Cate's Diary

So nice it's spring there and you can plant strawberries and things. That's one of my favorite times. So glad the golf day went splendidly and you got to catch up and laugh with a good friend! I love all the interactions with your hearts. That's so lovely. And it reminded me about my stone heart the veterinarian gave me, and I put it in my pocket today and it did calm me down. I think you're really on to something with the hearts!
Thanks, Llama, Marsia, Liza & Em.
The drop in weight was a much welcome boost.
I went out to golf with a whole different attitude yesterday. The 2 J's were near one another before the game & I sensed a more friendly attitude from them so I asked them about hosting the other group. I said that they would bring their own lunch so we didn't have to worry about catering. They were very positive & enthusiastic.
oh nice switch to the 2 j's from the 2 b's! And very nice that you got a good response to hosting the other group!

Your time with T sounds so nourishing and so good. So lovely to have some good friend time while enjoying a game of golf! It's so good when you can have such a good, open, and honest conversation and some really good laughs together!

And yes, so good to hear that it's already time for you to begin in the garden again!
I went out to golf with a whole different attitude yesterday.
I can just imagine you striding in like you own the place! ;)
She said she has a very thick skin & if she thinks someone doesn't like her she thinks it's their problem.
God, I wish I had her confidence.
She told me that the heart I gave her makes her smile every day. She moves it around & it is currently sitting on a large teddy bear that she has.
Just gorgeous.
How lovely to hear that things went so well with golf! Fingers crossed the lunch will be just as nice.
Thanks, Llama. That's how golf days should be. I'm hoping lunch will be nice too. I'll try to sit near N, T and/or K. They don't wear perfume as well, which is a bonus. I have had Asthma lately.
So nice it's spring there and you can plant strawberries and things. That's one of my favorite times. So glad the golf day went splendidly and you got to catch up and laugh with a good friend! I love all the interactions with your hearts. That's so lovely. And it reminded me about my stone heart the veterinarian gave me, and I put it in my pocket today and it did calm me down. I think you're really on to something with the hearts!
Thanks, M. We dug up all of the strawberry plants, put them in hanging baskets & hung them along the decking. They look great & we'll be able to keep an eye on them & cover them with netting easily. We also won't forget to water them.
The hearts seem to be bigger than the sum of their parts. C sent me a message last night to tell me that little H freaked out when a globe blew in their house & the lights shorted. She was hysterical & couldn't be soothed. When C got back to her after sorting the switchboard she noticed that H was hugging the heart I gave her & said that it made her feel better. It makes me feel so good to think that making these hearts & giving them with love can do so much good. It is absolutely heartening & as good for me as it is anyone.
oh nice switch to the 2 j's from the 2 b's! And very nice that you got a good response to hosting the other group!
It's thanks to a prompt from Em. It's not good to stoop to name calling. They are both Js.
Your time with T sounds so nourishing and so good. So lovely to have some good friend time while enjoying a game of golf! It's so good when you can have such a good, open, and honest conversation and some really good laughs together!
It was so good, Liza!
And yes, so good to hear that it's already time for you to begin in the garden again!
It felt good to be outside getting our hands dirty. It was a bit cold but Spring is definitely around the corner :)
I can just imagine you striding in like you own the place! ;)
Ooh, no. I have to not do that, Em.
God, I wish I had her confidence.
Me too, but I'm going to soak up her positive energy. She had actually said "If they don't like me, I don't give a fat rat's arse". She is not coarse or sweary. She cracks me up.
Just gorgeous.
I love that she told me that she looks at the heart I gave her every day & it makes her smile. She is so positive.
You could start a business called Heartening! It seems like you found something that could be a new tradition. I really love it!!

Your friend sounds wonderful and really fun to be around. It's wonderful how many lovely friends you have gotten to golf with over the years. Nice you have a sport where you can socialize and get nice exercise and fresh air, too.

Reading about getting your hands dirty in the garden makes me smell fresh dirt and want to go out and plant, too. I am just waiting for the weather to cool down a little so I can get out there and plant some fall crops. Hope it warms up for you soon!
You could start a business called Heartening! It seems like you found something that could be a new tradition. I really love it!!
I enjoy giving much more than I would ever enjoying selling. I love it.
Your friend sounds wonderful and really fun to be around. It's wonderful how many lovely friends you have gotten to golf with over the years. Nice you have a sport where you can socialize and get nice exercise and fresh air, too.
She is, M. You would love her I'm sure. K & N are lovely too. I rang the 3 of them yesterday to see if they wanted to play on Saturday with me. N sounded disappointed that she had something else on & couldn't but T & K both said yes. The 3 of us women will either play with G in a group (he's happy) or just the 3 of us, depending on numbers. T's husband doesn't enjoy playing with her as he finds her too distracting as she daydreams & laughs a lot. G might end up in his group. He doesn't mind either way. He is such a good man.
Reading about getting your hands dirty in the garden makes me smell fresh dirt and want to go out and plant, too. I am just waiting for the weather to cool down a little so I can get out there and plant some fall crops. Hope it warms up for you soon!
Gardening is good for our souls, M xoxo
I was thinking there that taking the emotion out of a situation where you find people trying is the key to getting over it. There's a woman in work I had some problems with, but since we've kind of sorted them out or else I just really don't give it energy anymore, everything is fine between us. I stopped giving her any attention in my head and the result is that we can chat away a lot more pleasantly than before and it's all free and easy. So that's really all I meant with regard to the Js (artists formerly known as Bs).

