Cate's Diary

I agree about intentions. I always feel so good after reading about your relationship with R. I'm sure he will view the present as supportive and know you have his back!
He would still stay with her some nights & if he gets his house set up nicely & keeps it tidy she would stay there sometimes. It is in a great community & he has many friends there & good neighbours. Without the rent, he has money worries but if he sells his block of land he could pay off his mortgage. There are so many things to do & it's so hard when you're depressed.
Yes so hard to move ahead with things when both depression and anxiety are at play. One step at a time seems to be the way. And it usually makes a person feel much better. I know that's true for me anyhow. I'm glad he has good support around him to help him take those steps. The house sounds great and I'm sure once he moves there and nothing happens (in terms of his worries about the tenant) he will adjust well.

I've done some house cleansing ceremonies too. I think it helps. I think doing a nice cleaning of the space, and then yes maybe a nice smudging, and setting it up with nice things, and then having some friends over for a small housewarming party could all really help.
I agree about intentions. I always feel so good after reading about your relationship with R. I'm sure he will view the present as supportive and know you have his back!
Thanks, M. I am grateful we have such a close relationship, even when it can be overwhelming.
Yes so hard to move ahead with things when both depression and anxiety are at play. One step at a time seems to be the way. And it usually makes a person feel much better. I know that's true for me anyhow. I'm glad he has good support around him to help him take those steps. The house sounds great and I'm sure once he moves there and nothing happens (in terms of his worries about the tenant) he will adjust well.
Thanks, Liza. I rang him when we got home from golf as he had sent me some photos which I couldn't open & when I could see them I could see that he had moved all his plants back into his house. He sounded SO much better. His neighbour was sure that his tenants would not be back.
I've done some house cleansing ceremonies too. I think it helps. I think doing a nice cleaning of the space, and then yes maybe a nice smudging, and setting it up with nice things, and then having some friends over for a small housewarming party could all really help.
I told him that he would get a whacky present through the post. He'll probably do it. I'm not sure if he's heard of smudging.
Of course he does, you're a wonderful mama!
Thanks, Em xo
I had a really nice day today, playing golf with G, T & I. I love T. Every day I spend with her is full of laughter.
Yay for another day of golf and laughter. I'm so glad R's neighbor is helping him to feel safe in his home, too.
Plants are kind of amazing for making a house a home. How wonderful that R has broken the spell and moving back in!
So nice to hear you had a day filled with laughter and came home to nice pictures of R settling in nicely to his home with his plants!!
Yay for another day of golf and laughter. I'm so glad R's neighbor is helping him to feel safe in his home, too.
Plants are kind of amazing for making a house a home. How wonderful that R has broken the spell and moving back in!
So nice to hear you had a day filled with laughter and came home to nice pictures of R settling in nicely to his home with his plants!!
Thanks, Marsia, Llama & Liza. I think the spell has been broken. R stayed there last night. Today he had a really good friend visit, along with his wife, kids & a couple of dogs. He really enjoyed the visit. He may be staying there again tonight I think as he sent me a couple of photos of his dog taken in his house.
I had a great day today. The woman I played with had a cracking day. She is the one who cried with frustration the last time I played in a group with her. She expects to play very well all of the time & she's off a long handicap. Today she was runner-up & won a nearest the pin. G was 3rd today & I was 4th & I also won a nearest the pin so we had a great day. It was a very cold start but a beautiful, sunny day. We also played with D & A & M's son, another D. They were good company.
I wasn't going to play next Saturday, but J asked to come play with me on Wednesday & I said it was meant to rain. She normally works on Wednesdays but she's off work at the moment. I told her what the comp was next Saturday & she said "oh, they're fun" so I agreed to play with her.
Heheh, I knew once a week wouldn't stick. But if your feet are doing alright with the new shoes and you're having fun I'm all for it!
So great R is settling in! And it's so fun hearing about all the people who win different things and all the different sorts of golfing competitions. It's like it's own little world, and I love how into it all you are.
Thanks, MsBubbles, Llama, Marsia & Liza.
My new shoes are great Llama. They are super light. I don't know why I enjoyed yesterday's golf more than Saturday's but I did. Golf is addictive, but I wish I could putt better. I'm always hurrying. :rolleyes: I may not play this week as rain is predicted on my planned days. I might get twitchy :ROFLMAO:

