Cate's Diary

Hey Cate, I'll bet your 9 C can feel pretty cold. I think your climate is humid isn't it? Makes cold more penetrating. Hope you're getting back on colour.

Now get warm lady!
Hi, Rob. Tassie isn’t humid. It has been a raw day today. I need some thermals I think. I really feel the cold!
Sorry to hear you are struggling to keep warm Cate. Not a good feeling. I usually find good warming teas and foods the best to really warm me from the inside out. I especially like curries and ginger when I'm like that, but sounds like you're already on all that! Your food sounds yummy. Anyways hope you can find your way to warm and cozy again.
Hi Cate, I have to say that if I could trade your weather I would. It is sooo very hot and humid here. It really makes me feel grumpy! But feeling cold and a bit poorly is no fun, I do hope you feel better soon!

I am impressed that you played golf with the woman who you don't have the best relationship with. I wonder if that will help improve the relationship/gain a better understanding of each other? I am so horrible at that, I avoid people I don't care for like the plague, which really isn't a very grown-up thing to do! I should practice that more. Let us know if the relationship gets better or remains 'tolerable' please!
I had a patient on my list I really wasn't looking forward to. Also a know-it-all 🙈As well as aloof and generally... negative? I genuinely considered asking to have them moved to someone else (which would've made them the third person in as many years) because I was already feeling fragile and I was kind of scared a double session of that might make me cry. Turns out... it was ok. Not great, but ok. They were starting to feel better and less tense and it made such a difference. Facing the music is usually the best thing.
Thanks, Liza, Jen, Llama & Em :grouphug:
I think I'll take a hot drink to golf next week so I can sip it as I go around the course. I do also need to buy some thermals.
I felt the relationship warmed up on the round & she was being much more pleasant to me as she got to know me better. I am very encouraging of other people's games & she seemed to appreciate the compliments. She definitely softened her approach towards me & got chatty. I can't imagine us becoming friends, but overcoming the hurdle was good. I have been trying to do that since I rejoined the women's group & I'm feeling more comfortable with them.
I can't seem to stop sneezing at the moment. I don't feel really poorly, just a bit off-colour.

I read (skimmed) a book yesterday by an Australian nutritionist who thinks we would do better focussing on becoming healthy & fit, rather than obsessing over what we weigh. I know that yo-yo dieting has done me no favours & losing so much weight so quickly back in 2007 stuffed my metabolism.
I am going to try a whole new attitude.
I am staying off the scales for 6 months, not logging my food or drink & am going to focus on getting healthier & more active in my mind, body & spirit.
I am also going to engage more with friends. Winter always turns me inwards & I need to work on getting out & about more.
I am going to buy a small car in the next month.
I read (skimmed) a book yesterday by an Australian nutritionist who thinks we would do better focusing on becoming healthy & fit, rather than obsessing over what we weigh. I know that yo-yo dieting has done me no favours & losing so much weight so quickly back in 2007 stuffed my metabolism.
I am going to try a whole new attitude.
I am staying off the scales for 6 months, not logging my food or drink & am going to focus on getting healthier & more active in my mind, body & spirit.
I am also going to engage more with friends. Winter always turns me inwards & I need to work on getting out & about more.
I am going to buy a small car in the next month.
Sounds interesting. Eating right and getting fit would likely fix most of our problems, its the eating right I really struggle with. I'm looking forward to following your progress, and am sure you can make it work.

Did not realize you had the post weight loss metabolism problems, I sure did and think I still do. Rapid weight loss can take its toll.

