Ah! your knee is better - so much so that you're on the stationary bike!

And wildlife is abounding, and... mmm... family a bit
too abounding, it seems, as I read through! I agree with
@Petal001 , about putting the focus on your happy, healthy life, not especially on numbers. Lovely, to share Archie with your elderly neighbour - and again the interspecies relationship sets my mind working... it is an important part of being human, I think, to be open to that, even if a person can't have a dog (or hamster... or horse!) actually in their everyday life.
Oh - your knee has been troublesome again. Yes, resting it is probably a good idea. Best wishes for it to get better, even if the getting better is slow. (Bodies over fifty - they are
so slow to heal, but they still do! Salute to our terrific, mostly self-healing bodies!) And anxiety is no fun, either. I hope it's ebbed by now. Sympathies, though - as long as we care (about people, about little dogs, about world situations) - anxiety will come knocking. I know the feeling.
And now I think I'm mostly caught up - and knees and anxieties and all, still I love the sound of your life in
beautiful, bushy, birdsong-filled, mostly cool Tasmania -

- wishing you a
blissful day!