Cate's Diary

You'll be getting up in a few hours and heading off to your golf lunch today so I just want to wish you the best of luck! I hope you're pleasantly surprised at how much you enjoy it.
Thank you, Llama, Marsia, Lisa & Em. My playlist & self-talk & support from you all & from G helped me to get through the day without feeling negative. I was going to play with T, but she got snaffled before she walked in the door. I played with N who is lovely & is the newest member of the club. G who only plays about 6-9 holes each week came around with us for the 1st 9 & we chatted about embroidery & she gave me some useful tips for embroidering my hearts.
My golf was truly woeful though.
N & I got to know one another a bit better which was nice. I showed her my bag of hearts while we waited for the others to come in & she obviously liked one in particular & I gave it to her. She said she would keep it in her purse. She's a very cheerful person & she chose the one that I had thought T would choose, which is the same as the one the woman in Hobart chose. It's interesting.
After the gof presentation the conversation got around to embroidery as one of them is embroidering handkerchiefs & I mentioned to her that I was going to ask her for help with how to go about it. She has been very abrupt lately & I have always got along well with her. She is going to bring me a sheet on embroidery next week for me to copy. Someone else said not to buy any more cotton as she has lots & someone else is going to bring some cards to put the cotton on once I divide the 6 strands into 3. They told me a trick on how to separate it. I knew nothing about embroidery & they seem keen to help. I was hoping I would find some common ground.
They had asked to have a look at my hearts & T had a good look. I could tell she really liked one & it was the other one I had made with her in mind. She told me a story quietly about when she had cancer & someone gave her hope. I hadn't told the others about the woman in Hobart. As we left she came & gave me a big hug. She's not a hugger.
Lunch on Friday has been postponed for 2 weeks as another of the women has become a widow & his funeral is on Friday. She hasn't played much for about a year.
Wow, so glad it went so well, and that art brought everyone together! My grandmother did incredible embroidery, and I wish I had learned more from her. That's so wonderful you can give away home-made embroidered hearts to friends. Such a lovely gift!!
Wow, so glad it went so well, and that art brought everyone together!
There is one woman who I don't think will ever engage with me in a pleasant or kind way, but I don't think I will even try getting through to her. She is very mean-spirited.
My grandmother did incredible embroidery, and I wish I had learned more from her. That's so wonderful you can give away home-made embroidered hearts to friends. Such a lovely gift!!
My embroidery will be quite simple I think, M but I love the feel of the soft, felt hearts & I feel the love when I'm making them. They have almost become a meditation for me. This is where I got the idea from & the banner at the top shows how many of mine look. I'll take a photo when I make some more as I have a lovely collection of pre-cut hearts that are no longer available.
Oooo, I love these! I find embroidery very meditative. I haven't done it since I was a kid, but loved it so much back then. Yes, please take a photo when you make more!

