BA ...Bingers Anonymous

Hi all, happy to say that I haven't had a binge or over eaten in 8 days but I did feel like it sometimes.:eek:
The main thing that has saved me is all the vegetable I can eat, I think my daily intake of food consists of 80/85% veggies.....but I have always loved and craved them.
I am just about to have breakfast.....a bowl of cauliflower. zucchini, broccoli, and carrots.:D
lol. good for you! thats awesome :)
Wotcha Blitzed! Well done on the no binging, and your breakfast sounds very healthy! Good stuff, dude!

Avi, hence why I try not to be tempted by Skinny Cow. It is pretty expensive. My friends and I bought a box to share, and that didn't work out too bad. They were really, really nice though...

Hey guys! Yeah, Skinny Cow is nice, but it still has sugar in it. I think that why it makes us want to binge, Avi.

I want to binge right now!!! My party has been postponed because today we had a few people cancel, and we were looking at the list and only 11 out of the 20 people were going to be coming. Hubby thinks its because England are playing on Saturday (at 4pm and party at 6pm, though). I have food to feed at least 20 and I always over cater, so we decided it would be better to postpone. I have 6 pints of cream and 6 pints of milk that are going to go to waste (I may give these away as I hate throwing food away) but most other stuff will keep or freeze. Anyway, I feel let down and a bit blue, and it is making me want to munch. But I am currently eating a veggie sirfry with rice and salmon .... mmmmmmm ... and then I will brush my teeth.
I'm sorry about the party people Mrs B :(

On the plus side, with the postponement, you'll have more time to sort everything, so it'll be less stressful when the time comes.

So long as you brush your teeth and come straight back on here, we'll see you right! And see about a hubby-hug as well as online hugs. Hugs are always good :) And we'll support you as much as we can, hun.


Cheers Bronsk .... I just got a hug 5 mins ago from hubby, so I'm feeling good :) . And ((hugs)) back to you for being such a chum .... I shall miss you when you're away. Poor hubby will get sick of me making up the hug deficit from him :D . Told the binge to F!! ...... and it did :D
OMG... I so want to binge!! I waled into the bakery section of the groccery store and nearly cried. Donuts and butter tarts and cinnimon buns.. omg.. *cries now*
On the way out I had to pass the ice cream section.. and the snack food section.. chips chips chips...

But. bakery..


What makes it worse is I had 2 diet pops with aspertaine so am craving sugar full force... so I had some penut butter and banana for the sweetness.. and stuck some gum in my mouth. And we went out for supper too.. i had a salad.. and 1 peice of bread with an egg, tomato and lettuce on it. What I really wanted was.. perogies and hot wings.. *sniffles bitterly*

*bangs head against the nearest door surface*

And I been so stressed today cause of my grandma... I've nearly binged all day.. barely held on. I am just around 1200 cal today... and I jsut wanna buy something.. box of ice cream bars... or 1/2 a dozen donuts.. or a bag of cheese puffs.. and just eat the entire thing.. :(


*bops into her head... 'It is not worth sacrificing a future of happyness for momentary pleasure ...'... 'It is not worth sacrificing a future of happyness for momentary pleasure....*
*hugs* Mrs B, I'm going to miss you too :( I'm going to miss everyone, and I'm going to miss this forum. My boyfriend will wake in the night and see me sleep-typing on my plastic cutlery :D Good going on the no binge Bearster! 3 days binge-free, you're doing great!

Avi, I know it's tough having to go through all that *big hugs* 1200 kcals isn't bad, that's just over half the recommended DA. And you're worried about your grandma, so it's no wonder you've have to give in to some craving. No one's going to be mad at you. I know what it's like, when I went through this huge family shock I had days where I couldn't eat and just didn't want to, and other days where I'd swoop through chocolates and crisps as though I was just breathing them in. Believe me, the only way to get by is through the support of your friends and family. Take it a day at a time, and don't beat yourself up for any slip ups. *hugs* hun, hope things turn out OK.

Last night, brother came in from band practise, and microwaved himself some chicken sandwich filler for his tea (as you do) and smoothered the whole lot in cheese. I *love* these chicken sandwich fillers and I often have them in my sandwich since they're low in fat and pretty OK kcal-wise. I was so desperate to nick some his, and actually reached out before snapping my hand back. All night I thought about the left over chinese chicken in the fridge, and was so tempted to have some. Then when dad got it out for his salad, again I nearly pinched some. I came so close both times that I felt really guilty, like I'd actually eaten some. At least they're all gone now, and I'm leaving before lunch.

