BA ...Bingers Anonymous

Our carrots have had a pretty rough time of it; dad's terrible for night eats, and at the start of his diet, he was really good and munched carrots on a late evening. So they've been taken out of the fridge, left open in the back room over night, put back, left for weeks, occasionally removed, fed to Puck... I'm not surprised they're past their best...

Oo, I think I've found one of the beautiful fat pods! Most the pods in the pack don't have proper peas, but I think I've found one which real peas inside!

*opens pod*

Not quite, but still quite big, and oh my goodness, so *sweeeeet!*

ok iv done really bad :( yesterday i didnt binge once and drank 2litres of water and now just this evening iv had a binge .. i want to cry, i feel so bad and so guilty :(

i supose one good thing is that i am drinking the reccomended water intake, before i would down coke, juice and crap things high in sugar.

sorry just wanted to fill ya in. Anyone got any tips for me?!!? lol xx
I know how you feel Summergurl tip is that you need to be aware that we do binge and have something planned for when you get that urge so you can stop as many as you can.

I eat heaps of steamed vegetables and they don't have to be boring, just add your favorite sauce or what I do is make up a cupasoup and add that. I have been known to eat a kilo of roasted carrots before I would allow myself to eat something I shouldn't....let me tell you that fills you up and only 320 cals.;)

We all do it at sometime or another so don't feel sad....get even, and start again. :)
Avi, definitely don't sweat the real coke, you would have felt way more guilty about sending that poor guy back than having a little bit of sugar. I say way to go ... 4 days binge free!!! Woohoo! :)

Bronsk, my theory as to why you feel hungrier today than normal, is that bit of sugar you had earlier on. It probably gave your blood sugar a boost, followed by a crash and that is why you feel like munching. You've done really well, satisfying that craving with sugar snap peas. By tomorrow (oops! today) you will have got back to being level again ;)

We certainly do Blitzed :eek: I slipped up today .... very tired after a long 6 day week with extra overtime most days, plus 3 long bike rides. I felt a bit drained today, and ended up munching. My cals would have been perfect if I had just had my meals (1700 :) ) but I bought some mini twister ice lollies and a bag of jumbo barbecue snack-a-jacks (mmmmmm). I had 12 of the ice lollies and the whole bag of snack-a-jacks :eek: in about 45 minutes :eek: :eek: It was 1200 calories for those two things, bringing my total to 2900 :eek: . I did work out though, that with working today and a moderately sedentary maintenance calorie amount of 2550, this is actually a maintenance day (sorry if you've read my diary, I am repeating myself :rolleyes: ).

But the binging is a problem. I have set my counts back down to zero and I will try again to do as many days as I can. I think the main thing is, if we try to go as long as possible without binging, and maybe weaken once a fortnight, that is still 13 days out of 14 without binging ..... I think I will just have to accept that as being the best I can do ..... and that is pretty darn good ;)
Hey gang, I'm driving by quick, as I should have been in bed 45 minutes ago!

Avi, I've taken up the veggie plan for the plane. I bought a bag of lazy-man's carrots (the sort that's already been cut into little pieces) for the flight, and have packed my sugar free sweets to suck on the way up/down. Because of my shoddy ears (lost 75% of my hearing as a baby) I'm hoping that sucking something will help.

SummerGurl, don't let it get you down. You binged once out of 2 days, that's better than binging twice. It's happened now; you can't change that. But you can change what's going to happen tomorrow. Veggies, raw or otherwise, or even fruit make better substitutes. It's about self control and making the right descision. Good luck with the rest of the week.

Mrs B, I'm sorry you've had to restart your counters, but like you said, you've done fantastic, and 1 day in 14 is better than 15 in 14. Like you said, you get back on the horse, and dig your heels in hard.

Hope everyone has a fantastic week! I'll see you all then, and I'll bring back some grapes and melons, which grow in the field near the villa :D


Oh Bronsk, if you had done one more post, you would have left a fully fledged member (I think its 400 posts) ;)
10 Ways to Control Your Cravings

I thought there were a couple of good pointers in this article.

You can lose weight by overcoming your cravings now. Here are the latest tricks of the trade from researchers and experts:

Avoid your triggers. "You crave what you eat, so if you switch what you're eating, you can weaken your old cravings and strengthen new ones," says Marcia Pelchat, PhD, of the Monell Center. This can happen pretty fast. For five days, her study volunteers drank bland dietary-supplement beverages. During that time, they craved fewer of their trigger foods. By the end of the study, the volunteers actually wanted the supplements instead. The first few days are always the hardest, and you probably can't completely eliminate your old cravings. But the longer you avoid your trigger foods, the less likely you may be to want them. In fact, you'll probably begin to crave the foods you eat, a real bonus if you've switched to fresh fruit.

Destroy temptation. If you've succumbed to a craving and bought a box of cookies or some other trigger food and start to feel bad while eating it, destroy it. "Don't just throw it away; run water over it, ruin it. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment that you've licked your binge," says Caroline Apovian, MD, director, Nutrition and Weight Management Center at Boston Medical Center. Don't think about the money you're wasting. If the cookies don't go into the garbage, they're going straight to your hips.

Go nuts. Drink two glasses of water and eat an ounce of nuts (6 walnuts, 12 almonds or 20 peanuts). Within 20 minutes, this can extinguish your craving and dampen your appetite by changing your body chemistry, says RD's "Health IQ" columnist Michael F. Roizen, MD.

