Cate's Diary

Sorry to hear that 🥶 But at least the company was fun! Pretty sure you said you were only going to play once a week anymore last week as well so I'm curious to see how often you actually play next week ;)
Haha. Good point, Llama. I had already said to G I might play with the vets as well this week :blush5:
Wow, good thing you know the course so well, or you would not know where to even hit the ball in weather like that. Glad you are getting nice hand warmers and things so you can keep enjoying the game into the winter. We used to cross country ski all winter when I was growing up, and if we forgot any important clothes, did we ever remember for next time!
I love playing at our local course. If it had been anywhere else I would have lost lots of balls.
Good for you getting out! And I agree you should find a way to stay warm and keep doing it. Rechargeable hand warmers sound like a good idea. My wife has battery heated socks and a vest, keeps her warm when walking in winter, and I suspect our winters are a lot colder than yours.
I just had a look at rechargeable hand warmers & there are SO many. I'll have a better look later. Your winters are definitely a lot colder than ours.
Being cold isn't fun at all--I hope you find a way to keep warm through a winter of golfing!
So good you had good company though!
It is very challenging to keep warm when sitting--do you make sure to wear a winter hat? I find if you can keep your head warm and feet warm it really helps a lot.
I wear a possum/merino beanie on cold days & alpaca socks. It is the sitting in the cart that makes me feel cold. I'm grateful that I can play so often because of it so I need to find ways of staying warm when I'm not warming up my core.
Sorry the golf was so tough, hope you've warmed up in the meantime!!
I'm toastie now, Em & had a great night's sleep. I don't have to go anywhere until Wednesday, which is a bonus. It's sunny today & no fog. The fog was the thing that made yesterday so uncomfortable. I felt chilled to the bone.

I soaked some oats last night with some dried fruit, oat milk, protein powder & chia seeds & had that for breakfast. It was so good & I think would be the best breakfast for me before golf. I find it sticks & sustains you. I am also going to start taking a hot drink with me.
Another woman, "Miss P" we call her, said not to bring soup on Wednesday as she will bring enough for all of us. How lovely is that?
I'll take Arch for a walk today & get some things in the garden. We need some winter greens!
A thermos of hot tea is a great way to warm up for sure. I don't really get cold but some kind of heating pad for your lower back might be good for your cart. I hate sitting on cold seats in winter!
Another woman, "Miss P" we call her, said not to bring soup on Wednesday as she will bring enough for all of us. How lovely is that?
Aw so lovely!!
Yes the hot tea is a good idea--warming the insides really helps.
I'm sure you'll figure out how to stay toasty and warm while enjoying winter golf!
That's lovely that you'll all share soup afterwards. Glad the fog lifted so you don't get that damp cold, too. That always seems colder than when it's below freezing somehow.
Is she making pea soup? Haha, I jest! :D

Yes, porridge is a great breakfast because it really keeps you going. I like the added extras in it too - it can be anything so it keeps it quite varied.
Thanks, LLama, Liza, Marsia & Em. I'll take a hot thermos of peppermint tea with me until Summer. I might add a little ginger as well.
Haha, Em. It's going to be pumpkin soup. She's bringing garlic bread as well. I'll take a piece of GF.
It's cold this morning, with a thick frost. It got down to -3oC overnight. The forecast for the next week is -2oC-11 each day. Brrr! Only 11 days until the winter solstice. Yay! I'm counting down.
That's properly cold for daytime temps; I thought you didn't get real winters!
I compare our Winters to Northern Hemisphere ones where they get snow which stays on the ground for ages. This is much colder & wilder than we usually get. It was another very wild, windy & wet night & it's crazy out there now! They have changed the forecast to 4-11 tomorrow- tropical! :ROFLMAO:
Pumpkin soup on a cold day sounds especially nice. Stay warm Cate!
I will certainly try, Liza. I'm tempted not to go tomorrow. It will be so wet underfoot. I might ring Miss P later & see if she will still be going.
Ooh, I love garlic bread. Nice.
I love garlic full stop 😋
Last night G was snoring so I went & hopped in a spare bed. The stormy weather hit & the next thing I knew I had a terrified, shivering little dog who wouldn't settle. Eventually, we both got to sleep & when I woke he was in between the two doonas on that bed. He stayed there for the rest of the night even though the storm raged. We will get somewhere between 25-45 ml of rain today. Please power, don't go out!
Oh, so cute! So glad both you and Archie finally got to sleep and that he had good company to help him through the storm. I once had kittens who, when seeing their first rain storm, kept looking at the storm and then looking at me to tell me to shut it off. I tried to tell them that I didn't have that power, but I think they just thought I didn't understand what they wanted. I hope you made it through with the power intact!!
That's some weather change! One of our dogs is afraid of the thunder as well but they'll cuddle up in their burrow and she hides her face under her sister's tail.
Hi, Marsia & Llama. Poor Arch. settling in between the two doonas did the trick. We had almost 40mm of rain before 9 am this morning. I managed to get a walk in with Archie this afternoon before it showered again. I think more rain is coming by the look of it. The power didn't go out luckily. I might message a few of the women to see if they are playing tomorrow as I could go play with G on Thursday. I won't if P has gone to the trouble of making soup for tomorrow though.
It's been bucketing down very regularly here for weeks as well but at the same time the days have been warm(ish) so we've basically been living in soup - and not the nice kind Miss P may or may not be making! (I say she is.)
That's a lot of rain for one morning. Glad you could take Archie out between storms. It's wonderful your golf club is becoming like a ski lodge where there might be soup at the end of the course. That's just so sweet! We've been having similar soupy, hot weather. Here's to de-soup-a-fying soon!
Sounds like it would be a pretty soggy golf day...but if there is soup at the end, something nice to look forward to! I'm glad your power stayed on.
Pumpkin soup and garlic bread sound good to me! I agree garlic is great.

Rain would be welcome here, we are entering our dry season, not till October precip of any kind will be a rare event. But it will be hot... Your climate sounds like the coast of Oregon or Washington, mild but wet, very different than the interior where I live. When I was younger I lived near Jackson, Wyoming for 3 years, we had snow on the ground continuously from October through May. I hated it. At least here it melts off periodically.

Hope your golf dries out.
Thanks, everyone :grouphug:
You know those days when you wake up & feel all kinds of wrong? Today is one of those days. I'm uncomfortable, I'm grumpy, I don't want to go to golf..... I feel totally out of sorts.
I'll come back in here when I get home xo