BA ...Bingers Anonymous

Hey guys,

I'm new but not new to binge eating. My name's Kallie and I'm trying not to binge/closet eat anymore.

I've started reading everyone's stories and I definately belong in this group.

I am what you would call a closet eater. When I am at school with friends, I always eat the slowest and I am always consious of how much ( I think that people already see me as this fat pig and I don't want to prove them right) but then when I get home, I over eat all the wrong things. Like on a typical binge day, I will eat chips, ice cream, chocolate and fast food and normally at night time on fridays or I eat bad things over a course of 2 or 3 days and then little to none for the next 2 or 3 days in cycles.

My thing is that the eating must be done in my home with only husband or son or alone at home. I will not go through a drive-thru or to a buffet. Instead we order in or my husband will go through the drive-thru alone and bring stuff home. I most definately have to work on my accountability and honesty.
Hi all,:)
I went on to a sight where you can get your maintenance calories. I put in my height, weight etc....and this is what I got...

Maintenance calories at 153 lbs is........1720 cals per day
Times that by 7 (days)............................12040 cals per week.
So to loose 2 lbs a week I need to drop 7000 cals from the 12040, which leaves 5040....then divide that into 7 days and I need to eat about 720 cals per day.:eek:

If I add 30 mins of exercise at 7 cals per min, that gives me an extra 210 cals to eat or not to of 930 or if not eating more it would be 510.:(

Have I done this right? Maybe a 1 pound loss a week might be better...and is this the reason it's so hard to lose those last pounds? I aways thought 2 lbs for me was alot and am surprised I have had it 2 weeks in a row but then it's always easier at the start. I have till the end of Oct to loose it, so 1 pound seems to be the go for me, as I just don't care for too much exercise because I know I won't be keeping it up everyday.:confused:



SW 21/June.....158 LBS
23/June............157 LBS
30/June........ 155 LBS
7/July...........153 LBS

Welcome Miss Kallie! May I just say what great taste in forums and people you have; you have definitely come to the right place. This is the most supportive group you'll find anywhere, virtual or real. Everyone here is incredibly supportive and friendly, you'll definitely do fine here :)

Blitzed, I try not to listen to websites. There's one that tells me that my ideal calorie intake per day is 2050, so long as I moderately exercise with it... If I ever try and eat 2050 calories, or even just 1700, I put on weight!

Really, if you want to know how much you should be getting, you should see a doctor; a real life person, not just a computer who can't see you. If not, then only you know how much you can take per day.

There are some doctors (not here, but apparently in the US) that will advise patients to eat 800 kcals a day, but a lot of it's fibre so it fills up as well. 've had a couple of days where I've eat below the 1000kcal mark, and not felt hungry. It's doable, but it's something that should only be recommended by professionals. And looking at your current weight, I certainly wouldn't recommend going below 1000kcals a day. I have no idea how the computer worked that out!

Stay cool, all!

Bronski, I went to the calorieking web site where it showed me the maintenance cals.....I was the one who worked out the rest with regards to the 7000 less per week to loose 2 just seems when you get to a lower weight that losing 2 lbs a week (unless you exercise heaps) you have to eat too few cals. But I really don't know what a dangerous lower amount some people get older :eek: they can't or don't move much, then maybe 900 or so cals is OK. :confused:

Anyway I will just keep going as I am at 1100 to 1300 cals for now. Just thought it was interesting.:)
i am a binge too...

:D haha...
every time when the sky turn to dark,when the people feel sleeping.i alway miss the food which i hide it in fridge yesterday.
but i do not afraid of fat so far.... i feel very proud to share my lucky
in myhometown there is kind of massage equiment to help me exhault the's named fit crzzy massage.ladies like it very much. i use it every day. very useful.
i have load up the photo, for more information .you can click it's the wholesaler website
Blitzed, just a quick drop in to give you some info from this website:

For your weight (153 lbs) your basal metabolic rate is 1683 cals/day (11xyour weight), which is basically the cals you use to breath and digest food, etc. You will see a lot more complicated way to work out what activity and exercise adds onto that, but the simple calculations at the bottom would suggest that if you were classed as moderately active (you are ATLEAST this!) you would maintain at 2600 cals a day (17x) and if you were very active it would be 3060 cals. You may even be part way between the two. Here comes the science bit (I feel like I'm on a shampoo add ;) ) ..... 2600x7=18,200 less 7000=11,200 divide by 7=1600. So that suggests that if you only had 1600 cals every day, you could lose 2lbs a week. Of course it is approximate, and if you had 1,100-1,300 a day, then you would have leeway for the odd treat. I think that website you looked at was just quoting the basic BMR which is what you would burn even if you were in bed all day.

Hope this has helped and sorry to waffle!
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*looks blankly at the maths on screen*

I have no idea what you mean, Mrs B!

