Thanks, M. I wondered how to give him a heart without making him think I was a weirdo, but it worked well. I must make some more today. I think I need to buy some more precut hearts. I can't cut felt vaguely neatly. I might ask my SIL if she could cut some for me as she would have a machine that could do it. I have some nice felt squares.It's lovely what an uplifting practice your giving away hearts is! You feel good, and the people you give them to feel good, and now his granddaughter will have your keepsake, too. It's so magical!
I did that & printed some up. He just asked for a BP reading twice a week, after telling me how he wanted me to take it. My BP always goes up when I have it taken at the doctor's as it always hurts & I feel stressed knowing that. Waiting 2 hours doesn't do it much good either. I'll start taking it today maybe & leave the monitor on my desk where it will annoy me.Google "blood pressure spreadsheet template free" and click on the image tab. You'll get free, printable templates you can use for your chart. Does the doctor want you to include notes like exercise to the chart, too? I wonder if the recent stress with R affected your readings? I hope it's just that, and everything's fine now. Anyway, how you have a more relaxing day today!
It was only a 15-minute visit because I decided not to prolong it by asking questions. Once I knew I would be seeing him again in 3 months I thought the questions could wait. Another woman was waiting after me & she was a teacher & had wished she had brought her laptop as she had assignments she had to mark that night. I think it was her first visit & she would have waited about 1.25 hours after her ap't time.Oh boy a 2 hour wait for a 15 minute visit! But sounds like you made very good use of the time. So lovely you could connect with K in such a deep and meaningful way. I do love your heart practice of being able to offer something tangible to represent your care.
And excellent to hear your heart sounds in good shape--with all that laughter and golfing I am not surprised!
My mom has the same issue. I think our old GP called it white coat syndrome. Measuring at home regularly could help a lot to get med dosage right.My BP always goes up when I have it taken at the doctor's as it always hurts & I feel stressed knowing that.
That's adorable: like a toddler!I chased Arch around the snooker table for a while. He loves that game. I chase him one way & then pretend to sneak up on him & then run around the other way. I do it until I'm puffed & he loves it. It's not much, but better than nothing.
He's a cutie, Llama & loves to play! Recently I ducked out the door & he peeked his little head out wondering where I had gone & I said "boo" & off we went again. It's good for us both. You're never too old to be silly or to play.That's adorable: like a toddler!
That sounds like a good amount of stuff done!I did more garage tidying, made 4 hearts, cleaned golf shoes, did dishes etc and not much more.
Oh Cate, what a beautiful exchange you have described here. Those hearts are simply wonderful. What a kind lady you are.I ended up talking to K when it was just us. He seemed a little lonely. It turned out he was a widower & he showed me some photos of his wife & kids from years ago that he had only been given that day. We shared a fair bit of our lives & talked about the state of the world. I said I try to concentrate on what I can do in my little part of the world & told him about my hearts. I asked him which one his wife would have liked & he chose one. I then asked him if he had a granddaughter. He said he had the best granddaughter in the world. I said, "Give it to her from Cate".
I hope you find a lot of great ones. Just reading that makes me miss the days when I used to love to read. What a treasure to go to a library and load up on some promising reads.I'll go to the library tomorrow, Marsia & get lots of books.
Thank you, Em. It was a lovely, heart-warming exchange. Being kind is probably the best compliment I would want to get.![]()