Cate's Diary

Thanks, Llama. :grouphug:
I think only having one car & not really being able to afford much for another one is the biggest problem. I rang about one in Launceston & it is affordable. If it is still there when we are heading for Hobart on Saturday we can check it out. The thought of going car shopping does my head in.
I have decided not to go to golf tomorrow & we're going to look at this car instead first thing. It's the same make & model as my little one that I sold to R, only 5 years younger. It was advertised at a certain price & mentioned in the ad that it needed some TLC. When I asked the salesman about it he said that there had been a dent but they had since fixed it. He rang me later to say that the car yard was putting the price up but not to worry as they would stick to the original price advertised for me as we had discussed it.
We are picking up G's friend, A, who is a mechanic so that he can run his eye over it & see what he thinks.
Please cross your fingers for me. I am very nervous!
There's another car at a different yard if this one sells before we get there or is not suitable.
The exclamation mark seems to be gone....i hope it stays gone. Thank you Cate for all your work to keep this forum a good experience!

I feel for you with the anxiety buying a new-to-you car. Sounds like a great plan to have G's mechanic friend along. I hope it's a great fit and that your car woes will be over soon!
Thank you very much, Liza :grouphug: It's a relief to have it gone. Hopefully they will keep working on the other stuff too 🤞
Thanks, Em. I don't feel nervous this morning, but more hopeful & a little bit excited. I'll be leaving soon. The money is a real shuffle.
Beep beep!
I love it!
They had put the price up $2K, but held to the price I had discussed with them. The higher price is what I have it insured for as that’s what the insurance company says it’s worth. I rang them before I drove out of their car yard. Our friend thought it seemed like an excellent buy.
Beep beep!
I love it!
They had put the price up $2K, but held to the price I had discussed with them. The higher price is what I have it insured for as that’s what the insurance company says it’s worth. I rang them before I drove out of their car yard. Our friend thought it seemed like an excellent buy.
so awesome! Sounds like you got a great deal on the perfect car!
Thanks, Liza. I think I have done well, but time will tell. You have to have faith. Buying a used car is always a risk.
I'll try not to put too much in the car. I am so inclined to prepare for every eventuality & I would love to keep this little car looking neat & tidy. I haven't set it up yet. I probably should get a back seat cover to protect it against Arch as a rug looks messy.
Thanks, Liza. I think I have done well, but time will tell. You have to have faith. Buying a used car is always a risk.
I'll try not to put too much in the car. I am so inclined to prepare for every eventuality & I would love to keep this little car looking neat & tidy. I haven't set it up yet. I probably should get a back seat cover to protect it against Arch as a rug looks messy.
Yeah there is always that element of risk, which is never fun, but sounds like you took the steps to at least give yourself the best chance that it will be a good one. Sounds like it's a nice looking one which is nice too!
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Vic. I drove into town yesterday & really enjoyed the drive. I had missed actually enjoying driving & it's nice to have that feeling again. I can park this little car anywhere! I put a crocheted rug on the back seat & it actually looks quite good.
In the last week, I have got lovely messages from our older grandson, saying how much he misses us & from our granddaughter who said how much she loved me. How sweet is that?
How lovely that your grandkids are able to express that to you - I have an idea who they might've learned it from.

And yay for enjoying your new car!
How lovely that your grandkids are able to express that to you - I have an idea who they might've learned it from.
Thank you, Llama :beating: I love these kids so much!
And yay for enjoying your new car!
It's nice to get that joy back again.
It's a miserable winter's day here & we haven't been doing much. We are heading for Hobart tomorrow for a few nights & I may take a few days off posting. I'm looking forward to seeing R & C 💘 He's 5 weeks into his 8 weeks of full-on full-time very physical job & will be tired, but I can't wait to give him a hug!
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Vic. I drove into town yesterday & really enjoyed the drive. I had missed actually enjoying driving & it's nice to have that feeling again. I can park this little car anywhere! I put a crocheted rug on the back seat & it actually looks quite good.
In the last week, I have got lovely messages from our older grandson, saying how much he misses us & from our granddaughter who said how much she loved me. How sweet is that?
So so lovely that you have such a close and beautiful connection with the family! Your grandkids sound so sweet!

I'm so glad the car is working out. Nice to have a little car that is easy to drive and park anywhere.

Have a wonderful trip to Hobart!
Thanks, Llama, Liza, Em & Rob. We had a great couple of days in Hobart & are now back home. C is very hospitable & we feel at home in her house & it's good not to have to book into accommodation. It meant we got to see more of R & C & R played golf with G as well, so that was nice. I just walked around with them for 9 holes & then snoozed in the car. We partied fairly hard on Sat night. There was live music in one of the bars where we ate & I danced a lot. Red wine & champagne were involved & we had lots of fun & lovely interactions. I had made some hearts before the weekend & had them in my handbag. R & C picked 2 each that they loved.
We met a woman who we got along really well with. She had relies near where we used to own a pub. Later in the evening she came over & sat with us & chatted with R & C & me. We were going to leave soon & I looked around the room thinking who I might give a heart to & asked C what she thought. We both looked around the room & then I smiled & looked at the woman sitting with us. C nodded agreement & smiled. I went around & stood next to her, passed her the bag of hearts & asked her to choose one. She looked a bit suspicious & I said "It's not a test, it's just something I have started doing & I would like you to have one". She chose one that had bright yellow on one side & a pretty pattern on the other with a little sunrise on it. She was really chuffed. She spoke to our son, R & I saw that he was in tears. She then came around & sat with me & told me that she has had cervical cancer & had chemo & radiation & has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has an oncology appointment in a few weeks & said she will take my little heart along with her. This is what I want my hearts to be about. Perfect!
Now I'm tearing up as well. You really are a beautiful soul, Cate.
Thank you, Llama. I hope so. This is really what I had in mind with them. It felt really special 💕