BA ...Bingers Anonymous

hi~my name is jay

hello all,
i am a binger too,but i am a man,26. i just like eating , i thing eating food is my appetite. but i still keep good shape now,because i have a magic-machine to help me body stay in good shape.
tampa... its better to have guilt than not... easier to control. lol
Welcome Tampa and Jay. I have found this thread really good, as it helps to talk to people that have gone through the same things as I have. It is a really supportive gang of people, there to motivate you when you feel like binging.
Oh-ho-ho dudes, time for me to squeeze into the confessional booth! This weekend I have done so bcolloks it's untrue! I've had grease followed by starch followed by fat followed by sugar. Then not half enough excercise to counter act it!

And by the sounds of things I've not been the only one that's suffered on binges. Mrs B and Avi, I'm sorry you guys have had a tough time :(

And I'm sorry about the TOTM appearing when it shouldn't have. I know how much it means to you as well, I really hope that everything sorts itself out next month *big hugs*

And welcome TampaChick and Jay "slim master"! This is a fantastic site for all your dieting support, I've never been this motivated with weightloss before, and believe me, I have a number of failed attempts! This thread is really great to stop yourself from binging and picking and the like. And to confess when it doesn't go to plan. Good luck guys!

See you guys around!!

Thanks for the kind words Bronsk, and big bear (((((hugs))))) back at you. Well, if we didn't have a problem with binging, we wouldn't be Bingers (not so) Anonymous, would we. I think it is a learning curve and isn't going to go straight away, but I do believe we can beat it ;)
Welcome back Bronski, nice to have you.

I didn't eat anything bad yesterday.
And I haven't yet today either.

I am loosing the craving I had for ice cream... probsbly because i binged in it Sunday. However i did want more yesterday, but denied myself.

But I still crave cheesies. :/
And I have to buy some for my employer today.
Oy. o.o

I also want chocolate. Which really isn't that bad.. if I get some dark stuff and limit my intake... but right now I am just trying to avoid. lol

*drinks green tea* *makes numerious faces* *falls over*
I'm glad you're finding your motivation again, Avi. It is sooooo hard after you have some sugar, because you set those cravings up again, but every day without sugar your cravings get less. Keep up the good work ;)
My parents buy a really mature cheddar, and just have a very thin slice in a sandwich. It is so strong, that is all you need. Or you could look at the fat and calorie content of different cheeses, I get a goats cheese that is about 120 cals per 100g, but it is very soft. Or extra light philidelphia .... it depends what you want our of the cheese, strong or mild, hard or creamy.
cheese is one of my huge weeknesses and I'm finding that some goat cheese (sometimes with garlic and herbs sometimes plain) on a Wasa cracker satisfies the craving at a low calorie count... that's when i'm craving a brie or a camembert - it's not quite as creamy... but it's ok -- or even the lite boursin...

Or like Mrs Bear says, a really strong cheddar (but unfortunately I would easily eat the entire block ofcheese I love it so much)

Cheddar served with apples is a nice snack, and the apples give you the fullness while the cheddar gives you the cheese craving satisfied

with a hard cheese, if you use a you can get super thin slices of cheese, and it seems like you are getting more.. (at least inmy little head
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..... and also, my friend that was dieting and luuuuurved cheese had a good system. If she was going to have cheese, she would go to the deli counter and by, say, 40g of cheese. Then when she got it home and ate it, she couldn't eat a whole block because she only had one portion. It is a bit of a cuffuffle, and you would probably get some funny looks, but it might be worth giving it a go.
I LOVE cheese. I honestly had no idea that it wasn't really that great to eat all the time until my mom's nutritionist told her she was eating ENTIRELY too much cheese. She and I were eating it for snacks three or four times a day. :( The fat-free cheese just doesn't taste the same.
I've really only started eating cheese properly since I've been dieting! I have a small piece with an apple. Like malecifent said, you get the substance with the apple and the cheese craving sorted with the cheese. Plus because the sugar in fruit makes you feel empty, the cheese makes you feel fuller.

Someone said that the RDA for cheese is a matchbox sized portion. I've been really sad and weighed it out as well! I had some of the Wenslydale Red Leicester with Leek for tea, about 15-20g worth. I have no idea what the calorie content is, but a piece that big is around 60-100 kcals, which isn't that bad.

I'm glad you're getting back on track, Avi. I'm going through the same with coming back from holiday. It's tough, but gradually you'll get back into the swing.

TampaChick, you're right, low/no fat cheese just isn't the same. I've had it with my apple recently, but now I've seen the light, I'm not going to be able to go back!

Mrs B, that's a fab idea of your friend's! I might cut the cheese (*grins*) into small blocks for a daily/weekly allowence. Though I can imagine the stares when you ask for 40g worth of cheese! Should have done that at the Wenslydale factory! Especially since some of the varieties were at £12 a kilo :|

the fat free cheeses have this rubbery texture that's just ick... though the mini bon bel lite gouda cheese that comes in that red wax thing aren't bad - i think they are only like 60 calories.. portions like that are easier for me to control.. it's an entire block of cheese that just calls my name...
Yea, baby bells aren't too bad, even the normal variety. I'm sure the more expensive goats cheese ones are less though, once my Wenslydales have run out I'll get some again.

I haven;t tried goats cheese... might give it a try.

I love aged chedder and marble. Not much for just mozarella.. Honestly I am a chedder addict. And I haven't had any in a week.. o.o

I saw these gorgious blocks of old chedder today... really cheap too.. like.. $5.99 for a great deal of cheese.. and drooled to myself.

I also love the jalopino (wrong spelling I know) cheese.. soooo goooood!!!

I dont mind low fat marble.. I can handle it.. but skim is going too far.. blimy rubber!
Hey Avi, goats cheese might not be the thing for you if you like tasty cheese. It is lovely and creamy, but not normally very strong flavoured. Maybe you could combine that texture with a grating of very strong cheddar to get the taste that you are after.
sometimes quality over quantity does the job... a bit less of the good stuff should satisfy the urge... and cut it up into single serving sizes, when you store it - in my mind anyhow - it's looking at it as a full serving and i might think twice, where as if i just cut off a piece from a big block, well that really didn't count... (oh yes, i love how i can rationalize ;)
Definitely agree there, maleificent. I used to have low/no fat cheese with my lunch, but I've settled for a smaller piece of tastier stuff. I'm making my way through the Wens. Red Leciester with Leek, and it's just sooooooooo tasty, it feels as though it would be wrong to have more than the 15-20g that I have.

I had such an urge for it last night after LOST. So I did what I do if I see a DVD I really want but can't afford. I pick it up, touch it, hold it, and promise that I will have it another time. First time I've done that with food. Had to sniff it as well. Didn't have any then, but I had some with my lunch, as promised.

Mrs B, I love goats cheese! The cheese factory had some with sheeps milk, and that was really nice as well. I know you're a Waitrose shopper as well, so you'll need to look out for the goats cheese Baby Bells, they're fantastic!

i also hav e same prob, kip on binge.... would like to join u guys in controlling e bad habit, i also have e habit like jelly_belly88... anyone can help?