BA ...Bingers Anonymous

Welcome Summergurl. Do you have specific trigger foods that set you off? I read a book once, and it said that although we feel that we are addicted to all food, it is often just one or two things that set us off. Whether its sugar, nibbly foods, fried foods, creamy foods ..... if you avoid your triggers it may make it easier. Also, I have found over the past few weeks that totally submersing myself in this website has kept my mind off food enough to stop that physical and mental habit of looking to food for comfort and as something to do. This may work for you too ;) Good Luck and we are all here to support you.

Bronsk ..... sorry to harp back, but on the subject of Monty Python ..... Hubby reckons that Roy from Corrie looks like the 'horse' that is actually a man in the holy grail! Whenever he comes on hubby always pretends to make hoof noises with hollowed out coconut halves :D
whats the diff between vegimite and marmite? Is marmite bad for you?

I think I am cured of my binging ways for a while... going to just forget how much things cost.. and buy stuff I love more than the bad stuff and reward myself with it. Like Raspberries. My fav fruit. Also expencive at $3.49 for less than a cup of them. But... if it keeps me out of the ice cream... yippy! <3 And I love them. :) I got some fresh blueberries too.. at a slightly more reasonable price.. and some balderson chedder cheese, aged 1 year. I want to get the aged 2 years stuff.. its better. So i have that with cellery.. and am happy. And even if it isn't as healthy as the diet cheese.. it satisfies me alot quicker :)

We can beat binging!
SummerGurl, welcome to the BA! It's a great thing that you've been able to say "outloud" that you binge eat, which is a big step if you have difficulty saying it to people. This site really does help, and encourages you to kick eating habits. The support here is incredible, and I'm serious when I say I wouldn't have stuck to this if it wasn't for the people here. Hope that we're able to help :)

Avi, I like the sound of your binging cure! And I love raspberries as well! Apparently, 9-10 raspberries is only 10 kcals :eek: I got some today, and they're *lovely!* It is a great plan, though, buying the healthy things instead of chocolate. I'm kind of doing that, easily skipping chocolate aisles to stare at the packets of low fat tuna meals :D

Bear, I don't watch Corrie, but hell if there's a guy who looks like the horse man, count me in! Tell hubs that I'll join the clip-clop noises. Then, if we pass it on, the whole world (well, whole of Britain) will be doing clip-clop noises to Corrie. Kinda like in the Tesco Internet phone advert...

Tonight was the last Brownie night, so we had a party. I made nearly 50 chocolate rice crispie buns, and kids brought in loads of chocolatey wonderful stuff. Thankfully (I swear there are little diet blessings everywhere) one girl brought in strawberries. So I munched on those instead of the buns. Though I did let slip with two bite-size pieces of caramel shortbread. I am a fiend for caramel shortbread!

Have a fab evernooning!

mrs bear, my trigger foods are crips and bread, and erm chocolate. if i have some chocolate i have to have something savory after, and after iv had savory i have to have something sweet. so either way i cant win. but hopefully, with the posts back iv had from you lot things should go ok. i think that is all i need, some encouragement and somwhere to come yap about it as i cant tell nobody here at home. so thanks guys! :D xx
but england has such horrible crisps... like really. Those are not chips.. they are horrible.. aweful imitations of crisps... o.o

Chocolate - <3
lol, our crisp aint that bad! hehe
also, this is my worse time of night. i work in the evenings and get home around 10pm and always, without fail go straight to the cupboard. i guess its just kicking the habit really ... hehe xx
Avi2kat, Vegemite has more flavour than marmite (if thats possible), my son came pick the difference blind folded.:confused:
It's definately an aquired taste. It's not bad for you as it has heaps of vit B but also heaps of salt.

Summergurl, Hi........this forum managed to help me stay binge free for 22 days...then I had one but am back on track.;)

Mrs Bear great to see you are back.:)

Bronski....I am having trouble only weighing once a week...I know it's bad but sometimes it helps me go back and read what I ate and make a change eg...I found out on Tuesday how much salt I was eating.
Since I have to take a diuretic I assumed it gave me permission to use the salt and chicken salt etc very freely. I was adding so much salt and flavourings on my vegetables, so now I keep them away.:D
lol. Marmite aint bad... I like it on toast :) Very yummy. But cant find it in Canada. Should tell my ex-bf to send me some... lol. I dont see how anything can have more flavor than marmite.. thats loaded!

Marmite + cheese + toast = yum!

Steak and vegies for supper tonight.. also yum.
Ah, SummerGurl, didn't realise you were a Brit as well. ;) I can empathise with the night munchies; my animation course means that working solidly into the late hours is a pretty common occurance. And after sitting in front of a light box/crowds of paper/computers/cameras, a snack is always needed. I've given myself a strict "curfew" of no eating past 7pm, 8 at the latest. It's hard at first, but it helps to keep things under control.

Avi, we have Kettle Chips here, which are probably imports from your lovely States. They're some pretty bad-ass crisps. And the Walkers (Lays) specials, and the McCoys uber tasty range (they might be specials as well) are to die for. And there are new things coming out all the time.

Blitzed, it can be hard weighing just once a week; my brother and my dad both weigh every day, or every other day, and they seem to hit plateuas (sp?) quickly. And weighing once a week doesn't seem to be for everyone, so if you're happy weighing more than that, then that's the way that'll suit you :)

I used to love marmite! But really, for all the ads say "you love it or you hate it" I'm indifferent. :D

Have a marvellous day everyone!

