BA ...Bingers Anonymous

I'll have to try doing that. Plus once teeth are cleaned, everything else tastes grotty, so it works on so many levels. And of course, breath is sweet and fresh!

Hate to bring lizard speak into here as well, but Vince has come out for said "lap time." He's crawling round my brother's lap, generally having fun! He can hear the crickets, so he's getting really excited!

Mrs Bear said:
I'm a lot like you Cecilia. Why is it that when I eat a healthy diet I get lots done, but as soon as I start eating bad foods, I don't want to do anything but sit and eat! :confused:


I started binging last May when finals started and we had guests over for a week...there was so much food...:( :(

Needless to say, my finals weren't that great because I just couldn't focus on studying while "officially off my diet"

Mrs Bear said:
Try brushing your teeth. That often works for me. When dieting I sometimes get into the routine of brushing my teeth straight after I have had my last meal of the day, or my alloted cals or points. The taste of toothpaste puts me off eating anything else? Might be worth a try ;)

See you here tomorrow, everyone !!

The teeth-brushing really works...or try mouthwash if you want a stronger taste...:)
Well I for one am going to post here a lot:eek: . I have had 2 nights of no eating after so far and find it very hard, not because I'm hungry but because I stuff myself when I am anxious etc (which is neally always but worse in the evenings). Anyway I bought about 3 boxes of Ryvitas yesterday and ate 7 of those with vegemite and light sour cream scratched on and I love grated carrots, spinach and green peppers....weird I know. If you gave me the choice of a block of chocolate or a slice of cheese, I would pick the cheese any day. My son thinks I mad choosing cheese and pasta over chocolate. Enough of me ranting for now.....I'II be back!!!!!:D
P.S I am also going to post here when I feel like a binge is coming on:eek: .



SW 158 LBS
23/06 157 LBS

Hehe, Blitzed, I'd have to agree with your son...:p

Nah, jk, it's probably better that way....unfortunately I'd go for chocolate all the way....but I love cheese too...wish I was bron a pickier eater :rolleyes:
Cecilia07 said:
wish I was bron

I'm sure she's very flattered .. LOL :D (apologies .. it just tickled me!)

I had to go to Waitrose today to stock up on my gluten free porridge (only place they sell it locally) which always spells trouble. It is a posh supermarket and they have some really nice stuff there. It is in the next town so I don't go there very often, and when I do I am REALLY tempted. But today I did okay and only got two Wallaby Bars, which are sugar free, all natural, healthy snack bars, some frozen black forest fruits to make my smoothies with, some peaches and dates, and finally some coronation chicken (ooooops!!:rolleyes: ), but I am determined not to eat that today, and to have it for lunches over the next couple of days. Half and hour ago I felt like I could eat and eat!!! But I came on here instead and that seems to have passed. Its like Dr Phil says, you don't have to be strong 24-7, there are certain times when you are tempted, and if you get passed those you are ok :cool: I will write down in my diary what I have eaten today. It might be a maintainence day, but I certainly didn't go overbored, especially volume-wise. :)
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I wonder where famouschic went?

Anyway...having a bad night...binging a bit. Came by to read some stories and get some inspiration.
Hang in there Pineola .... binging a bit is much better than an all-out binge!! We will have to keep an eye on each other and try to stay on the straight and narrow ;)
Ahhh...I do binge a bit.....nothing that major, I won't have that much but it's just the fact that I can't resist all the sweet and fatty stuff, and I really want's preventing me from losing weight. Urgh, I just have terrible willpower over this kind of thing!
I find sweet stuff difficult to resist aswell, but it should get easier over time. Your body gets more and more used to doing without it. Can you believe there was a time when I couldn't eat a Mars Bar - yuuuck!! far too sweet! Nowadays I could eat a whole box of chocs in one sitting (not that I will :D ). It is just a matter of getting the palate used to less sweet stuff.
Cecilia, I understand how you feel, a lot of people wish they were me :D *titter!* The best way I find to untempt myself while shopping is just filling up straight from the fruit and veg aisle. It was so hard last night though, going into Sainsburys and seeing all the instant pastas and pot noodles and Angel Delights :| Then picking up Cornflakes instead...

