I can relate to binging out of perfectionism. Before I started a successful plan (I dislike the word 'diet'), I struggled with it for a long, long time.
I tried to restrict basically everything, and was left with food that I never consumed, and always hated. Everyday I would try to go on that stupid diet, telling myself: 'Today is the day'.
But at any failure, no matter how small it was (Could have been a few squares of chocolate, or a glass of soda), I felt like I had failed, and would just drop everything, and eat all I could for the rest of the day.
Then, I would tell myself: 'I'll start tomorrow', but that 'tomorrow' never came, as the same repeated everyday. I would skip entire days just because I didn't eat properly the previous day.
And that process continued for weeks, months, and years.
By August of 2011 I weighed at around 70 Kg, and, by August of 2013, I weighed around 102 - 103 Kg.
It can be a very, very destructive spiral to hell.
I think, acknowledging failure can lead to personal growth, but DON'T let it dominate you - It's only downwards from there.