My best friend is writing to me about people like you are describing with the mean-spirited golfing lady. He wrote me about how he learned the hard way that trying to prop up the egos of people like that is just exhausting and depleting, and he refuses to do it any longer. I agree. Life is too short! Better to give away lovely hearts and create a happy community!!
NIce that you got to get to know N better and that you shared a connection with the women over the hearts and embroidery.
Sounds like a very lovely day!
Thanks Marsia, Llama, Liza & Em :grouphug: :beating:
My heart making is a wonderful form of meditation for me & when I give a heart & it is appreciated I really feel good about myself & life. It does feel like spreading love. My heart often feels like it's overflowing. I am very sensitive & feel things intensely. I don't think I can change that but I can work on ways to not take things personally. Concentrating on the positives in life & people is much better than dwelling on the negatives.
I had a dream/nightmare last night which made me realise that how I feel about the golf club women is running in the back of my brain way too much. In my dream I needed to go to the toilet & had to get around a lot of obstacles(carpet being ripped up etc) to get there & when I did there were 3 toilets in one cubicle & I was horrified that I might have to go with 2 other women sitting beside me. Then I saw that the first one was just a toilet, the second one squirted chemicals on you & the 3rd I can't remember. I was thinking how strange that you had to move along from one to another. Luckily I woke (& went to the toilet).
I'll keep making my hearts & spreading love.
D is taking his 2 younger kids out for a meal on Sunday night & asked if we would like to go too. I have been wanting this to happen as I miss the GK's & I don't see him very often. I'll make them a heart each before Sunday night.
I am a sensitive person as well so can relate...It's a blessing when the feelings are good and you can feel that love overflowing...but yeah can also make us more sensitive to negative energy. So it's good to learn how to deal with that stuff without it bringing us down too much.
Wonderful to have plans with the GK's!
I am a sensitive person as well so can relate...It's a blessing when the feelings are good and you can feel that love overflowing...but yeah can also make us more sensitive to negative energy. So it's good to learn how to deal with that stuff without it bringing us down too much.
Wonderful to have plans with the GK's!
I want to “love” this post! 🥰
I wonder if it's the golf women in general that are on your mind a lot or if it's mostly because the upcoming comp organizing is making you feel anxious and insecure.
How lovely to be going out to dinner with D and the younger GKs!
I love hearing about your hearts and how they are both wonderful gifts and also forms of meditation for you. It makes me want to make sketches again to give to people. I hope you have a fabulous time with the GKs!!
Thanks, Llama & Marsia. It's the golf women, rather than the upcoming comp, but they are tangled up in that we have to be careful not to get B1's knickers in a twist at us being the ones to organise it. She's thingy about "proper channels" but also about me getting credit for anything. We'll line our ducks up soon & make a start.
G & I are off to golf today & the weather does not look good. Our partners have pulled out. It's a 2 person team thing so we'll play with someone else.
That stupid B... She should've organized it herself then 🙄 I'm sure you wouldn't have minded not having to do all the work! Ugh, some people are such eternal middleschoolers.
I hope you enjoy your golf and the weather is a bit better than expected.
My heart making is a wonderful form of meditation for me & when I give a heart & it is appreciated I really feel good about myself & life. It does feel like spreading love. My heart often feels like it's overflowing. I am very sensitive & feel things intensely. I don't think I can change that but I can work on ways to not take things personally.
Cate you are a wonderful lady, you bring happiness to many others, a rare thing.
Concentrating on the positives in life & people is much better than dwelling on the negatives.
Absolutely, however too often easier said than done. I think you do a good job of it here, you always seem to find something positive to say to most of us, even when we are not doing so well. You should feel good about yourself for that.
In my dream I needed to go to the toilet & had to get around a lot of obstacles(carpet being ripped up etc) to get there & when I did there were 3 toilets in one cubicle & I was horrified that I might have to go with 2 other women sitting beside me. Then I saw that the first one was just a toilet, the second one squirted chemicals on you & the 3rd I can't remember. I was thinking how strange that you had to move along from one to another. Luckily I woke (& went to the toilet).
LOL, you know I don't remember most dreams but when I do it is often a bizarre bathroom dream. Wish I was an artist and could draw some of what I dream about them. Might make a good, or interesting anyway, book.
I'll keep making my hearts & spreading love.
I hope so, and I know you will.
Thanks, Llama & Marsia. It's the golf women, rather than the upcoming comp, but they are tangled up in that we have to be careful not to get B1's knickers in a twist at us being the ones to organise it. She's thingy about "proper channels" but also about me getting credit for anything. We'll line our ducks up soon & make a start.
G & I are off to golf today & the weather does not look good. Our partners have pulled out. It's a 2 person team thing so we'll play with someone else.
It's good in a way to know what you are up against with B1 so you know how to navigate around that or at least be prepared for her.
Hope the golf went ok and that the weather held up all right.

LOL, you know I don't remember most dreams but when I do it is often a bizarre bathroom dream. Wish I was an artist and could draw some of what I dream about them. Might make a good, or interesting anyway, book.
A book of everybody's bathroom dreams would be so funny and so good. I get them too!
That stupid B... She should've organized it herself then 🙄 I'm sure you wouldn't have minded not having to do all the work! Ugh, some people are such eternal middleschoolers.
I hope you enjoy your golf and the weather is a bit better than expected.
She doesn't know about it yet. I had an idea in the early hours of this morning & just spoke to G about it. I thought I should have a chat to B1 & include her in the planning process as she needs to be onside to get as many women as possible to play. I don't even care if she ends up taking credit for it as we just want it to happen. That's the main thing.
She is such a mixture as yesterday she brought me a bag of embroidery cotton & a small pair of needlework scissors. That is very generous of her. She knits small toys & sends them overseas to the Samaritans. Humans are very complex. I will ask her if she wants some hearts in return or I can sponsor the postage of a box.
G & I came 3rd on a countback with the same score as the first 2 pairs. The weather was awful & there were freezing squalls. I hate playing in awful weather, but the cart enables me to get around the course. I was SO cold.

@alligatorob Rob- thank you for saying such lovely things about me. I have trouble taking compliments on board, but I re-read your comments a couple of times & they made me feel good about myself. Thank you!

@liza3 I'm really glad that day in the rough weather is over. I feel it's important to play when there are sponsors & I feel it's good for me to get out there & play twice a week if I can, but brrrr! It was so cold & miserable. It was sleeting at one stage.

I had a deficit of 416 cals & feel good about that.
You are definitely a kinder person than I am. More practical as well: getting B1 on board sounds like it could be helpful - though possibly super annoying at the same time.