Cate's Diary

You won't lose Archie. He has a microchip tag, right? And you keep him on a leash most of the time. You'll just be apart a little shorter with a collar tag if he spooks and runs off for a bit.
Keep him on you lap today and he will be fine. It's easy to get a dog tag . Have a fun time tonight at the live music
You won't lose Archie. He has a microchip tag, right? And you keep him on a leash most of the time. You'll just be apart a little shorter with a collar tag if he spooks and runs off for a bit.
You’re right of course, LaMa. We’re back at our accommodation now & have had a lovely afternoon. He doesn’t go far from my side. It will be a very different night tonight for him as he’ll be sleeping in the same room as us. It is so cold & really windy. Bed time soon!
Keep him on you lap today and he will be fine. It's easy to get a dog tag . Have a fun time tonight at the live music
Thanks, Petal. It has been fun.
I have only had 2 drinks over the whole day & feel so much better for it. Having that month’s break really did do a reset for me. No hangover for me tomorrow.
Hey Cate, good to see your moderate drinking has worked for you. No hangover is the only good hangover! Spoken by a man with lots of hangover experience, LOL!.

Glad things worked out with Archie, having a dog is a whole new responsibility, more work than kids in some ways. The tag with your phone number on it is a great idea. It saved a dog we were dog sitting once, I am a believer ever since.
Nice to hear you had a good weekend and it went well with Archie :)
Good for you with the light drinking! I wish I could get there with my sweets!
Well done on sticking to the two drinks! Not an easy feat if you are good at drinking, haha!

How did you get on with Archie in the room? Did he end up sleeping in the bed with you? :D
Hi, Rob, Petal, LaMa, Liza & Em. I’m glad I have learned to moderate the alcohol habit. I actually drank a concoction of green juice( celery, kale, parsley, mint....) a fruity ice-cube & a splash of bubbles all day. It was delicious. I had <400ml of bubbles overall. I’m glad I had the month off. I think I needed that to reset my habit. Liza- maybe that would do the trick with you with sugar.
I got that tag yesterday, Rob. I’m sure it would get Archie back a lot quicker if he did get lost.
He slept in his little bed, or on the couch all night. He could see me from both. He was very good. Last night back home again he went into his crate at bedtime, without me having to put him in.
The accommodation was just perfect.
We had so much fun & it felt like “ normal”. We are so lucky not having any active cases in Tassie. SO lucky!
G & I got to spend some quality time with R. I think he’ll be ok. He’s selling up & moving to a quiet area, which will be better for him.
We really enjoyed our visit & I feel much more hopeful for him. The music was wonderful! Archie had a ball too.
Glad R is moving some where quiet and your happy he is doing good. Do I recall he bought somewhere very remote a couple of years back Cate , does he still have that .
You are very lucky indeed to have 0 cases in Tasmania, we have cases locally now but not many .
Sounds like Archie enjoyed his little trip out
Thanks, Petal. He will be much better off living somewhere quieter. He is very emotional at the moment, but we have both gotten over our "tiff". I really don't like seeing him back on the roller coaster, but I am stepping back again & not interfering. He knows how I feel & he knows how much I love him. He still owns that block on Bruny & it will be much easier to get to from this place. He will also be closer to K9 (I didn't get a chance to talk to her about your pooch) & already has a part-time job just down the road.
I do hope we continue without any new cases.
I think Archie is very happy with his new life. Win/win for all of us :beating:
Oh Cate! I'm slowly catching up with everyone's diary, now here I am, running out of WLF-puff for the day before I've read yours. But I wanted to say hello, and to wave at you, :seeya: and to say I'll be back to read and post here on your diary tomorrow - and eventually on mine, too! :D
Hi, Amy. I’m doing well really. It has been a crazy year but getting Archie has been really good for us. Have things settled for you?
Thanks for update on your son and please don't worry about our pooch. Fingers crossed we are doing right by her . Time will tell.
Best of luck to R and hope he is happy in his new home and work
Great to hear everything going so well Cate.
I’m glad I had the month off. I think I needed that to reset my habit. Liza- maybe that would do the trick with you with sugar.
Maybe a month off sugar would help me, but I know in the past when I've done that, as soon as I try reintroducing I'm right back to overdoing things. the only thing that seems to work for me is not having it within least I'm good with not bringing it home for the most part. It's when I go out that temptation gets the better of me! Anyways I think you're doing great in being able to have a bit to drink without overdoing things!
Good morning, Cate! :D:seeya: I'm back on a new day, and settling in to read the past few weeks on your diary! and oh, my! there's so much I feel like joining in to reply to, but alas, it's all weeks ago for you, so would be not at all where your head (and your readers' heads) is/are now! But important (sort of a joke there) issues like the joys and troubles of having people visit are matters I could really bang on about! And I so responded with recognition to
Archie gives me such a look when he thinks it's walk time.
Oh, little dogs, little dogs! What fun you are! (And what an amazing thing is interspecies communication)
And the seasons changing - I'm responding to that, too - the different produce, the different cooking. But here... I'm wincing in anticipation of the hot weather. :(
Well, but to read on...
glad your doctor's appointments went well, and that you're playing exactly as much golf as you feel like, (including as much of the social interaction there as you feel like!). Oh - knee troubles. I'm very sorry - that sort of thing wrecks so much.

Interruption! I'll be back in a bit, to read the next installment...
Ah! your knee is better - so much so that you're on the stationary bike! :) And wildlife is abounding, and... mmm... family a bit too abounding, it seems, as I read through! I agree with @Petal001 , about putting the focus on your happy, healthy life, not especially on numbers. Lovely, to share Archie with your elderly neighbour - and again the interspecies relationship sets my mind working... it is an important part of being human, I think, to be open to that, even if a person can't have a dog (or hamster... or horse!) actually in their everyday life.

Oh - your knee has been troublesome again. Yes, resting it is probably a good idea. Best wishes for it to get better, even if the getting better is slow. (Bodies over fifty - they are so slow to heal, but they still do! Salute to our terrific, mostly self-healing bodies!) And anxiety is no fun, either. I hope it's ebbed by now. Sympathies, though - as long as we care (about people, about little dogs, about world situations) - anxiety will come knocking. I know the feeling. :(

And now I think I'm mostly caught up - and knees and anxieties and all, still I love the sound of your life in beautiful, bushy, birdsong-filled, mostly cool Tasmania - :beating: - wishing you a blissful day!
Thanks, Petal, Liza & Amy.
as long as we care (about people, about little dogs, about world situations) - anxiety will come knocking. I know the feeling. :(
That hit the nail on the head.
I have some stress happening right now that has me here but not really here, so I apologise for not really being supportive in everyone's diaries. I'm deleting spam but not doing much else I'm afraid.
Sorry to hear you're feeling some stress Cate. Hope things feel better soon.