I got the first bit though; 11x my weight, so that would be 2222 kcals a day. I'd like to try that, see what happens :D Maybe make more sense if I could do maths and work out the rest of it.

I had the most awful situation thrown at me. I ate out with Top Cat (boyfriend) and ordered... a pretty unhealthy sandwich (BBQ chicken with cheese) expecting just that. But along comes the plate, laced with chips :eek: My ultimate weakness! I'm pleased to report that although I had a couple (because they were fat, proper chips) I didn't go overboard and eat the whole lot.

Have great days everyone!

Hey Bronsk! You did great laying off the chips a bit. I also had chips with my lunch. The brought me a huge basket and I only ate 7!

It just dawned on me that you are talking about fries. I'm talking about home made potato chips. Oh, well...their both bad and we didn't eat the whole thing. Good for us!
Thanks Mrs Bear,
If I ate 2600 cals a day I would be putting on weight no doubt because that was about what I was eating before.:(

This is the sight I went to and as you can see (unless I missed something) for my height etc and moderate lifestlye not including exercise my maintenance is about 1550, then if I want to loose 2 lbs I have to take of 7000 per week.

Funny how different they are.:D



SW 21/June.....158 LBS
23/June............157 LBS
30/June........ 155 LBS
7/July...........153 LBS

Wotcha Pineola!

Yep, I was talking about fries! Gets confusing sometimes. Like jelly and jello.

Either way, we both stuck at it, and beat the evil potato! Go us!!

Have marvellous days, everyone!

I think I am blessed... not a fan of potatoes :)
Good job though.. very good. *impressed* :)
Hey Blitzed. I put my details into that website. Office job maintenance calories were 1930, on the go job (which I would class myself as) was 2091. I put your details in, and I think i know where you went wrong. The only way I could get your cals to be 1500 and something, was to put you as bed ridden!! Although you are not counting your exercise and are working that out later, you still do an awful lot of activity day to day, just walking, shopping, doing housework, going up and down stairs. Not knowing what your job is, I worked it out for the office job, and that gives you maintenance cals of 1821 at 28. I used my age as I'm not sure of your age, but I'd guess we are about the same from your photo. It goes down slightly with age, but even at 38 your cals would be 1765. Also, you are probably burning a lbs worth of cals with exercise each week, so you only need to cut your cals eaten by 3500 in a week to lose 2lbs a week.

Gosh, that was a lot of rambling again wasn't it .... apologies!!:D
Hey Mrs Bear, I will try to drop 1 pound a week as I just hate exercing alot, you do so much. The photo was taken when I was 42 (and at 140 lbs) and I am now 44, in 4 months I will be 45 :D or should that be :eek: . It was the only recent one I had on my computer and my darling son of 14 said I still looked the same...(bless his heart). Will update it when I can on his computer.

Weigh in day tomorrow :eek: ....good news is I have been binge free for 22 days :D .



SW 21/June.....158 LBS
23/June............157 LBS
30/June........ 155 LBS
7/July...........153 LBS

44!!!! I would never have guessed it, you honestly look like you are in your twenties. And didn't you know, kids never lie, especially surly teenagers ;)

22 days binge free, that is excellent. I am hoping to get that kind of time under my belt soon, its a hard struggle. You have really achieved something. See you at the FSD!! :D
Blitzed, you look fantastic for 42 there! My mum was blessed with eternal youth, and even at 48 didn't look (or act) a day over 20!

Mrs Bear... again, *over my head* Maybe I should retake my General Studies Maths & Science paper... I got full marks for that :eek:

OK, I was threatened with a great big binge fest on the sea front today... but I didn't touch any chips, any ice cream, or any of those fabulous donuts! And on the "sugar" front, I've had 2 tic taks (mm, tropical flavour :p) a sugar free lolly pop and a sugar free strawberry and cream sweet :D I feel pretty confident now! Today could have gone balls-up, but I guess it's made a silk purse out of a sow's ear!

Hope you've all had marvellous days!

Bronsk, way ..... to .... GOOOOOOO!!!!!! No fish and chips ..... no rock giant candy dummy ...... That takes some doing! Oh, its on tomorrow now ... you are going to see some results, lady. Eeek! I'm so excited :D

PS - apologies for the maths, its a natural skill the women in my family have. Its a pity I did so bad at English, History, German, Drama, Geography ....... :D
Thanks for the support mal and Mrs B!! I did take some doing, I'm surprised I actually managed! And to not have the donuts... they're my seaside fav, behind the greasy, soggy chip-shop chips though :D

After today, I really hope the scales show some changes (good ones, not the bad kind) otherwise I'll be back on that train, back to Bridlington, and scoffing a bag of donuts from every stall :p Nah, that would be a tad expensive, and a tad over the top.

Thanks again, guys!
