Cate's Diary

Sounds like a really fun and great weekend Cate! Glad you enjoyed it. So fun to get some good party time in with dancing--that's been ages for me. Beautiful story of the hearts. Really lovely.
Thanks, Liza. The dancing was so much fun! I have sore calf muscles to show for it, so I must incorporate some dancing into my days.
I had a terrible dream last night in which both of our sons were dead (I don't know why or how) & someone accidentally knocked a photo of them down off a high wall, in some sort of sporting stadium, but caught it before it hit the floor. I woke up to go to the bathroom. I have the heart handy that I was sent by the woman I bought my kit from & I held it to my pounding heart, thought of our 2 sons & how lovely they are (& well & truly alive) & got back into bed, gave Arch a little pat & went back to sleep. I haven't told G about my dream.
It was such a lovely weekend but it's also really nice to be back home. I'm still in my PJs & dressing gown in front of the fire with Arch on my chair. He slept on top of our bed curled up beside me all night. Such a cutie!
Oh dear, that would've been so unsettling! Good things dreams aren't real but I suppose it might mean you worry about them, or about not seeing them as often as you'd like?
What a terrible nightmare to have. And what a relief to wake to reality where everything is ok.
I hope you do incorporate some dancing into your days. Do you have anywhere around you that you could go for group dance stuff? I know you could always do your own at home, but group dance is a lot more fun I think. We have a few dance things at our fitness centers here that some people I know really enjoy.
That's an awful dream, Cate! The story about giving the heart to the woman who really needed it was beautiful. I'm sure that the heart will really help her through this tough time.
Oh dear, that would've been so unsettling! Good things dreams aren't real but I suppose it might mean you worry about them, or about not seeing them as often as you'd like?
It was horrible. It was a crazy mixed-up dream as they usually are, but I'll put it out of my head.
I hope you do incorporate some dancing into your days. Do you have anywhere around you that you could go for group dance stuff? I know you could always do your own at home, but group dance is a lot more fun I think. We have a few dance things at our fitness centers here that some people I know really enjoy.
I think I'll have to stick to dancing at home. I went to Zumba for a while with my ex-DIL, but I'm too competitive & try to keep up with everyone. Dancing when you're out is good as you can sit down whenever you want & get up & dance when the song grabs you.
The story about giving the heart to the woman who really needed it was beautiful. I'm sure that the heart will really help her through this tough time.
It felt really special, Em.
It's cold this morning, but not raining. 0-10oC today. I'm off to golf!
Hope you stayed warm during golf (and good for you getting out even when it was cold!)
Yeah I get what you mean about dance exercise classes--it's just not the same as dancing for the pure joy of it!
Hope you stayed warm during golf (and good for you getting out even when it was cold!)
Yeah I get what you mean about dance exercise classes--it's just not the same as dancing for the pure joy of it!
I did stay warm, but I'm finding it hard to get the balance right with playing in a cart. Your body doesn't warm up so much but you still need the mobility to swing freely.
Hope the golf went well Cate. Wouldn't be surprised if you'd won something else. ;)
I was runner-up in Div 2, Em with a woeful score. I played poorly, but so did everyone else. I played with B2 only & I never really relax with her. You have to be on your toes with whatever you say as she's a dreadful gossip. She only had one more stableford point than me. I'll see if I can set up to play with T next week.
Sounds like you need snowboard pants, or some other cold-weather version of overalls, to keep you warm enough that a lighter jacket will do.

I hope you can get out of playing with the bees in future: golf should be fun!
Yeah I don't really warm up enough unless I'm moving so I can imagine it's a tough balance to find with the cart...But I think the main thing is getting out and staying in practice.
Sounds like you need snowboard pants, or some other cold-weather version of overalls, to keep you warm enough that a lighter jacket will do.
I think I need some warmer pants, Llama with plenty of stretch.
I hope you can get out of playing with the bees in future: golf should be fun!
I will definitely try. Hopefully, I can organise to play with T next week.
Yeah I don't really warm up enough unless I'm moving so I can imagine it's a tough balance to find with the cart...But I think the main thing is getting out and staying in practice.
:iagree: The cart has got me out there playing even when it's cold. You do still walk a lot, but I'm not hurting at the end of the game & feeling exhausted like I used to.
Hahaha, I knew it! You're unstoppable! Tee hee.
Haha, Em. My golf was SO bad, but the others were worse.
It's very hard to get motivated to go walking when it's this cold (currently about 1oC) but I will.....later. I might go into our local town & take Arch for a walk around the river. I just have to push myself. I wiped my new car out with vinegar yesterday to see if I could get rid of some of the detailing smell. I hope that helps. I also left an open container of bicarb in it, which T said might help. The car is so much smaller than the other one & you can clean it in the garage with a wet cloth. I might get into the habit of wiping it down regularly. It's white. I must read the book soon so I can work out all the bells & whistles. I have never really has a car that had bells & whistles :)
Ooo, bells and whistles! I swear 80 of the tech I use has so many options I never learn because I'm too busy to learn right away when it's new and then just forget later.
I hope the vinegar and bicarb help with the smell.
I will try to work out the options as I go, LLama. Today I managed to raise my seat & connect my phone so I can play Spotify.
I haven't been home long & am stuffed so vegging out for a while. I may need a nap. Lots of walking, mixed in with some shopping & lots of smells, including the car. I am so stuffed.
I assumed stuffed meant "ate too much and am about to explode" but then I saw the causes you listed. Does it mean exhausted in this case or more like miserable?
Stuffed here usually means exhausted. We used to always say buggered, with no idea of the actual meaning. Usually I say knackered, but of course I don’t have any. :svengo:
Fun to have a car with bells and whistles that you get to explore! Connecting your phone so you can listen to spotify sounds like a great first move :) Music so nice to have along for a ride.

Oh yes both stuffed and knackered (and buggered) new-to-me words for exhausted! Language is very interesting--especially slang words and what they end up meaning and then looking back to original meanings!
I love language & words with different meanings. I just typed that & G said something about the crossword. He knew the answer to a clue but didn't know what it meant so I looked it up. My Mum always told me to do that when I was a kid so I always have. (It was ISBN- International Standard Book Number).
I felt ill last night- headache, exhausted, sniffly, sore eyes etc & went to bed at 9.30 pm. I don't feel much better this morning but have committed to a 4-person team event today & if I don't play then the other 3(G & 2 other men) don't play. I think I feel this way because I went into the chemist & the supermarket(with a mask on) & also my car was detailed before I bought it. I have wiped it out with vinegar but it needs a really good airing. The windows are open in the garage. We'll take G's car today.