Cate's Diary

I too have hugged a couple of people outside of family , one a very close friend and one sister in law . It's impossible not too and I know hubby is handshaking ! We are careful though.
Cate I know you will miss G but I am so jealous as I would love a weekend on my own totally just for a change . Enjoy it girl ! Take it easy on that leg too and make sure he has firewood etc all easy for you to get too.
I will keep my charged phone on me all the time, LaMa. I usually leave it in living room overnight but not when I’m on my own. I also have a small club, which I keep on G’s side of the bed. It just makes me feel safer.
I think I will enjoy it, Petal but I know I’ll miss him. He has brought up heaps of wood, cooked up a frittata & lots of veggies & a soup!
aw thanks for all the hugs Cate!
Oh wow. I have had a few people break the rules and hug me, and sometimes people forget and inadvertently touch you on the arm. I did also go for a massage - is that an option for you? I feel like a lack of touch can't be good for us.
i don't consciously miss touch all that much--i probably miss a lot of other things that the pandemic has eliminated a lot more...but it would be interesting to know any changes to the brain due to lack of touch or the severe reduction of normal social interactions!
He has brought up heaps of wood, cooked up a frittata & lots of veggies & a soup!
oh my goodness--that is sooooooo nice!!! what a lovely guy to have around!
Thanks, LaMa, Liza & Petal. I know that I am really lucky. He is a really good man- a nurturer. He's not perfect of course- no-one is. He gets really cranky over minor things like a runny nose! Yet, when he had Cancer he hardly complained.
Sounds like your solo weekend is going fine. I know you use wood for heat, do you cook on a wood stove as well?

I miss touching people, I would never though of myself as a hugger, but now I know I did more touching than I realized. Not being able to slap a friend on the back, or engage in an energetic handshake is something I miss, and I guess I did hug some folks and never thought of it till now. I kind of think we will never go back to where things were just a year ago, kind of sad...
He gets really cranky over minor things like a runny nose! Yet, when he had Cancer he hardly complained.
Funny how that works, we all give more serious things more thought, I find most of my day to day irritations are the small things.
Hi, Rob. G has only been gone for an hour & he’ll be away a week. We do cook on the wood heater as well( soups & casseroles) & the kettle sits on it all Winter. It’s cold today & I think we’ll have it going for a few more weeks yet.
It feels a bit strange seeing what is happening with covid everywhere else, yet here people seem to be a bit confused as to what we should be doing. Everyone seems awkward. Do we hug? Should we shake hands? There are no known cases here & hasn’t been for months. Surely this can’t last.
You´re headed into the nicer weather now so even if cases do start rising it´ll be easier to avoid people. And by the time autumn rolls round for you I hope we´ll have a widely accepted vaccine.
Cate hopefully you have it kicked over there . Some countries seem to have it sussec , New Zealand , china etc . We are on the up and up here and it's not good news . I actually know a couple now with it but they are in India . Wife is not well and husband has symptoms. They are lucky as they come from a family of medics and are on a lot of medication so fingers crossed . The wife keeps getting fever though. They said the next 2 or 3 days are crucial. Have told me to be very cautious and not to let our guard down . So for now Cate you to be cautious and remind G especially when he is away
Please just enjoy your freedom and the fact that cases are so low. I think living day to day is the only way to survive, but don't be waiting for the other shoe to drop at the same time!
Thanks, Petal & Em. You're right. It's pointless worrying about it, but very important to take precautions & enjoy the relative freedom that we have right now.
I had a day yesterday where I felt restless & frustrated. The first day that G is away each year I feel the same & then I adjust. I had a couple of the kids' sweet treats in the afternoon with some fruit but made a rule that I wasn't allowed to open any of the chocolates that are tucked away in a bucket in the pantry. I also had 2 glasses of wine at the end of the day.
I weighed myself this morning & am going to weigh myself every day this week & log everything I eat & drink. I am trying to reduce my eating window. I didn't have anything past 6 pm last night & then breakfast was at 8 am. It's a start. Tomorrow I'll stretch breakfast out a little. I feel like cooking something so have taken out a venison mince. Some of it I'll cook up for Archie, with some veggies maybe.
There's a bird count starting today. I just spotted an Eastern Spinebill but I won't start the count now as it's a 20-minute one & I need to take Arch for a walk soon as he's dropping hints. I tested my leg yesterday & walked down to the bush & back & it was a mistake. I ached like crazy last night. My right leg has been hurting as well the last week, which is a bugger. I'll take him for a few short walks today.
BF was a small bowl of yoghurt, berries & seeds
Lunch will be frittata with extra veggies.
Mid-afternoon I'll have a little fresh fruit.
Dinner will be savoury mince.
Nothing after 6 pm, except herbal tea.
I slept very well last night.
For hours, Arch lay watching the door yesterday obviously waiting for G to come home!
I am giving up on trying to post the photo for now as I can't seem to work out how to make it small enough. Will have another try later & edit. I have tried emailing it to myself, texting it etc & it's not working.

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Archie looks like he's been there all his life :beating:
Your better leg hurting probably means you're trying to spare your painful leg. Which is often a sign you're doing more than your body is really ready for yet.
I think you’re probably right, LaMa. It’s hard being restricted especially now the weather is improving & I also haven’t got G here keeping an eye on me &/or taking Archie for walks.
Awww dogs are so tuned in to comings and going’s . Our dog looks out the window waiting for us too .
Mind that leg Cate .
your breakfast sounds like mine . And lunch too maybe . Dinner don’t know yet but maybe mince !
have a good evening
Hi, Petal. He has adjusted today & hasn’t been looking out for him. He takes things in his stride this little fella. I have been a bit more careful today, Petal. A bit :blush5:
I had my mince stir-fry for lunch. It was delicious & chock a block full of veggies!