Cate's Diary

Glad it cleared enough to get Archie out on a walk--always good to get a bit of fresh air.
And I am glad things are starting to come together for the next car. Hope you can find something nice and affordable that suits your needs.
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I will take a photo of the hearts, Llama & post it. I might do a few more first. I want to have some in my bag or the car for those occasions when I'm out & about & I think one would be appropriate.
I am just adjusting to not having a 2nd car & have accepted it. I'll take my time looking around. My inclination is to get a small automatic hatchback car that I can feel more confident driving in traffic & G can drive the sedan mostly. I have missed the little car that I sold to R.
I'm driving G to golf today & will take Arch walking in town & do some shopping. I'll leave him home later when I go back to pick him up.
I will take a photo of the hearts, Llama & post it. I might do a few more first. I want to have some in my bag or the car for those occasions when I'm out & about & I think one would be appropriate.
What a lovely idea!
Hope you're enjoying your day out.
Lovely you are adjusting to the car situation. It's good to not feel you have to rush to buy one. Hopefully the perfect one will show up!
I love your idea about having hearts on the ready to hand out when the occasion arises--lovely!
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I had a nice day yesterday. I had a bowl of homemade veggie soup for lunch with toast & didn't have a snack at all which was good. I think I'll try to log everything into MFP this week. I have inputted my planned 3 meals for the day & it's sitting at 1000 cals, so 600 left. BF was avocado & eggs on GF toast, lunch will be homemade veggie soup & a small toastie and dinner will be roast venison with lots of veggies.
We didn't get much sleep last night as it was stormy & Arch was freaking out. We have had SO much rain.
When I was leaving to go pick G up yesterday our mechanic arrived to see if he could get our old ute going. We're sure it needs a new battery but G can catch up with him later & see what he says.
Hey Cate! I am glad that you are enjoying your craft project, I did chuckle at this "I finished some more hearts & now have enough to give the twinnies a heart each (& one each for Mum to put away when they lose the first ones). " You're a smart woman and I think know the twinnies well! 😊 It has been super rainy here as well, which is a shame for all the local events (outdoor concerts and such) and of course that impacts the local folks who make money on those things. I don't blame you for waiting until the weather clears up, it sure is no fun loading in all the groceries in a downpour!

And it does sound like the vehicle issue is coming to a resolution, I know that is stressful so I am glad for you!! 😊
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Jen.
We were going to go to town today & when I woke I couldn't be bothered, but we have decided, after sitting in front of the fire in our dressing-gowns drinking coffee that we will go. The sun has come out! We'll get on the move soon. It's not yet 9 am.
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I changed my mind again about going but then the arm fell off my glasses so we went. The day was reasonably successful but our list was so long & G is such an impatient shopper (for anything but food). We were only gone a few hours but that was ok. We bought a new duvet cover & a fitted sheet, a new pair of winter PJs for me, lots of fish, Asian stuff & some oysters we had as soon as we got home. We both decided that a small car is the go & G can drive the bigger one to golf etc. It's so hard to park.
I still need some winter slippers but I forgot to look at my list until we were driving out of town & there was no way we were going back.
Whenever we leave Arch at home for a few hours he doesn't eat & then has an upset stomach the next day. I hope he settles soon. G is about to go to vets golf.
Poor anxious Archie. I've seen contraptions that dispense treats at timed intervals to keep pets distracted while their owners are away. Maybe that could help? And did you get your glasses fixed?
Poor anxious Archie. I've seen contraptions that dispense treats at timed intervals to keep pets distracted while their owners are away. Maybe that could help?
Sounds like a good thing to get, Llama. He really does get separation anxiety 🐶☹️
And did you get your glasses fixed?
I did. They really tightened them up for me too & they don’t fall off my face.
It was so cold at golf yesterday. I think it only got to 9oC. Everyone played badly. I chose to play with a newish woman who I don't much like & I sense she doesn't much like me. I thought it would be good to play with her rather than avoid her. We got along fairly well. She has a know it all manner & I think she's the same with everyone, rather than it being personal. Before the game I gave P one of my hearts as a thank you for the wool offcuts. I'm happy with them & am getting better at sewing them more neatly.
I took a soup to have when I got in the clubhouse & it was good. Dinner last night was curried scallops.
I went to bed earlyish & slept like a log. I was so tired.
I have been feeling a little off colour for a few weeks now & have been snuffling & sneezing. I'm struggling to feel warm.