Jolt yourself with java. Try sipping a skim latte instead of reaching for a candy bar. The caffeine it contains won't necessarily satisfy your cravings, but it can save you the calories by quenching your appetite, says Dr. Roizen. And the warm richness and ritual can distract you.

Let it go. Since stress is a huge trigger for cravings, learning to deal with it could potentially save you hundreds of calories a day. This will take some practice. You can try deep breathing or visualizing a serene scene on your own, or you can speed things up by buying one of the many CDs that teach progressive muscle relaxation. A good one is Relaxation/Affirmation Techniques, by Nancy Hopps.

Take a power nap. Cravings sneak up when we're tired. Focus on the fatigue: Shut the door, close your eyes, re-energize.

Get minty fresh. Brush your teeth; gargle with mouthwash. "When you have a fresh, clean mouth, you don't want to mess it up," says Molly Gee, RD, of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Distract yourself. If only ice cream will do, it's a craving, not hunger. "Cravings typically last ten minutes," says John Foreyt, PhD, of Baylor College of Medicine. Recognize that and divert your mind: Call someone, listen to music, run an errand, meditate or exercise.

Indulge yourself -- within limits. Once in a while, it's OK to go ahead and have that ice cream. But buy a small cone, not a pint. Try 100-calorie CocoaVia chocolate bars and 100-calorie snack packs of cookies, peanuts or pretzel sticks. The trick is to buy only one pack at a time so you won't be tempted to reach for more. And since even 100 extra calories can sabotage weight loss if you indulge daily, strike a bargain with yourself to work off the excess calories. A brisk 15-minute walk will burn 100 calories or so.

Plan or avoid. Vary your usual routine to avoid passing the bakery or pizzeria. If you know you'll be face-to-face with irresistible birthday cake, allocate enough calories to fit it into your diet.
Cravings last 10 minutes? Oh ya.. right. Mine can last for up to 3 days :p Where all i want is something.. and it wont get out of my mind.. and my mouth is begging. I use to make the mistake of eating all sorts of other stuff to avoid indulging what I wanted.. the discovered that didn't help cause what I was eating to avoid was just as bad when i had to eat so much of it.

Well.. I don't classify myself as bad yesterday. For breakfast/lunch i had 1 egg, 1 cereal bar and 1 plum. I drank 8 glasses of water yesterday.. but for dinner I was craving lemon chicken. So I got it.. unfortunatly it came with alot of rice.. and unfortunatly I ate it all as I was hungry. But.. it was roasting hot outside and I had been standing/walking around for the previous 5 hrs... so I have no guilt. But it was a rare time I ever participate in a starch that intensely... starch just rarely comes into my diet.

The cvhicken was stir-fried btw.. and not breaded. :)
Pineola, that is really interesting, and if I do get cravings I will be back to this thread like a shot!! ;)

Avi, it still sounds healthy what you ate, its not like a plate of chips (thats UK not US chips ;) )

Mrs Bear is officially back on the wagon .... and this time I'm going for the high score :D
Forget it... into the ice cream i go. I got an email from someone I was inlove with.. and it just hit me deep inside again... and the emotions are just too much.
Oh Avi, it is so difficult to resist the emotional eating. The important thing is that you pick yourself back up and get back on that wagon with me ;) . One little slip up isn't going to ruin all your hard work :)
Wow I like this thread alot :) . I'm more of a compulsive eater, but I'm also a binger. For awhile I was into the cycle of binging, starving, binging, starving, but now I'm trying to control my compulsive/binge eating with diet & exercise. I really think this post was a good idea because it shows that other people are going through the same thing and there isn't as much shame.
I never needed to hear from him again... and now I cant keep my mind off him again... :(

I've got that feeling in my body again, I just want to touch him... to hold him in my arms.. to feel his arms around me.. :(

But today.. is a new day. A day of no binging, no escapes.. no emotional eating. I am going to try and do it.
Why did he contact you? I don't know, sometimes men just don't know when to leave well enough alone :rolleyes:

Keep strong, keep motivated, and remember, ice cream is not a hug, but this is .... (((HUG!!))) You can do it Avi :)
I dunno!!! he said he missed me... and was thinking of me.. :(

I messed up again today.. indulged in cheese. o.o
Hey Avi, cheese is not only brilliant for your hair and your skin, but calcium helps you lose weight ;)

I am finding it difficult to control the amount I am eating at the moment. Today wasn't a binge, but I had eaten all I was going to eat, then I felt so warm that I made a fruit smoothie ..... now I feel bloated :p I need to look at portion sizes again, and try to cut back the volume I am eating. No sugar though, on the upside :)
This is my first time on this thread. I am a binger. I can go weeks without anything and then all of a sudden I slip up and have gone crazy. I'll eat an INTIRE cake in 18 hours, this past week I've eaten about 6 bags of cookies, about one a day. Half the time I don't even really want anything, I just want to eat, as long as its sweet, it's all good. I'll binge and purge, and binge and purge, and then I'll stop, get control for a moment but then it'll happen again. I know it's an emotional thing, I'm all alone, and don't see that changing (especially being this big! :eek:) Not to mention I come from 2 long lines of addictive personalities, I'm a recovering alcoholic (it's been 7 years) I've gained all my weight during this time. I find that I simply shift one addiction to another...I've been through many. I lost about 3 pounds and in just this week, I've put it all back on!:( I HAVE to get this under control. Right this minutes I'm trying to convince myself to get to the gym, which I haven't been to for a week (while I've been bingeing) I've GOT TO DO IT!!!! I wish I knew what my stupid problem was!!!!