Cate's Diary

I'm home again & no longer grumpy. There was only a very small turn up & we voted to only play 9 holes. I had already played around with my buggy cover to make it warmer & so that everything was more accessible, like a coat etc. I played with Miss P & M who I like. Afterwards, we had warm pumpkin soup & garlic bread & I did some shopping on the way home.
Today I wore my new golf shoes & they're very comfortable. I also wore a new black, merino wool jacket which is toasty & comfortable. I'm happily back on my chair having a cup of tea at 2.30 pm The sun is shining. No longer grumpy!
Thanks for the hug, Llama xoxo
Isn't it often the case that just getting up and doing something is the best cure for grumpiness? Well, for me anyway. Glad to hear you had fun at golf and I hope the soup was delicious. (Garlic bread always is.. )
I had a case of the grumps yesterday, too. So glad your mood lifted and you got to enjoy your day. Wearing a new wool jacket is the best. I really love toasty wool jackets! Glad you could vote and keep playing in the cold to a minimum, with more time to enjoy soup and garlic bread with friends! Sounds really nice.
So glad the day turned out well despite the rough beginning--it sounds perfect with a shorter game of golf with soup, and the sun coming out to shine for you afterwards.
I definitely think there's something in the saying, 'Fake it till you make it!' Glad the grumpiness is gone. Well done for forcing yourself out the door, I don't always quite manage it myself.
Thanks, Vic, Llama, Marsia, Liza & Em. Pushing yourself out the door usually is the best option. I'm glad I did. If P had gone to the trouble of making us soup I didn't want to be rude & not go. I'm also happy I resisted J2 & S's persistence before the game. They wanted to play 18 & the rest of us didn't. My new woollen jacket is a golf jacket & anything designed for golf is much more comfortable. It's fully lined too. My new thermals are good too. Callaway makes great golf pants & I wore my new black ones. I can wear them anywhere & they look smart. I now have navy golf shoes, navy golf pants & navy thermals & the same, but in black. I don't have a navy jacket but will keep my eyes open, maybe for a sleeveless one. You need layers.
G has gone to golf today as they were rained out on Tuesday. I have a day at home to do what I want. I don't think I have to go anywhere for a while. Excellent :)
Yay for resisting peer pressure! Your new golf kit sounds lovely and it's great that you can wear it off the course as well.
Enjoy the home time! Sounds like you are getting very nicely set up for winter golfing-you are so right about the benefit of layers.
Thanks, Vic, Llama & Liza.
T & I went to a matinee recently & enjoyed it so I looked it up yesterday & there's a matinee today. I mentioned it to G last night & said we could visit A & M. I said it was just a thought & I'd see how I felt when I woke up. It's cold this morning & only getting to 11o. I think we'll stay home. I haven't quite decided. The movie is "Wicked Little Letters" with Olivia Coleman.
@Llama I have been meaning to ask how you do spoilers so the type is greyed out, but I just googled it & I'll have a quick go & see if it works.
<spoiler> I'm leaning towards going but am feeling laaazy & warm & Archie is on my lap & the fire is toasty</spoiler>
Well- that didn't work!
|| Try again ||
Ha ha.
Rob, I should have said T & her husband, I. I haven't been to see a movie for ages either & didn't today. Home is so comfortable & warm at the moment & I don't feel like venturing out.
Llama- thanks for that. I'll try again. I'm not sure that I'll remember it though.
[|SPOILER] Try again [/|SPOILER]
I have had a lovely day at home today.
Edit: didn't work :(
ok now I want to try this...

we'll see if that works!...I haven't been to a movie in years either...staying home is just so much more comfy!

Oh it worked! I learned something new! Thanks @Llama
@Llama - Thank you! I'll try not to use this too often, but will need to reasonably frequently so that I remember.
A big hi to everyone! I love how this forum is as much about friendship & sharing as it is about weight loss or fitness.

It is another cold winter's morning here. It's currently 0°C. We're going out for a meal tonight for G's end of Summer season 8-ball presentation. His team won it. I think only one other player in his team is going so it would be embarrassing if we don't go. It won't be late & it's not far.
I love all the blurry entries! It looks like a cat sat on the newspaper right where you wanted to read the headlines!! We've been to the movies a few times this year, and yikes did it get expensive, even matinees. Glad you had a nice warm day at home. It's nice G plays pool, too. You are both so social, and communal sports like that seem so fun.
Congratulations on the win, G! Cate, if you forget the tag to use for blurring you just tap the three dots next to the I for italic and (for me) the last option that folds out is a mask/pig snout. Select the text you want to blur and tap the mask: done.