I read (skimmed) a book yesterday by an Australian nutritionist who thinks we would do better focussing on becoming healthy & fit, rather than obsessing over what we weigh. I know that yo-yo dieting has done me no favours & losing so much weight so quickly back in 2007 stuffed my metabolism.
I am going to try a whole new attitude.
This makes sense to me in many ways. I remember hitting 140 and thinking that was so heavy as it was the heaviest I'd ever been. But i was also out of shape and not eating well. So now here I am at 146, but so much weight can say a certain amount but really fitness levels and healthy food and stuff says so much more to me. Lots of skinny people who aren't healthy or fit!
Sounds interesting. Eating right and getting fit would likely fix most of our problems, its the eating right I really struggle with. I'm looking forward to following your progress, and am sure you can make it work.
Did not realize you had the post weight loss metabolism problems, I sure did and think I still do. Rapid weight loss can take its toll.
Rapid weight loss is such a big mistake. Too late now though so I'll concentrate on being as healthy as I can.
Focusing on moving toward health rather than away from weight is something that's been on my mind as well. Best of luck!
Moving towards something is so much more positive & I need that. Thanks, Llama.
This makes sense to me in many ways. I remember hitting 140 and thinking that was so heavy as it was the heaviest I'd ever been. But i was also out of shape and not eating well. So now here I am at 146, but so much weight can say a certain amount but really fitness levels and healthy food and stuff says so much more to me. Lots of skinny people who aren't healthy or fit!
I feel very positive about concentrating on my health & fitness. Worrying about my weight hasn't helped me at all.

I don't have time this morning to get around the diaries as I am driving G to golf so that I can go to the market & the library & do a little shopping. I'll come back later in between trips.
It's the 1st of July & the start of the road to changing how I feel about myself. I made some more hearts yesterday & our son, D took one for himself. I made a few for him to pick one for his wife & he said it would just end up in a drawer, but he chose the one I thought she would like & he's going to keep it in his cue case.
I would love to get to a place where there was very little focus on 'diet' and that I ate food to fuel my body and was healthy. I feel quite sick of thinking about it all, I much preferred life when I didn't have to think about it so much and I was indeed at my very thinnest then. Of course I also ran 5 miles a day so then there was that. Hope the trip to town was nice, I love a good library! xo
Thanks, Jen. I tired Arch out & he tired me out. I have decided to be much more active from now on. I'm inclined to curl up with a book in winter & not move much so am determined to change that. The trip to town was nice. Our library is tiny but I order books online & usually have a few to pick up. I had quite a sociable day really & caught up with a few people. Doing the supermarket shopping in person again means I see a lot more people. I'm quite enjoying it.
G won the golf comp today & had a cracking score 👏
Go G! The fun part when you manage to stay active over winter is noticing how much fitter you are by spring.
That sounds like a great day Cate! The furbabies are great for getting us out there and active that is for sure! And then curling up with a good book is nice! 🤗
That sounds like a nice day in town. I also am enjoying the post covid feel of going around town shopping and stuff. It's amazing how social and enjoyable all that really can be!
Nice about G's golfing success!!
Thanks, Llama, Jen, Liza & Em. I'm always really proud of G when he has a good day at golf. He really is a gem. He gets a lot of cheek out at the club & you can tell he is well-liked. The culture of the club is so much better these days. I have been dropping him off & then returning in the afternoon to pick him up & it feels really comfortable & friendly.
It would be great to feel fitter by Spring, Llama. I am going to increase my activity each day & cut down on the sweet treats that seem to have built up slowly. My "fruit platter" in the evening has been hijacked by dried fruit, licorice & a sweet biscuit & the fruit component shrunk. I'll fix that today!
Shopping & walking around town is very sociable & I think I had got out of the habit during covid & hadn't realised that I actually missed it. You catch up with so many people in the supermarket.
So glad that the club atmosphere improved and I'm sure a lot of people there agree even if they don't say it.

Isn't it funny how little snacks have a tendency of evolving? I will have a decent bowl of fruit today as well to curb the cravings. Night as well get up and take some mango out of the freezer right away.
Shopping & walking around town is very sociable & I think I had got out of the habit during covid & hadn't realised that I actually missed it. You catch up with so many people in the supermarket.
Yes I love that aspect and you see how many nice interactions with strangers and that too. It still always occurs to me how nice that is to have back now.