So true! There is still so much stigma and secrecy around mental illness that doesn't exist in the same way for physical illnesses. It's great you were able to have an open talk and have people at a better place of understanding.The more people understand mental illness the better.
Everything feels just that little bit better today, thanks Petal xoCate sounds like a fun derby .
and glad your other son is on board now and will be sympathetic. It will be nice for R to spend time too with nieces and nephews .
It was fun, Rob. We all enjoyed it. Having the kids was good for us this weekend.Hey Cate, good to hear that R is with friends, that has to help. No matter his problems having good parents has to be a big help to him. I know you do all you can.
I have not been to or thought of a roller derby in years! Kind of like professional wrestling but faster as I recall. That does sound like fun, enjoy your outing.
I'm glad too, Em as it will help to have D on board to help support his brother. I don't think we are great parents (it sounds a bit Donald) but I hope that we are good parents. If I was a teenager I would have a crack at roller derby. Right now, I am happy to be walkingI'm really glad you had the talk with D and it went well. I also think talking about mental illness and taking away that sense of shame about it is so important. See, I told you you were great.
I hope you did not roller derby! You need to be resting, haha.
They would get so many injuries, LaMa. It still appeals to me. It looks like so much fun. There aren't enough sports for girls to get really physical.If you want information about knee pain: roller derby folks all get it.
So good to hear Cate--hopeful is always good!Thanks, LaMa. I feel the best tonight that I have felt for a couple of weeks. I’m hopeful.
Yes that's probably how I would feel too Cate. Walking is just such an all round helpful activity--so great for body, mind, spirit. Sounds like you are getting back to that space already so hopefully surgery won't be necessary! It would be nice to get that meeting with the ortho to know where things stand! Do you have any idea of how the waits are for that sort of thing?I don’t care if I never play golf again. I just want to be able to walk & be active.