Cate's Diary

That's excellent you can find your way to moderation with wine so that you can enjoy some once in a while but still keep to your lower calories. Your deficits sound really great. Good luck with the weigh-in!
Glad you pushed yourself out of the house and had a great sleep. Well done on sticking to your healthy-eating plan. My car is going great, just had a taxi driver talk to me about how reliable it was for 10 minutes there on the way home. He made me feel good about my purchase! :D
Thanks, Marsia, Llama, Liza & Em. My sleep pattern seems to have been thrown out a bit. Last night I was tired in the evening, but didn't fall asleep but when I went to bed I was wide awake. Even G's breathing seemed to be really loud. I eventually got to sleep but woke numerous times & currently feel really tired (at 8.30 am). *sigh*
I have ordered a few books on Buddhism from the library, M. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
I can't find any Tony Humphreys books at all in our library, Em. Good to hear about your car!
I have lost a little, Liza, but weighed after breakfast & coffee so will weigh again during the week.
I shared a bottle of red wine with G, but didn't enjoy it much & I think it's what kept me awake last night. I was very itchy & had asthma. I had less of the bottle than him. I thought that the weekend could be a time that we share a bottle, but I'm glad I didn't enjoy it.
I inputted my food into MFP early in the day, including a small fruit platter & managed to scrape in by 24 calories after adding the wine & without taking into account any exercise. My calories are set at 1570 for now.
I sorted out my hearts yesterday. I am going to look for something nice to put them in. It feels wrong to have them in a plastic tub! I have some new liberty print ones & I have matched up a lot ready to sew.
Not sleeping well more than 1 night in a row is the worst. I'm glad you didn't enjoy the wine so it won't tempt you again. I think you're doing wonderful with the food logging!! I put some Buddhist book suggestions on my diary page. ❤️
Sounds like a high-histamine wine (red is generally a bit higher than white but either can be high or low). Used to make me fall asleep like a dead person but than wake up after two hours and not be able to go back to sleep.
Not sleeping well more than 1 night in a row is the worst. I'm glad you didn't enjoy the wine so it won't tempt you again. I think you're doing wonderful with the food logging!! I put some Buddhist book suggestions on my diary page. ❤️
I'm glad I didn't enjoy it too. I'm getting better at logging. It's much better on my laptop as there are no ads, due to my excellent ad blocker. Thank you so much for the recommendations. I had already ordered one of those books & it's on its way. I love that I had chosen it out of the hundreds (thousands) available on Buddhism & that is one you recommended. I saw a masseuse decades ago who gave me some advice on lovingkindness that is in the back of my brain still but needs to be brought to the fore. I didn't think I could send her loving thoughts but I really tried & it did the trick. She lost all of her power in my headspace.
Sounds like a high-histamine wine (red is generally a bit higher than white but either can be high or low). Used to make me fall asleep like a dead person but than wake up after two hours and not be able to go back to sleep.
It must have been, Llama. Also one of my AHs has changed. It's meant to be the same ingredient, but is a different brand. I have a few of my old ones still so I'll take one tonight.
BF-was oats, soaked overnight with chia seeds, assorted other seeds, protein powder, some berries, 1/2 a banana & a dollop of Greek yoghurt.
Lunch- Venison curry, veggie curry & some rice with a pappadam, some rhubarb chutney & a dollop of Greek yoghurt (the curry was hot)
Followed by a mini magnum ice cream (hot mouth!)
Dinner- will be a tuna salad, followed by a small fruit platter.
I am currently drinking herbal tea. I make a pot with different blends. The one I have right now is a blend of nettle leaf, turmeric, peppermint, Jasmine & a French concoction I was given. Most are a pinch, but I have more of the peppermint. I buy most of my tea from Iherb & buy loose tea.
Although I'm tired today I took A for a good, long walk & I feel pleasantly tired.
Pleasantly tired is a good way to be. I need to be careful I don't subconsciously reduce my activity level too much now that I'm in a larger deficit.
That's good you are finding it easier to log your foods. Little things like having an ad blocker can really help!
That tea sounds so healthy! I always think I should be drinking nettle tea at least (I think it's so beneficial for so many things) but I'm not in the herbal tea habit lately.
Pleasantly tired is a good way to be. I need to be careful I don't subconsciously reduce my activity level too much now that I'm in a larger deficit.
& I need to up my activity level gradually so that I have a bigger deficit, without too much extra hunger.
That's good you are finding it easier to log your foods. Little things like having an ad blocker can really help!
That tea sounds so healthy! I always think I should be drinking nettle tea at least (I think it's so beneficial for so many things) but I'm not in the herbal tea habit lately.
I think putting in what I plan on eating for the day & then going back and adding or adjusting it later seems to work best for me. Some mornings I am scratching my head remembering. I am adding everything, like even one rice cracker & I love seeing that I am still under 1570 each day. That's the best incentive for not having any wine.
I love my herbal blends & so does G, but not as much. He prefers strong English black tea with a tiny splash of skim milk.
I had a pleasant day yesterday, without any overthinking/rumination. My poor brain gets in a loop & I want to be able to stop it when it starts & replace it with pleasant calm thoughts.
"Is rumination the same as overthinking?"
One common form of overthinking is rumination, in which we engage in involuntary, compulsive thinking. We get stuck in negative thought loops and uncomfortable emotions. Rumination tends to involve repetitive thinking about negative past events, problems, or concerns.
I like to make sure I am using a word correctly & have always been in the habit of looking it up. I do it more these days as it's so much easier.
G has gone to golf & I'm going to take A into town for a walk & I'll do some shopping. Before long I won't be able to leave him in the car at all. Spring is having a peek around the corner. If I leave him outside any stores he barks his head off. We do a tag team with walking him while one of us shops usually. He just loves strutting around our local town like he owns it.
:D Every happy dog OWNS the local park.
We're getting glimpses of autumn at the moment so I guess it's only fair someone is getting a bit of spring. Enjoy!
:D Every happy dog OWNS the local park.
Haha. That's true, Llama. He is so adorable & we wore one another out. At 3.30 pm I have only just sat down with a pot of herbal tea & could very easily go to sleep. That's why I turned on my laptop.
We're getting glimpses of autumn at the moment so I guess it's only fair someone is getting a bit of spring. Enjoy!
Today is beautiful & I made the most of it. I bought super healthy food- lots of fruit & veggies, 2 organic whole chickens & some sunflower & hemp seeds.
I also rang my older brother for his birthday & had a good talk, including some serious personal stuff. I love getting along well with him. We have very different views on politics but we agree to disagree, which is good.
Those first spring days are always the best. Hints of what's to come!
Nice you had a good talk with your brother. I sometimes think that's one neat thing about being in a family--we are forced to mix with others who may not have the same viewpoints as us. Nice you can agree to disagree!
Those first spring days are always the best. Hints of what's to come!
It's lovely. We really need to layer up in Tassie & have all of the options. One good thing is that I have started losing weight so hopefully will be a few kilos lighter by Summer.
Nice you had a good talk with your brother. I sometimes think that's one neat thing about being in a family--we are forced to mix with others who may not have the same viewpoints as us. Nice you can agree to disagree!
Thanks, Liza. It took a long time for my brother & I to establish a loving & friendly relationship again after a family dispute over our Dad's will. He is much older than me (8 years) & always felt more like an uncle when we were growing up. We both make an effort for one another these days & it's nice.
Glad you had a nice chat with your brother. Hope you got a good rest last night.
Thanks, Em. I had 2 really good nights sleep in a row. I made sure I didn't nap during the evening both nights. No wine both days too, but I also took my usual anti-histamine.
I am down 1.5 kg this morning. It helps to see my weight coming down, but I am not struggling with forsaking wine in the evening, which is good. I know that it is much better for my health cutting right down & by saying to myself that I can have a glass if I feel like it, it takes away the contrariness & the railing against rules (even though my rules are always my own rules).

