Cate's Diary

Take care, Cate :grouphug: And congrats on the excellent golf!
Thanks, Llama :grouphug: I have managed to log back in on my laptop. It kept saying to put a code in that was sent to my phone, so I went searching my phone & found an Authenticator app I didn't know I had & voila!
I was happy with my golf on Wednesday & had thought that if someone beat my score, they deserved it. She's the captain & a good, consistent golfer.
Yay for a good golf day! I really am impressed at how athletic you are Cate, I am no athlete that is for sure! Seems like you have so much fun and that makes me happy! xo
Thanks, Jen. It's funny but I don't see myself as athletic, but I can hit the ball a long way & I do love it! It's good for me.

I'm happy that I have been able to log back in on my laptop & have stuck a piece of paper over the flashing icon for now. I have sent an email to the help desk listing our issues. I'll start a new thread listing our problems with the forum & would be grateful if you also list any problems that you have. I'll try to get around everyone's diaries later today.
When you love what you are doing, it probably seems more like fun than hard work. Glad you have found something that is both fun and good for you! I like your creative solution of the piece of paper over the flashing triangle! Maybe we should name it? Fiona the Flashing Figure? I don't know, I am trying to find the humor in something that makes me feel dizzy! I would be happy to have a place to list problems, what a good idea that is Cate! :grouphug:
Hi, Jen (& Llama). I was glad that I worked out how to get back into the forum on my laptop, Jen so that I could stick a small piece of paper to cover that horrible flashing triangle. I think I will name it something rude though as Fiona is quite a nice name. I started a thread in the Feedback section of the forum. I won't hold my breath that someone in admin will actually take notice though. I wish 🤞
I'm having quite a good day. G & I took Arch for a winter "do" & he is looking quite spiffy. We took a load to the tip, did some shopping, went for a walk, polished off a book.......
Tizzy the terrible triangle?

Cate, you can't mention a pretty pup online and not post pictures; that's illegal!
I have just sent emails to 3 different addresses I was given by the previous hosts of the forum and hopefully, someone will try to fix the many issues we have at the moment.
I love this photo of Archie. He is just patiently waiting for 2 small pieces of the Speculaas biscuit I have with my fruit platter most evenings. He has already had 3 of his small homemade dog biscuits. How could you resist those big brown eyes? 🐶 ❤️
Archie is only gorgeous!

Agreed that "The Flasher" is much more bearable on the laptop. I have put a label over it - it is working a treat.
Thanks, Llama & Em. Archie is adorable. I let his hair get fairly long as it has been so cold & he is going to the kennels for a couple of nights next weekend, but you could hardly see his eyes so I booked him in for a winter cut, which is about half what he had. I had forgotten to book him in early to the kennels & they were booked out as it's the school holidays so we are taking him to the kennels we used to take our other little dogs to. It's not as ritzy, but he will get looked after well. No heated flooring at this one, so I'll put his warm jumper on. I hope he won't get stressed.
We were without power all day yesterday because some power lines came down in the wild storm the night before. It didn't come back on until we were going to bed at 11.15 pm. There is lots of snow on the mountains, but today we have sunshine!
Losing power is scary; I'm glad things got repaired reasonably quickly. I'm sure Archie will care more about kind staff than about heated floors.
We were without power all day yesterday because some power lines came down in the wild storm the night before. It didn't come back on until we were going to bed at 11.15 pm.
Losing power is no fun. Do you have a backup generator or anything? How often does it happen?

We lost power once in a fierce winter storm. Temperatures well below freezing. We have gas heat, but it does not work without electricity for the blowers and thermostat. The whole house froze up doing a lot of damage, busted water pipes. After that I got a backup generator, not powerful enough for the whole house but it will keep the furnace and refrigerator going. Maybe between your relatively mild winters and wood heat its not something you need to worry about.
I'm sure Archie will care more about kind staff than about heated floors.
I hope so!
Hope you enjoyed the sunshine and glad the power has come back. Archie's usual kennels sound very flashy!
There wasn't much warmth in the sunshine but seeing it makes you feel good. Archie's usual kennels are very flashy (& twice the price). He loves it there.
Losing power is no fun. Do you have a backup generator or anything? How often does it happen?
Maybe between your relatively mild winters and wood heat its not something you need to worry about.
We have thought about it, Rob but as you say, between the wood heater & our relatively mild Winters we manage OK. The power when it does go out is usually just for a few hours. I think I will buy a rechargeable LED lantern so we can read though.
We have decided to go into town today to pick up a few things. We'll get sushi to eat when we get back home. I need slippers & G needs some stuff for the golf BBQ. We'll take Arch. It's another sunny day.
Hi, Jen (& Llama). I was glad that I worked out how to get back into the forum on my laptop, Jen so that I could stick a small piece of paper to cover that horrible flashing triangle. I think I will name it something rude though as Fiona is quite a nice name. I started a thread in the Feedback section of the forum. I won't hold my breath that someone in admin will actually take notice though. I wish 🤞
I'm having quite a good day. G & I took Arch for a winter "do" & he is looking quite spiffy. We took a load to the tip, did some shopping, went for a walk, polished off a book.......
I have that flashing triangle too.
Thanks, Blue & Em (& Llama).
I really hope all of the problems will be fixed, not just the flasher!
I woke up feeling anxious this morning & haven't been able to work out why. Sometimes I get super sensitive & little things pile up to feel like big things. I had some bad news about a friend yesterday who is having a very stressful time & I have been thinking about her. Leaving Arch at the kennels which aren't as cozy worries me. He's such a spoiled(?) little dog & he curls up between us on our bed every night. I feel bad about leaving him for 2 nights, but I wouldn't if he was left at the ritzy kennels. I'm such a sook.
I was going to borrow a cart to play golf next Sunday down South, but the cart is no longer available. Instead, I have arranged to spend more time with R. Now G is trying to organise me into someone else's cart. I wish he wouldn't do this. I know he means well.
I feel a bit grumpy & out of sorts today. Hopefully, this will pass as the day goes on.
Some days are just like that but they pass after a while :grouphug: Here's hoping it will be sooner rather than later.