Cate's Diary

Thanks, Llama, Liza & Em. It was a good day & I'm not in pain today, which is good. I slept well, even though I woke up a few times. Arch is getting a haircut today & I'm dropping G off at an "old boys" meeting. He was asked to talk at one of them & had been resisting going but enjoyed it. I think it's good to have different friendship groups.
I might put my cart cover on today as the weather is turning colder at the weekend. It reduces your vision. I might put it on & have a look & maybe make an adjustment or two. Scissors may be involved.
Thanks, Vic & Tru.
Any day your not in pain is a good day :)
This is true. My feet are hitting a bit after walking Archie before & after his haircut, but they're not too bad. He looks very cute. G enjoyed the old farts group & had a few laughs. I put the cover over my golf buggy & made a few little tweaks (without scissors) & think it will be enough protection for me. I think I'll keep a few things extra in it for Winter, including a crocheted woollen rug.
I pictured you out there giving your golf cart a hair cut. Glad you didn't have to do it! I hope your feet feel better. Would putting heat on them help with the pain at all like it does with sore muscles? Glad G had a nice time with his men's group.
Making your cart cozy for winter golfing sounds lovely...i would probably bring along a nice hot water bottle...and/or put some of those toe warmers in my shoes...
Thanks, Vic, Tru, Llama, Liza & Marsia. I'm going to a hiking/camping place today to get a lamp & a battery pack so I'll ask about hand warmers. I dislike single-use things. I have run out of time so will be back later xo
Thanks, Vic, Tru, Llama, Liza & Marsia. I'm going to a hiking/camping place today to get a lamp & a battery pack so I'll ask about hand warmers. I dislike single-use things. I have run out of time so will be back later xo

Hand warmers are re-usable, we have a heap sitting in a draw from when my son L was refereeing in Canberra in winter, he would use them during games and reset them overnight.
Which sort of hand warmers, Tru. I asked in Anaconda today & was told theirs were single-use. How did he reset them do you know & where did they come from (ie which store)?
I bought a lamp & a battery charger, then we did some other shopping & visited A & M afterwards. He's looking ok & M was glad we visited as she said it would cheer him up. It has been fairly traumatising for her.
Thanks, Vic, Tru, Llama, Liza & Marsia. I'm going to a hiking/camping place today to get a lamp & a battery pack so I'll ask about hand warmers. I dislike single-use things. I have run out of time so will be back later xo
I agree about single-use stuff--I hope you can find those that Tru mentioned...
He's looking ok & M was glad we visited as she said it would cheer him up. It has been fairly traumatising for her.
That's good you were able to visit. What a tough thing to go through.
The branding on the warmer is "Kathmandu pocket hand warmer" and are re-activated by boiling gently for 5 minutes.

they are activated by flexing the metal disk which sits in the gel in the warmer, it produces heat for about an hour while the gel crystallises and the boiling returns the crystals to a gel

Kathmandu is one of my sons favourite stores lol, he likes their clothing for the Canberra climate.

edit: Found them listed here after a google search
Thanks, Marsia, Llama, Liza, Em & Tru. It was nice to catch up. We'll try to go in once a fortnight at least. We went out for lunch just before he had the op, knowing he wouldn't be eating "normally" for a long while.
Tru I love Katmandu. I'll get some when I'm in town next. You need Katmandu clothes in Tassie too, but Canberra is SO cold!
I'll be heading for golf soon so may not get around the diaries xo
It was SO cold & miserable at golf today. There was pea soup fog. I think that was one of the hardest days at golf I have ever spent & it was my third game this week. I'm only going to play once this week. The company was lovely (T & her husband, I) & there were lots of fun interactions with the other members, but it_was_SO_cold!
Sorry to hear that 🥶 But at least the company was fun! Pretty sure you said you were only going to play once a week anymore last week as well so I'm curious to see how often you actually play next week ;)
Wow, good thing you know the course so well, or you would not know where to even hit the ball in weather like that. Glad you are getting nice hand warmers and things so you can keep enjoying the game into the winter. We used to cross country ski all winter when I was growing up, and if we forgot any important clothes, did we ever remember for next time!
It was SO cold & miserable at golf today. There was pea soup fog. I think that was one of the hardest days at golf I have ever spent & it was my third game this week. I'm only going to play once this week. The company was lovely (T & her husband, I) & there were lots of fun interactions with the other members, but it_was_SO_cold!
Good for you getting out! And I agree you should find a way to stay warm and keep doing it. Rechargeable hand warmers sound like a good idea. My wife has battery heated socks and a vest, keeps her warm when walking in winter, and I suspect our winters are a lot colder than yours.
Being cold isn't fun at all--I hope you find a way to keep warm through a winter of golfing!
So good you had good company though!
It is very challenging to keep warm when sitting--do you make sure to wear a winter hat? I find if you can keep your head warm and feet warm it really helps a lot.