Cate's Diary

Aw, I love hearing that the culture at the club has improved. That's so important.

Hope the renewed fruit platter was a success yesterday. :)
Thanks, Llama, Jen, Liza & Em. I'm always really proud of G when he has a good day at golf. He really is a gem. He gets a lot of cheek out at the club & you can tell he is well-liked. The culture of the club is so much better these days. I have been dropping him off & then returning in the afternoon to pick him up & it feels really comfortable & friendly.
It would be great to feel fitter by Spring, Llama. I am going to increase my activity each day & cut down on the sweet treats that seem to have built up slowly. My "fruit platter" in the evening has been hijacked by dried fruit, licorice & a sweet biscuit & the fruit component shrunk. I'll fix that today!
Shopping & walking around town is very sociable & I think I had got out of the habit during covid & hadn't realised that I actually missed it. You catch up with so many people in the supermarket.
G sounds like a lovely guy! It is always nicer when going some place feels comfortable and friendly!

I did lol at:
My "fruit platter" in the evening has been hijacked

I can understand why being out and about with people is more fun when you don't have to deal with them at work! Glad you are doing well Cate xo
Thanks, Llama, Liza, Em & Jen :grouphug:
It is really good to see that the culture at the club has changed so much. It feels like a positive space now. The bad egg has been recognised as such & no longer has any influence. The committee are doing a great job.
My fruit platter has been restored to its natural self, with only a teensy bit of extras. I had a very healthy & active weekend with lots of walks. Our old ute is going again & G went & got wood again, which makes him happy. He is a lovely guy, Jen.
We have someone coming for lunch today. G's family were friends with her family growing up & she is minding G's sister's place & dog while G's 2 sisters are in Europe. She saw my photos of my dog walks & messaged that she would like to come out with L's dog to go for a walk with us.
J arrived plastered in perfume. She had forgotten I was allergic. I knew I should have messaged her! We had a good, long walk with the dogs, a delicious lunch of seafood lasagne & salad with some baked tomatoes & a small healthy-ish banana split. She hasn't been long gone. I'll catch up with her in town sometime as she's in Tassie for
I feel that my attitude has shifted around & I feel more positive about myself & my body.
Ouch, I hope you didn't react too strongly to the perfume. Glad to hear you're feeling nore positive though: that would make it easier to give your body what it needs.
Oh too bad about the perfume, but sounds like a really good meetup with the good walk and yummy lunch. Lovely to hear you feeling positive about your body!
I can't cope with this flashing exclamation mark. I accepted the necessary cookies & it's still there. I just ran a computer scan & it says there are no threats, but I'm not happy. Maybe this will be what stops me from typing in the forum. SO annoying!
I have sent an email to the help desk & hopefully this will get fixed, but I won’t hold my breath :svengo:
It is highly annoying Cate, thank you for reporting it! I still no longer get emails about watched threads! Glad you had a nice time with your friend! And that your feelings have shifted to feeling positive!
They did take into account what I said about the 'Your content' thing going missing so hopefully they will sort this also. It's really, really irritating and probably bad for all our eyes.
I just can’t cope with it, I’m sorry folks. I have the forum set so I don’t see any moving emojis usually.
I also can’t log back in on my laptop where it’s not so prominent so I’m giving up for today.
I had a good day at golf, won Div 2, missed out on the monthly medal by 1 shot only & played better than my handicap.
Yay for a good golf day! I really am impressed at how athletic you are Cate, I am no athlete that is for sure! Seems like you have so much fun and that makes me happy! xo