Cate's Diary

I completely agree with Rob. It's wonderful how much love and community you bring about in the world!!!

B1 sounds like my daughter's potential mother in law - needs to be involved in everything, and can be really critical and unsupportive, but also does nice things for people. That's hard when the person is a mix of nice and pain in the neck.

That's amazing you golfed in sleet. That's pure dedication!

When we were at the vet's office, they gave us these beautiful stone hearts in different types of colored stone, and it was such a nice gesture. I thought of you and your hearts and got happy.
That sounds smart to me to include B1 in the plans. Makes it so much easier when you don't have friction to deal with. Humans really are complex. Nice to hear you are seeing some good in this woman as well. We may not be able to be the best of friends with everyone but nice when kindness can exist regardless.

Very nice calorie deficit Cate!!
You are definitely a kinder person than I am. More practical as well: getting B1 on board sounds like it could be helpful - though possibly super annoying at the same time.
Thanks, Llama. I try to be kind & see the good in people. It's usually there somewhere.
I completely agree with Rob. It's wonderful how much love and community you bring about in the world!!!
That is so sweet of you to say, M. Thank you 🥰
B1 sounds like my daughter's potential mother in law - needs to be involved in everything, and can be really critical and unsupportive, but also does nice things for people. That's hard when the person is a mix of nice and pain in the neck.
That made me laugh. A mix of nice & pain in the neck. B1 is mostly pain in the neck & pretend nice. She is very 2 faced.
That's amazing you golfed in sleet. That's pure dedication!
Pure madness.
When we were at the vet's office, they gave us these beautiful stone hearts in different types of colored stone, and it was such a nice gesture. I thought of you and your hearts and got happy.
& that brought some happy tears to my eyes. That's what I want my hearts to be about. It makes me feel so good to think that they can spread love.
I gave 6 hearts away last night. I like to make them with someone in mind & then see if they choose that particular one when I offer a selection in a bag. She had trouble making up her mind between the one that I had made for her & another bright one so I said she could have both. Then our GS who is 16 & very shy was looking at them & I asked if he wanted one too & he did the same thing. I had made one for him too & he liked 2. Then I asked E, who is D's, wife's daughter if she would like 1 & said she could also pick 2. She seemed really chuffed. It hasn't been easy getting through to her but she sat next to me last night & was friendly.
It was lovely seeing D & the kids. I ate fish tacos.
My deficit for yesterday was 165 without any exercise input. I don't want to wear my fitbit on non golf days as I can't read the time on it without my glasses as I only wear them now for reading.
I had better get moving!
Thanks, Em. It really does feel like sharing the love. I love making them & it's interesting seeing the reactions. Our GS is not demonstrative at all but it was lovely seeing him choosing two hearts. I have ordered one more parcel of pre-cut hearts as the etsy store is closing for 3 months & I am also getting a wooden heart template to use to cut my own felt in the future. I'll make some more tomorrow as G & I did heaps of housework today & I don't have any unread books. I'll have a home day I think, while G plays golf.
G & I went into our local town today & did some dog walking & shopping.
My deficit today will be about 3-400 depending on whether I add anything to our fruit platter after dinner.
Food today-
BF- 3 sml toast, 1 with PB, 1 vegemite & 1 a little jam
Lunch- Seafood & veggie paella
After lunch- a mini magnum ice cream
Dinner will be a prawn gyoza salad, followed by a small fruit platter with one speculaas biscuit & a small piece of licorice.
Edited: No wine.
That's great that you managed to connect with E a little and your hearts are being received so well.
Prawn gyonza salad sounds wonderful!
Sounds like you are really back on track with some good deficits there Cate!
Lovely to hear how well your heart project is going :)
I also love how you watch with anticipation to see if the person picks the heart you made for them or not. It's a nice reflection on your ability to make the heart seem like them that they actually do pick the heart you made them in the hearts they get! It's just such a joyful process all-around!!