Love all the heart stories, wonderful stuff Cate. x
I was thinking there that taking the emotion out of a situation where you find people trying is the key to getting over it.
I think so too, Em. I practised it again today. I had a chance to really chat to one of the women who is a close friend of J1 & we got a chance to know one another a lot better. I have sensed friendly vibes from her recently & today she was quite warm.
Love all the heart stories, wonderful stuff Cate. x
Thanks, Em. The hearts are doing me as much good as anyone. They’re helping me to feel kinder to myself too.
I got a lovely comment from one of the older women who told me that she & another different J had just been admiring how smart I looked. I am going to focus on the positives.
Another lovely heart story!
Crafts generally don't make a good businessmodel these days, unless you're selling off stuff you enjoy making anyway and don't know what to do with once it's done. Between material cost and work hours things just get way more expensive than people can justify - unless you can sell them as unique art pieces rather than crafts. Alternatively you have to push near-identical (to save decision time) pieces at machine speed, which tends to ruin the fun you were having.
So nice to be getting lots of friendly vibes going around the golfing! Between that, and the beginning of some lovely gardening and connecting with some good friends, it all sounds really good!
I know you and Llama are right. The hearts are special because they are made with love! It's great how many happy people you get to hang out with and that you have G, too. I'm really happy for you. It's also nice that one of the J's is warming to you. I hope it rubs off on the other J, too. (Sorry, I didn't get that the Js and the Bs were the same people. I get the reference now.). Glad you are taking in compliments, too!!
Thanks, Llama, Liza, Marsia & Em.
I didn't mention any of the negatives about the lunch or any of the women as I am really going to try to focus on the positives. Just telling you about what they do can get me stewing over them. At one stage yesterday I said to T "See this is what I was telling you about" as they chose to sit anywhere but near me. It's hard not to take that personally but I am trying. I did have lovely people sitting near me & that is what I will focus on. Most of these women have spent most of their lives together & they stick together. A, J's best friend is now more aware of the things that we have in common & hopefully I cracked through her shell.
I am going out today & will be playing with T & K, my 2 favourite women out there. When asked if they wanted to play on a Saturday, in a group with me, neither of them hesitated for a second. I made a heart for someone else, but I might just pop it into my handbag today ( into a bag with some others) as I think K would like it. I only give them if it feels right at the time & I do love watching reactions. You can almost always guess which one someone will choose. This heart has a liberty pattern with some pink in it on one side & a bright pink on the other, with pale pink stitching. There is another which she may choose that is tie dyed on one side & pink or blue on the other side. I can't remember which. I mix them up a bit, but always take one of the shades from a pattern & match it on the other side. I must make some more tomorrow!
That's good about focusing on the positives but I know what you mean how that can get a person down...I like your friends attitude about not giving ' a fat rat's arse' about it all, but we can't all be that confident all the time. I know I felt pretty hurt for a while when I was excluded from a group I was helping out with. I finally was able to let it go, but it did hurt! Anyways excellent to be able to embrace the wonderful friends you do have there and good to stay focused on that. Some hearts for you lovely Cate! ❤️💕💝
Thank you, Liza. It is hard not to feel hurt & I don't think I can change that as I am sensitive & I know I do overthink things. I will aim to focus on the nice ones & trying not to worry about the ones that don't seem to like me at all. I love that you sent me some hearts, Liza & that is a very sweet thing to say. I just felt a little teary. I wish I weren't so emotional.

I played in a group of 4 with G, K & T. None of us played particularly well but it was enjoyable. It is really too cold at the moment to play well & very wet underfoot. Many courses are worse off than ours & quite a few have banned carts for now. It was a sponsor day & the prizes were quite generous. The sponsor was the guy who gave lessons at the club & the reason I started playing. I won a prize for the longest putt on the last hole yesterday. T seemed very tired & probably won't play many Saturdays. She had cancer many years ago & it was touch & go. I really hope she's ok. She could always go with me in my cart but she's very stubborn. I can't be critical of anyone else being stubborn. Guilty.

I don't suppose anyone here is interested in the women's world cup? The Matildas beat France 7-6 last night in a very exciting penalty shoot-out & I think the match was one of the best I have ever watched. The standard is so high & they are doing wonders for women's sports. I think this is great for young girls. Anything that gets kids into sport has to be good I think.
The World Cup got lots of coverage here because the Irish team qualified for the first time ever. It was quite exciting but I didn't watch any of it, haha.
I think you would have enjoyed last night's match, Em. It was amazing! I don't think I have ever watched a more exciting soccer match. The penalty shootout was something else! It is so much pressure & they were all so good!
That's so hard to join a group where everyone has known each other forever. I am glad you have good friends there and that you are not focusing on the click-ish people. You are so dedicated playing in the damp and cold. I'm glad it was enjoyable. That must be so fun designing hearts with different people's personalities in mind. They sound lovely!
Thanks, M. I just know it's better for me to get out there & participate. I haven't made a heart for days & will make up for that today xoxo