Cate's Diary

I am so attached to Archie.
yes you can definitely hear the love you have for him. I am just so happy for you both that you ended up together.
I need to get some felt cut into hearts as I can't do it by hand. They turn out very wonky.
I kind of like crafts that have a touch of wonkiness to them--they have extra personality. My little crochet animals definitely have a wonky, less than perfect look to them but that seems to add to their niceness :)
We're going to Victoria for G's 2nd cousin's 100th birthday & his 2 sisters are on the ship the same night. I am getting anxious about the trip & wish we weren't going.
pre-trip anxiety isn't fun but hopefully you'll have a lovely time.
Thicker felt is hard to cut neatly manually and wonky edges would make it harder to sew them neatly afterwards. A burgundy and green heart sounds gorgeous!
Aw, playtime with Archie sounds so cute.

I hope you can stop worrying about the trip Cate. I'm sure once you're on it, you will enjoy yourself.
Thanks, Marsia, Liza, Llama & Em.
I think I would like to go somewhere where I could make hearts with other people but, if I was being truthful, I would love someone to cut my hearts out for me. I don't want to organise a heart-making workshop myself as I don't want anyone to think that I am an expert as I am far from it but would love to go along to one. I get so much joy from sewing them & giving them away & I try not to obsess about them being sewn up super neatly. I used to unpick a slightly uneven stitch but I have learned to accept my "mistakes" or imperfections.
The hearts are so small & I don't like the look of them when I tried to hand-cut them.
On the ship it will be easy to get away from L as we have our own cabin. Maybe I won't ask her to cut my hearts out for me. It's probably not worth it.
G & I are both so attached to Archie. We both think he's the best dog we have ever had & we have had some lovely dogs.
Things have changed since we booked our trip & the 100th party got changed this week to the Friday night when we will be back in Tassie. It has thrown us out a bit. We will see D on his birthday for lunch but will miss the big celebrations. We both wish we hadn't committed to going. The lunch venue is a much longer drive (with G's sisters) & then the same drive back to the ship with G's brother & SIL. They will have to leave to get us back in time.
I rang the hospital after seeing my doctor yesterday & said that I would have the foot op when it's available. If it was in the next week we would have a great excuse to cancel our trip.
I kind of like crafts that have a touch of wonkiness to them--they have extra personality. My little crochet animals definitely have a wonky, less than perfect look to them but that seems to add to their niceness :)
Thank you, Liza, for inspiring me to have a go at embroidering a word on one of my hearts. I am trying to get extra ones so I have a bigger choice in my handbag. I had chosen a tie-dyed heart that is pale pink, blue, green & yellow with a pale green back & I embroidered "love" in pink cotton onto the green side & then sewed it up with the same cotton & stuffed it. It's my first attempt (in my life) & the e is quite wonky & I started with the "l" being too far to the right, but I love it. I'll keep this one separate in my bag I think. I wasn't tempted to pull it out & start over. I'm embracing my wonkiness 💕
I took Archie for a walk in the cold & G picked us up when I rang him. I rang R but he didn't answer. He messaged me later to say he moved a van & trailer load down to his house & was tired. I told him that he didn't need to ring me back. The parcel arrived at C's yesterday & I wanted to know what he thought of it. He'll let me know when he's ready.
I'm embracing my wonkiness 💕
:) lovely! Factory stuff can make perfect things but only we can add our touch of wonkiness
The embroidery idea is also lovely.
I think I would like to go somewhere where I could make hearts with other people
That would be lovely to have a group of heart makers or even just people bringing whatever crafts they are working on to a shared space. I know I wouldn't have done any of my crocheting if it weren't for being in a group.