Sounds like a good exercise day cleaning and good food day, too. I have too many library books out at the moment. Wish I could send you one for this afternoon while G is away. Do you ever read free pdf books online? I can sometimes find a classic to read while waiting at appointments while I am out. Hope you have a lovely evening!
That's great that you managed to connect with E a little and your hearts are being received so well.
Prawn gyoza salad sounds wonderful!
Thanks, Llama. G asked me last night if I had noticed a change in E & we agreed she has become more sociable & friendly towards us, which is nice.
The prawn gyoza salad was scrumptious. We had 6 gyozas on a wonderful salad with lots of seeds, including some of our own pomegranate seeds & some of our own walnuts. We often use Wombok cabbage rather than lettuce.
Sounds like you are really back on track with some good deficits there Cate!
Lovely to hear how well your heart project is going :)
Thanks, Liza :)
I also love how you watch with anticipation to see if the person picks the heart you made for them or not. It's a nice reflection on your ability to make the heart seem like them that they actually do pick the heart you made them in the hearts they get! It's just such a joyful process all-around!!
It's funny, but the one I make especially for them is often the one they pick second. I feel like I'm sending them messages of love & then they get it.
Do you ever read free pdf books online? I can sometimes find a classic to read while waiting at appointments while I am out. Hope you have a lovely evening!
Thanks, M. I spend so much time on the computer & my phone & just prefer to read a physical book. I escape into stories.
Project Gutenberg has a ton of free titles to pick from iirc.
Thanks, Llama. I just don't enjoy reading online.
Well done on the no wine Cate. The paella sounds lovely. It's been a while since I've had it.
Thanks, Em. I know it's the only way I am going to keep within my daily calories. I poured him wine last night & didn't have any myself. G's paella is not strictly paella probably. I'm not as big a fan of rice as he is so he has adapted it so that it is mostly seafood & veggies & not so much rice, cooked in a veggie stock. It is lovely- light & moist & so nutritious. He is such a good cook!
BF this morning was eggs & avo on GF seeded toast.
Lunch will be Ryvitas with hummus & tomato & some salad & probably an orange or some yoghurt & maybe a banana
Dinner will be another seafood "risotto". Yummo!
Followed by a fruit platter.
There will be no wine today either.
Just a quick check-in at 4.30 pm to say I have had a really good, productive day & the sun has been shining gloriously. It feels like Spring! I took Arch for a big walk, did 2 time-consuming online surveys that I had to do before 11/8, washed the car, rang my sister, spoke to my BIL, messaged our eldest GS, did some more paperwork, some housework, had a very healthy light lunch & no snack since & am currently drinking a pot of herbal tea. I should end up on about 1200 cals but may add something later if I'm still hungry. Maybe a small handful of nuts.
Wow, you grow your own walnuts and pomegranate! That's so magical!! The prawn gyoza salad and the paella both sound delectable. I'm jealous about the Napa cabbage. I grew some for the first time this year, and it was just about ready to pick when we left. I just have a few stray tat soi greens left from my Asian greens I planted. I'll have to try a second autumn crop. Glad to hear you are eating so well and doing so well with the calorie deficits! And your day was so packed full, including washing the car even! Happy you had a lovely sunny day!!
Just a quick check-in at 4.30 pm to say I have had a really good, productive day & the sun has been shining gloriously. It feels like Spring! I took Arch for a big walk, did 2 time-consuming online surveys that I had to do before 11/8, washed the car, rang my sister, spoke to my BIL, messaged our eldest GS, did some more paperwork, some housework, had a very healthy light lunch & no snack since & am currently drinking a pot of herbal tea. I should end up on about 1200 cals but may add something later if I'm still hungry. Maybe a small handful of nuts.
Wow, sounds epic. Well done Cate.
Thanks, Marsia, LaMa & Em. I feel like I'm a bundle of nervous energy this morning & most of that is not in a good way. I can't properly reply to everyone's diaries this morning as I would like to so I'll leave it until I get home from golf. I keep telling myself that the worst that can happen is they pooh pooh the whole idea & we are back to where we are anyway. Wish me luck!
Thanks, Marsia, LaMa & Em. I feel like I'm a bundle of nervous energy this morning & most of that is not in a good way. I can't properly reply to everyone's diaries this morning as I would like to so I'll leave it until I get home from golf. I keep telling myself that the worst that can happen is they pooh pooh the whole idea & we are back to where we are anyway. Wish me luck!
Best of luck for the day!!

Just a quick check-in at 4.30 pm to say I have had a really good, productive day & the sun has been shining gloriously. It feels like Spring! I took Arch for a big walk, did 2 time-consuming online surveys that I had to do before 11/8, washed the car, rang my sister, spoke to my BIL, messaged our eldest GS, did some more paperwork, some housework, had a very healthy light lunch & no snack since & am currently drinking a pot of herbal tea. I should end up on about 1200 cals but may add something later if I'm still hungry. Maybe a small handful of nuts.
Lovely to read about a sunny productive spring-feeling day! I love those kind of days.
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza :grouphug:
Yesterday was a miserable, overcast, mizzly, cold day. I played woefully & had trouble concentrating. I played with T & N who are lovely, but I was anxious about talking to B1 & B2. I asked B1 after the game if I could have a talk with the 2 of them some time & we had a private chat in the office. It went as well as I expected really & they weren't hostile. I'm sure their noses are out of joint a bit at G & I being given permission to run this comp if it goes ahead but I think I approached them fairly well. I kept my calm, which was good. I don't think things like this are worth the angst though & I probably won't bother pushing for much in the future.
I got so wet & cold. The course is very wet & we are lucky that we can still play on it. I left my wet shoes & socks in a bag near the front door so G is going with me into town while I get a haircut today & he will go retrieve them for me. They were saturated. I would have abandoned the game if T had agreed after 12 holes but T said she wouldn't hear the end of it if she went home & said she had quit. I must make sure that I always have clean dry socks to put on afterwards.
If this tournament goes ahead then it will go back on the calendar & I won't have to worry about it again. I hate feeling like I am walking on eggshells with some of these golfing women.