent a lot of time awake. Each time one of us was awake, then all three were awake. Arch got a mini walk 3 times during the night when we went to the toilet. We worked out if we were both awake, we both may as well go to the loo. Each time there were wallabies about.
We had to get home early as R rang last night & had an opportunity to have a truck pick up one of his cabins on a backfill, which is way cheaper & we thought it would make it so much better for him to get most of his stuff now he has bought a place, so we didn't mind. We were wide awake at 6 am & home by 8. We packed most of his stuff into one cabin & lay it all down. It was chock a block. It was picked up at 11 am. Our young friend from down the road came & let the fence down for us for the semi to get through.
I have had a nap this afternoon. I was so tired, but feel much better for having the nap. We won't spend any more than 2 nights at a time in the van. We love our house, but having the van gives us an interest & we'll get better with it with experience & time.
I have an ap't with my new doctor tomorrow to do a new mental health plan. That will be ok I think. I'm going ahead with my plan to get a diagnosis. She thinks it will be empowering, rather than a stigma.