I feel for you wanting to get out of this trip--especially when plans for the celebration has changed. I hope you can enjoy it though.
Adding small amounts of embroidery would be so cute! Simple stars or flowers might work as well.
I'll start doing some little things when I have some extra cotton left after sewing a heart together, rather than wasting it. Lazy Daisies look super easy. I will buy an erasable fabric pen so I can draw what I want to embroider first. It will still be wonky. I was the only one to fail at doing samplers in my first year of sewing class at high school! It was back in the day when girls had to do sewing & cooking & weren't allowed to do metalwork or woodwork! I hated sewing & cooking.
:) lovely! Factory stuff can make perfect things but only we can add our touch of wonkiness
The embroidery idea is also lovely.
That would be lovely to have a group of heart makers or even just people bringing whatever crafts they are working on to a shared space. I know I wouldn't have done any of my crocheting if it weren't for being in a group.
It might be more fun if we were doing different things. I must see what's available in town. Unfortunately, most women wear perfume but it would depend on the venue as to how that would affect me.
I feel for you wanting to get out of this trip--especially when plans for the celebration has changed. I hope you can enjoy it though.
Thanks, Liza. It's a lot of expense & trouble to go to & still miss the big party. We usually enjoy ourselves I know. I have resigned myself to it.
The next two mornings here are going to be well into the minuses- Minus 5! Eek! We remember it being that cold once, about 30 years ago. The days are beautiful though & it's not windy. We should see some snow on the mountains soon.
Too bad you can't change your plans so you can make the big party. That's such a shame. We had to take home economics, too, and the teacher got really frustrated with our group. We'd do things like add double the baking soda to a recipe because no one communicated as to who added which ingredients, we sewed parts of patterns up side down, and generally made big messes and were too rowdy and loud and unruly. I think she was relieved when the semester ended, but we all had a lot of fun goofing up all over the place! I looked it up, and there are laser cloth cutting hobby machines, but they are a bit pricey. Maybe the price will come down with all the laser technology getting more and more affordable. I hope you stay warm and toasty! A snow scene sounds lovely right about now - it's very hot and humid here still.
Cold nights and still days sound wonderful :)
Changing the schedule of the big party after a lot of people would've booked travel seems strange. I'm sure they had good reason but it's still a hunge shame after you invest the time and money.
Too bad you can't change your plans so you can make the big party. That's such a shame.
We just have to go with the changed plan as it's too complicated to try to fit in with the party. We won't have our car & are depending on family to & from the ship
We had to take home economics, too, and the teacher got really frustrated with our group. We'd do things like add double the baking soda to a recipe because no one communicated as to who added which ingredients, we sewed parts of patterns up side down, and generally made big messes and were too rowdy and loud and unruly. I think she was relieved when the semester ended, but we all had a lot of fun goofing up all over the place!
That sounds like fun!
I looked it up, and there are laser cloth cutting hobby machines, but they are a bit pricey. Maybe the price will come down with all the laser technology getting more and more affordable.
I'll try to find someone who can do it for me. I'm sure my SIL will have one as she has just about everything, but it comes with drawbacks. I'm happy to buy pre-cut hearts from the woman who set up the project in Tassie but I have felt that I bought especially for a few people & I want to use it.
I hope you stay warm and toasty! A snow scene sounds lovely right about now - it's very hot and humid here still.
It's a beautiful day here. It's only 10°C at 2.45 pm but it's not windy. We have both got some outside work done today & I took Archie for a walk & let him run around outside the yard for a while. He doesn't go far if I'm out there with him.
Cold nights and still days sound wonderful :)
They are wonderful, Llama- much nicer than wild storms & freezing winds.
Changing the schedule of the big party after a lot of people would've booked travel seems strange. I'm sure they had good reason but it's still a huge shame after you invest the time and money.
They must have, Llama. I think that it was D who told us that he was going to have a party on his birthday in the middle of the day but having one on Friday night most probably would suit the rest of his family & friends better.
G's brother is going to take us back to the ship & will make sure that we won't miss it. I'll try my hardest to feel positive about it. We'll have fun when we're back on the ship & headed home. We usually enjoy the ship.
R just sent me a message saying "Thanks for the house re-warming gift, Mum." I think that means he is back at C's house because that's where I sent it. I hope so.
If I ever turn 100 there's no way I'm having an evening party! Or any kind of party, really :p Come visit me in twos and threes between my nap and dinner but please don't make me miss my bedtime :D To be fair that's how I roll now as well..
Hey Cate, I thought of you when I saw this. The University of California Irvine has a long running and extensive research project looking at people over 90 and have some interesting findings. This is one I appreciated:

"People who were overweight in their 70s lived longer than normal or underweight people did."

Note they said overweight, not obese. Here is a link to the study:
It was back in the day when girls had to do sewing & cooking & weren't allowed to do metalwork or woodwork! I hated sewing & cooking.
We had to do all 4. Unfortunately I wasn't skilled in any of them. I had always liked the idea of woodwork but my attempts there were just as disastrous as all my other crafts--in some ways it was worse because it had to be so exact with everything...
I'll try my hardest to feel positive about it. We'll have fun when we're back on the ship & headed home. We usually enjoy the ship.
That's a good attitude. It is too bad it didn't quite turn out as planned but hopefully you can enjoy it all the same!
I'm glad R liked the present. You probably expected a big phone call about it. I hate when I'm so invested in someone's reaction to something I've given them or done and I just get a polite response. I normally ring my parents if I need more from them about something, hahaha.
If I ever turn 100 there's no way I'm having an evening party! Or any kind of party, really :p Come visit me in twos and threes between my nap and dinner but please don't make me miss my bedtime :D To be fair that's how I roll now as well..
Oh, me too Llama. I have left the country on my birthday so many times! I loathe going out at night now & much prefer lunch with just maybe 2 others.
We had to do all 4. Unfortunately I wasn't skilled in any of them. I had always liked the idea of woodwork but my attempts there were just as disastrous as all my other crafts--in some ways it was worse because it had to be so exact with everything...
I may not have been skilled at the others either, but I would have liked to have a chance to find out.
That's a good attitude. It is too bad it didn't quite turn out as planned but hopefully you can enjoy it all the same!
I'm feeling more positive about it now. I'm more worried about little Archie going into new kennels in this cold weather
I'm glad R liked the present. You probably expected a big phone call about it. I hate when I'm so invested in someone's reaction to something I've given them or done and I just get a polite response. I normally ring my parents if I need more from them about something, hahaha.
That is how I felt, Em :blush5: I at least expected a "Bit woo woo! " or "Yes, you are whacky, Mum" reply. I did try ringing him, but when he gets down he doesn't want to talk to anyone.

I can't decide whether to go into town today to do some whole foods shopping or stay at home. I'm still in my dressing gown until I decide....

I'm the same about birthdays and parties. If you think it would help, you could tell R that the gift was because someone on the forum uses sage to make her house smell outdoorsy and homey again, and that she hopes he'll try it and see what he thinks. (It actually reminds me of hiking in the mountains of Mendocino where sagebrush grows wild, so it makes me a bit homesick.). I was going to take a class especially for women in using woodworking power tools, but we moved before I could. I would so have loved to have taken shop classes.