I'm off to golf today, with more positive feelings than negative. I can play whenever I like on any day of the week so if at any time they get too much for me I don't have to play with the women's group. I was asked at lunch last Friday by a friend from another club, if my club would welcome 12 members of her club in October, on their way home from their annual "girls golfing trip". I am going to ask today. We would be mad to say no. They would pay the same as us & we wouldn't have to cater or do any extra work really. I hope they're welcoming.

It's almost time to leave so I had better try to get around more of the diaries. I'll come back later xoxo
Congratulations on the drop! That's such a nice boost.
That's nice that you managed to rebuild your relationship with your brother. Being able to talk to people who grew up in the same time and place as you, knowing the same people, is valuable.
It's great that working on sending lovingkindness got B out of your headspace. I am trying to do something similar with J, and I think it's working, too. I mostly feel sorry for him. Big congrats on the weight drop and on skipping the wine!!! It seems extra nice getting along well with someone like your brother who is quite different from you. Glad you have a close relationship now. Good luck with golfing, and I hope you have a nice time there and don't stress too much about asking for the club to host your friends. If they are weird you can always plan to golf more with the men, like you said, and just skip all the drama.
Congrats on that nice drop Cate! It's always encouraging when the scale gives results!
Nice to hear you feeling more positive about the golfing again. Good to keep it on the light and fun side!
Thanks, Llama, Marsia, Liza & Em.
The drop in weight was a much welcome boost.
I went out to golf with a whole different attitude yesterday. The 2 J's were near one another before the game & I sensed a more friendly attitude from them so I asked them about hosting the other group. I said that they would bring their own lunch so we didn't have to worry about catering. They were very positive & enthusiastic. I made sure to mention that I had said I would check with them first before saying yes. T arrived a bit late so no one had a chance to snaffle her so just the 2 of us played together. We had such a good day & had lots and lots of laughs. We also had lots of conversations about mental health (mine & her husband's). She said we have very similar traits, which I agree with. She is such a ray of sunshine & so honest & open. She said she has a very thick skin & if she thinks someone doesn't like her she thinks it's their problem. She is so non-judgemental as well. She's a very good friend. We're really upfront with one another. G & I care for both of them a lot.
We both played some really nice shots & my score was a lot better than last week. I don't think it could have been worse. J 2 also announced that the championships will be restored in October & that they are in consultation with the committee about the details. I sensed no negativity at all. It looks like G & I won't have to organise anything. I have to hope that they won't be when we said we couldn't play as that would just be mean. I had said that T wouldn't be able to play either on that day as it's our social golf day so hopefully that helped.
T & I were in early as well as we were only a 2 & it was nice just sitting inside chatting in the warmth. She really helps me feel better about life. She told me that the heart I gave her makes her smile every day. She moves it around & it is currently sitting on a large teddy bear that she has.
I had been feeling a bit funny about the ladies lunch tomorrow as arrangements have chopped & changed & it looked like I was going to be driving there on my own. I suggested to G that he rings one of his sisters & meet her for lunch in the same town & that's what's happening. I had rung the other sister & had a good chat with her (on speakerphone) about their trip to Europe so now he can catch up with the other one. He always needs that little push.
We are going to do some gardening together today & get it ready for spring. We'll replant our strawberry bushes first.