I'm with you Avi, raspberries are really great. I used to buy fresh king prawns and munch them straight from the packet. They are super expensive but very low in cals, so I felt like I was having a treat without eating something I shouldn't have. Also, I don't know what crisps you are thinking of, I think these days, half of the snack foods in the US and UK are the same as we have taken influences and brands from each other. We even get oreos over here now ;)

Bronsk, its a deal. I will have to start watching Corrie again though. I got sick of it a while back ... they drag the storylines out soooooo long :p

Hey Summergurl, one of my sisters went to plymouth university, and the other one lived in Mutley for a couple of years, so I am fairly familiar with Plymouth. Its got such a lovely marina and the whole seafront area is beautiful. I can relate to the whole sweet/savoury alternating thing. The problem with that is, if you eat sweet stuff, your body eventually says I've had enough sweet. Same if you eat savoury, but alternating means your body doesn't register that you have had enough. I find it so interesting how little things like this can make a big difference to your cravings. I find that if I eat just chocolate, I feel sick really quickly, so perhaps that can be your first change to make, eat sweet and savoury at different times. I think with weight loss it is a case of making small changes over time, so it isn't a big shock to you, and after a while you will have a super healthy diet without really realising it.

Blitzed, I am glad to hear that you are back on the no binge wagon. As we said before, it is so easy to fall off the wagon after a disappointing weigh-in, but it is great that you have been able to get back on track straight away :)

I have done well on the binging front. I think I have got to the stage now where I don't want to be uncomfortably full anymore. I don't think that I will binge out of habit anymore, but I may find it more difficult if I have the urge to comfort eat for whatever reason.

Keep up the good work everyone!! ;)
Mrs B, you have done so well on the binging front. I mean, 12 days straight says it all! I'm so proud of you, hun *hugs* And I know if there ever comes a time to comfort eat, you won't let yourself go over board. It's wonderful to see how far you -in fact, everyone- has come :)

King prawns? That sounds like a nice snack idea! Prawns are just the best, especially with spagetti; that's just to die for :p

On the Corrie front, I've never watched it. Soaps are just too heavy for me. I've always been a cartoon person, and in recent times, submerged myself in children's/pre-teen TV. It's much lighter, and easier to understand :p

Hope you all have a marvellous tomorrow, and good luck to the FSDers!

Hey Bronsk .... I just realised I didn't give you a congratulatory hug for your 2kg weight loss .... (((((Huuuuuuugs!!!))))). Its just rude not to hug back, isn't it ;)

I love kids TV! Now that's what I call relaxing. Hubby watches horrific violence, murder and sleaze, but that's not a good time :rolleyes: . Give me Spongebob anyday :D
Yay hugs!! *more hugs* Can't get or give enough virtual hugs :D

Yea, I can't understand how people can just sit back and enjoy the violence and nastiness and the sheer drama of some TV (says the LOST fan!) SpongeBob, Cow and Chicken, Simpsons (to some extent), 2 Stupid Dogs, Invader Zim, Timothy Goes to School (as seen on Tiny Pop toodler TV :D)... all much more fun to watch!

Thing with LOST... is that there's mystery, and *fit guys* even if they are evil. *sniffle*

I watched the first series of LOST, but was so disappointed at how much of a cliffhanger there was, and how little they explained at the end of that series, that I couldn't bring myself to watch the second series. I like knowing what's going on, and have an explanation, at least at the end of the series if not the end of the episode. Drives me loopy otherwise :confused:
Top Cat used to come over to watch LOST every Wednsday/Tuesday, and we were all so excited about what was going to happen. The first few episodes I wasn't that keen on of the second series, but Top Cat seemed to enjoy those more. Gradually, he went off them, and no longer watches LOST with us. Again, it's because he feels that not enough is being explained.

Plus there's the character changes. He used to be really fond of Charlie and Locke, but doesn't like the way everyone's turning violent and evil. He's a sensitive soul, is Top Cat :eek:

Onto day 4 no binging. Only nasty thing I had was a real bottle of coke instead of diet yesterday. Which I did out of courtesy (if you can beleive that) cause i did ask for a diet.

Situation: Volunteering as security yesterday, 4 hrs on my feet. The assistant manager of security says he is going to the volunteer room.. and what can he get us, we all put in our orders.. I ask for a diet coke. He accidently brings 2 cokes instead of one regular (for another guy) and a diet for me. He appolagises and says he is totally willing to go back and get me what I asked for.. the diet one.

I couldn't do it to him. He had been on his feet already for 14 hrs, he was tired.. he was being so sweet about it... so nice... I couldn't let him go back down. So I said no.. thats ok.. this will be fine.. thank you. etc etc. I didn't plan on drinking much of it but was thirsty.

So thats my story :) And I don't feel a mite bit guilty about it either! :)
No worries, Avi, and so long as you feel no guilt. It's not a binge, it's a nessetity. If I can spell it right :p

OK, I had a much earlier tea than usual, and I've had two light meals today (though have reached 1000 kcal quota through licking chocolate rice crispie spoon and actually having one of the buns :eek:) I feel starving, and it's gone 10 pm... just had a fat free cracker, bypassing some left over pilau rice. Very fatty, but very nummy. Water not filling like usual, rice is far more tempting...

*checks fridge*

*spots mini carrots!*


*they're mouldy*

Thankfully, there's a still a packet of unspoilt sugar snap peas. They're past their best, but taste OK, or taste OK until I find one that's a tad too fluffy!

Thanks for the tip!

Rofl... my carrots went bad too. Best way to make carrots last longer is to wash and dry them when you get them.. and then don't put them in a sealed bag.