Thanks, LaMa, Liza & Petal. I slept really well, but am still very tired this morning. I feel a bit worn out at the moment & I'm not sure why. Quite a few little things have thrown me out this week. They're not worth mentioning really, but sometimes my brain stews on things. I can have sensitive periods where I take things personally. Yesterday was mentally draining. One of my G's sisters ended up going to hospital after lunch as she could barely walk. She is very much overweight & so is G's other sister. She had an x-ray, but we haven't heard back. His other sister was a bit snappy during lunch & I'm not sure why. It was very noisy & I was very glad to be back home. We only had a little fruit for dinner as we were too full.
Earlier in the week I had told D that we could have the kids on Sat during the day if he was working, He messaged me back to ask if they could all come to stay Friday night, kids Sat, all of them Sat night & then have fathers day breakfast at our place on Sunday & he would drive them home. I had been hoping to steer him back to just leaving them with us for the occasional day. We were both so tired driving home yesterday but called in to buy veggies on the way home. After we had shopped he rang to say E had forgotten the arrangements & he wouldn't pick them up until Sat night, but they would all still come to stay with us Sat night. *sigh*
I was going to the market as we haven't had one for months, but I'm really tired & can't work out how to do it easily with Arch. A lot of it is indoors. I might take him for a big walk & then leave him in the car for a short time. I would rather shop without G & just wander around. I think I will go. It's not at all warm & he'll be ok in the car for a short while with windows open a bit.