BA ...Bingers Anonymous

Hey gang.

I did something really stupid (I sat and did something I shouldn't be allowed to do; think) and now I feel sad. And now I need to eat that whole jug of sugar free jelly that's stood in the fridge.

Remind me I don't need it. And that the packet said "Fruity, Wobbley, Crumbly"

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Beef jerky is such a good idea!! I have tried chewing sugar-free gum before now, but the artificial sweetners upset my stomach. My husband likes beef jerky so maybe I'll buy some in.

I know what you mean about time, famouschic. Because I am a postie and finish work aroung noon, my evening lasts at least 8 hours, and I still don't get enough time to catch up with everyone i want to on this forum. I still have about 10 diaries that I want to read, and they're all about 7 pages :eek: !!

Anyway, keep up the good work guys!! ;)
Mrs Bear - The jerky I buy for one serving (I buy the big bags then break out the portions and put them into their own baggie) have 70 cals, 15 protein, 2 carbs, 0 fiber and 1.5 fat. The portion is actually pretty large. It keeps me busy for about 30 minutes.
I used to chew gum, but I always prefered, say, crispy flavours to minty flavours :D

It's a good plan, and if they did chocolate flavoured gum it would work for me too.

Jelly is untouched.

Bronsk, I had to empty the washing machine half way through my earlier post, so you snuck in ahead of me :p .

Good going!! A lot of people might say, but its sugar-free, its no cals!! But the point is, its still a binge. Its like when I eat so much veg, or salad, that I feel I could burst. It is still a binge and you are still turning to something for comfort that you shouldn't be. But now, you have something else to turn to ... us :)

Hang in there, Bron ;)

And Epi, your going to make a LOT of friends with that link!!! Have you tried it? Is it any substitute for the real thing?
I haven't tried the gum, but on the left hand side of that page is a link for sample. The sample is free and you just pay for shipping but it is $3 - might be more worth it to buy a bunch and if you don't like it - oh well, and if you do then you have a bunch. I think i'll order some - what the heck.
Epi, that's incredible!! Made me giggle though! And at 5 kcals a piece, that's always good! About the same as a Tic Tac.

That's the problem being faced, Mrs B. Today, it's sugar free jelly. Tomorrow, it may be a full fat chocolate and jellybaby fudge cake! Put stuff into practise now. I'm going to save some of the jelly (jello for our US friends) for lunch tomorrow.

And you're right again, I can binge on the lovely people here :) Always feel happier when I come on here.


Today I ate 1 kilo of carrots :D . I usually buy 3 kilos a week and end up throwing half away, so today I just chopped a bag of them into about 1 inch pieces and microwaved them till just soft, then I gave them a quick spray with the canned oil and put them in the oven till they were golden.
They were wonderful, so filling and at about 350 cals for the lot. Also had green pepper, spinach and lovely cherry tomatoes on grained ryvitas. Well this is the first weekend in about a year I didn't pig out on fried pasta and cheese. Total cals for today 945 and yesterday 1100. Hope everyone is doing well on the weekend. :)
PS....I wonder if I will turn orange?
Hi Blitzed! I think you may have been joking about turning orange .... but its true!!!! If you eat a lot of carrots the orange can come out in your skin temporarily!!! But you'll just look like you've got a nice tan :D . Good going on surviving the weekend. Its my weak point aswell. What is it about the weekend? I've heard so many people on this forum say that they have problems staying in control then.
Hi Mrs Bear, yes it is hard, I just want to fel good on Monday morning instead of having to start over again (after saying to myself "I will me good next weekend).
Infact last week when I was having yet another binge I told myself that it was OK because tomorrow I will start eating right....I realised that I had been saying that same thing for over a year....and every week I was putting on another pound.
Oh, yes...the old "I"ll start tomorrow" conversation in your head. I'm sure we all know it well. Great job this weekend, Blitzed. In the words of George Hamilton....better to have an orange tan than to be fat. He didn't really say that. I just made it up. Good luck not binging this week everyone.

Thanks for the link Epi...that's a very interesting site.
Sorry to go off topic, but I have been trying to even up my tan as I wear elbow length sleeves out on delivery, and my upper arms are still pasty. I have been using one of those gradual tanning moisturisers, but forgot the fact that drier areas would absorb more. I now have bright orange elbows!!!!!:eek:
*struggles... not... to... giggle!*

Poor Mrs B! I know the feeling though, my work T-shirt covered my forearms, and my work period was the hottest weeks of this summer. Doesn't look like we'll get much more of those days. So when I went outa few days later in a vest, as it was too warm for anything else, I ended up burning my poor un-sunned upperarms. So for days I had pink upperarms but nicely tanned forearms.

At least it won't last forever :)

Your right there Bronsk, I have been exfoliating like crazy and I don't look quite so extraordinary anymore (well not the elbows, anyway :D ), so, sorry Avi but no pictures!! But if your lucky I may post one of me in my 80s costume at our party this weekend ... that should be good for a giggle. ;)