If I don't return here before I go, have a great weekend and will see you all tuesday.

Avi, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through a rough patch right now, and it is not surprising that you feel like comfort eating. It is so great that you can keep these positive thoughts in your head and remember that any pleasure and relief will only be short lived. But if you do slip up, don't beat yourself up, it is difficult enough when everything is going fine, let alone when you are worried or depressed. ((hugs)) and you can always come on here and chat if you need some comfort or support.

Bronsk, thanks for the hugs, and well done for resisting temptation .... it sound disgusting but I bet it is deeeelicious!!! :D I shalln't say goodbye again, as I have already done it 5 times, and I don't want you to think I've returned to my stalking ways!!!:D :D

Toodles Peeps!
Well done, Girls! Avi, I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. Maybe you could shop instead of eat...or do something else you love to comfort yourself? I'm off to weigh in. Wish Me Luck!
Bad idea the shopping..
just spent lots of money :(

Had to get ice skates... as I love skating and my other ones caved in. Those ran me $200
I tried on a size 9/10 for the hell of it.. and when it fit (though a bit tight) I screamed and had to buy it. That ran me $16.
I felt roasting hot... so I bought 2 tank tops.. $10
I got my fav silver bracelet fixed.. $10
I got a new cell phone, cell phone case, and monthly service plan... $100 (dunno why the hell I paid $100.. the phone was suppost to be free with a 12 month plan... and the case didn't cost me that bloody much... But I didn't look at the receipt.. I am never this stupid!)
Also got tea.. lunch.. supper... went ice skating..

I acted out of character and went for the first cell plan that fit instead of shopping around, so now I feel really bad and I also never looked at the receipt which I should have because I don't understand why it cost that much.

I think I am pre-menstral too... by about a week.

But now I owe alot more money than I did before...
*thwaps self*

no more buying!!!

would rather binge on food... costs me alot less!
Maybe financially, but not in the long run. I can be a bit of a spendaholic, especially when I feel I can't treat myself with food:rolleyes: just ask my overdraft :D

And with all the weight you have lost, you deserve to buy yourself new clothes to show off your new figure. Always better to shop than binge! :D
fell off the wagon too... :(

3x chocolate bars
4x breadsticks
3x diet coolers

I did terribly today. I wasn't going to own up to exactly what I had eaten because I was too embarrassed, but I realised that I have to be accountable. I had porridge for breakfast and a fruit smoothie which was fine. Then I had a bowl of chilli with 100g cheesy crisps (chips). Then I had a tube of condensed milk (very, very sweet and not something you would normally eat on its own) and 3 slices of cheese, a creamy cocktail then a 200g box of chocolates!!!!! What the hell was all that about :confused: . I know that I got my TOTM today and I was feeling very crampy, and disappointed that I wasn't pregnant again :( but I still shouldn't be emotionally eating. I wish I didn't and I am going to have to learn not to. Maybe it just takes a bit longer, and if I do well over the next 4 weeks before my next TOTM I will be sufficiently in the habit enough not to fall off the wagon. One good thing is that it isn't actually as high a volume of food as I have eaten, and I don't feel stuffed right now. Ah, well ... tomorrow is another day, and its a work day which is much easier ;)
think I figured out my problem.. not enough sleep.

Today, inbetween working I am going to spend the rest of the time sleeping and exercising
Thanks for the ((hugs)) Avi, right back at you ;) .

I'm like you, when I am tired my mind cries out for energy from food, when what my body really wants is for me to take a nap, or get to bed earlier. It is just a matter of realising that at the time, and getting the sleep.
I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time and that you were not pregnant as I know you were disappointed. You are obviously doing some emotional eating. We have got to train ourselves to do something else, it is as simple as that. Whether it is shop, eat, listen to music, play a game, go for a walk, get our nails done...WHATEVER works for us. You will figure it all out. This is all new and most of us are really examining these things for the first time seriously. I have faith in all of us. I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks Pineola. I think my main mistake was that I didn't come on here, I sat and watched telly instead, which is something I haven't really been doing the last couple of weeks!! I have heard a lot that it is a learning curve, and I think that is true, I won't necessarily get it straight away, but that doesn't mean that I should give up. ;)
So I really need to join this group. I have struggled with binge eating my entire life. Apparently, it's already built in my genes as my father and grandmother have seriously suffered from it. I always hate how I feel after I just eaten a bunch of junk that I know I shouldn't have.