I hope things go well for R & he gets settled back into his house & a new routine. I will feel much happier with him being able to look after himself better. His home is a small one-bedroom cottage with a bathroom & a small laundry, on a good-sized town block & he has lovely neighbours, including a retired, but very active couple across from him & a young couple with a small child behind him. He needs to make a super safe enclosure for his dog up close to his house, in addition to what is already there so that he never has to go through the horror of his dog escaping & being run over again.

Today feels like a Sunday & I would love nothing more than to stay at home but I have an appointment with my cardio in town at 4.45 pm. Ugh! I hate going to these late afternoon appointments. We are usually kept waiting for ages too so we won't get home until late.
It sounds like a sweet little house. I hope R is able to do a nice safe enclosure so he doesn't have to worry about his dog. I am always shocked at the price of fencing, and it's hard making a pretty fence from things like recycled pallets. Anyway, I hope all goes well with him and that you can relax about it all! Maybe you can have a dancing or Tai Chi day planned out if your golf gets rained out. I hope the twitchies aren't too bad anyway! Good luck at the cardiologist. I hope you don't have too long of a wait and that you get good news!
It is a sweet little house, M & he has lots of indoor plants that thrive inside. He bought some pool fencing which he has up around the container "home" he has been living in. It looks good in the photos I have seen.
G's golf day tomorrow will probably be rained out & they have a contingency plan to play on Thursdays & no rain is predicted for that day so I have that option. I'm not bothered though. After today it will be nice to be able to spend some time at home.
Late-in-the-day doctor's appointments after never not even later. And really that's mostly habit: emergencies do happen but they're rare. Doctors just expect us to be ok with waiting. They could absolutely set up a buffer system like we have for our patients (which doesn't apply to our doctor) but why do so when people have no choice but to wait anyway? Well, maybe you'd have a rested, less cranky doctor who won't burn out on the job, but who needs that?
Is the container home on his land, and then the house you are describing is in town? Nice you have the option of playing or staying home with the break in the rain. It's been raining here a lot, but is also hot, so if you open a window, it feels like warm steam comes in. I envy your cool weather!
It's nice you are getting out for so much golf, but also treasuring your home time Cate--sounds like a really nice balance.
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza.
My appointment was at 4.45 pm & only 2 people were waiting when I arrived. He usually takes about 30 minutes with each person. I had to wait 2 hours but I read some book & chatted a little with the 2 other people. I ended up talking to K when it was just us. He seemed a little lonely. It turned out he was a widower & he showed me some photos of his wife & kids from years ago that he had only been given that day. We shared a fair bit of our lives & talked about the state of the world. I said I try to concentrate on what I can do in my little part of the world & told him about my hearts. I asked him which one his wife would have liked & he chose one. I then asked him if he had a granddaughter. He said he had the best granddaughter in the world. I said, "Give it to her from Cate".
He went in to see the cardio & was in there for about an hour. He hadn't seemed very well. When I saw my cardio he was happy with how I was doing but asked me to keep a diary of my BP readings, gave me a referral for an aortic CT scan as it has been 2 years since my last & he wants to see me in a few months to discuss the results. I was in and out in 15 minutes, which was good. We didn't get home until 8 pm. My next appointment will be a morning one.
I'm going to try tracking again & might test my BP twice a week for the next 3 months. I would love to work out how to do a spreadsheet.
Today I am going to do some housework & some decluttering. It's time I sent some more stuff to the op shop.