Mrs B, I LOVE Waitrose! Exeedingly posh, yes. Exceedingly expensive, sometimes yes, but I love shopping there! My dad and I used to go on a friday night, first to Waitrose then to Lidls across the road. Screw nights out on the town for a laugh, my funky friday night started with food shopping! That ludicrusly chocolately cereal I meantioned, we can only get from Waitrose, it's a Swiss import.

The getting over sweet things I can relate to. Last time I had some of that Easter Egg (curse it) it left a strange, unpleasent after taste I never realised was there before. It hasn't tempted me as much since. May try and feed it to brother instead.

That is so true, Bronsk. When you eat naturally sweet foods, then go back to refined sugar, you realise the actual flavours aren't there .... just sickly sweetness :p
Yea, somewhat disappointing really. With chocolate no longer a must, what am I going to give up for lent next year?

Cereal, maybe!

Off to Waitrose *squee!* so see you guys later!

Waitrose is a British supermarket, but not your bog standard supermarket .... it is quite upmarket. Not as posh as Harrods, but posher than Tescos. They do some really nice stuff, but basics like Heinz soup and Uncle Ben's rice are a few pence more for some unknown reason. Therefore I only go there occasionally and buy stuff I can't get at my local supermarket.

(Sorry to butt in Bronsk, but you've got shopping to do, girl !!! :p )
Heehee, absolutely!

Really? Heniz is more expensive? I found it was cheaper than it was in Jacksons/Sainburys. Hmm, interesting...

Yep, that's pretty much it! Waitrose is the ubersupermarket! Has imports as well, like that amazingly heavenly chocolately cereal (*drools*) and Spa water (Belgium; bottled a few miles from our house, *claim to fame!*) and Ice Tea. I love it there, because our down-market community :D can't cope with the prices and poshness, ours is often quite empty. The crowdedness of places like Asda and *shudders* Nettos is unbareable, but Waitrose is a pleasurable experience. *looks back and sees how wrong that sounds.*

Though our shop was very difficult, but I guess it was for the best. With the whole family dieting, half the aisles were skipped in a bid to not pick up chocolate, biscuits and the like. I spent most of the time wimpering. Especially up the cereal aisle, where my... beautiful... magical... chocolately cereal was kept *lip quivers*

But dudes, it's been worth it! Our fridge has never looked healthier, there's salad and fruit and "low fat" gaff on every shelf! It's all pretty exciting!

My husband says that, when we go to Waitrose. He says the best part is the distinct lack of chavs! And we went at Christmas to buy our turkey, and it wasn't a mad house!

Well done resisting all the nice stuff that I KNOW is available at Waitrose. Sounds like you've got yourself one of Dr Phil's 'No Fail Environments'.
Here I am

Pineola said:
I wonder where famouschic went?

Anyway...having a bad night...binging a bit. Came by to read some stories and get some inspiration.

I didnt go anywhere, just been really, really busy trying to find a job, since i just graduated and need to find some stable money to support myself.

anyway, i have been doing pretty good on the not bingeing thing, as well as continuously trying to make myself aware of what i am eating. sometimes i faulter and dont think about it, which is when i make poor choices. however, i have come to find out, that when i do think about my food choices i either tend to eat less, something more healthy, or nothing at all. like when i went to busch gardens about two weeks ago...gosh, i wanted a funnel cake soooooo bad, but then i thought about the quote from Oprah: nothing taste as good as skinny feels; since i know what skinny felt like i know that to be true, so i forewent the temptation.

so i guess i will type to you next time i come to the forum, because i usually visit at least once every day or every other day, i just dont post because of time restrictions.
I am an emotional binge eater, and I like the repetition. Foods that you repeatedly put in your mouth; chips, popcorn, candy, snacks -

I found beef jerky helps me and a portion stays within my eating plan. Plus, it takes such a long time to chew a piece lol. So it wears my mouth out before I reach for the real binge foods.
