BA ...Bingers Anonymous

Mrs Bear, Bronski...thanks for saying I look younger, but remember it's a tiny photo (hides wrinkles well).:eek:
Bronski, great to hear you resisted a binge.:) Felt like one myself yesterday, first time in weeks...but I didn't....still the scales didn't reward me. I blame the Fat Scales Devil,:mad: he comes along every now and then when you get on the scales he puts his foot on it too, in the hope that we give up, but I won't.:D



SW 21/June.....158 LBS
23/June............157 LBS
30/June........ 155 LBS
7/July...........153 LBS
14/July.........153 LBS

Thanks Blitzed, and I'm sorry the scale demons were unkind *hangs a bug zapper above Blitzed's scales* That'll take care of them :D Glad you don't feel the urge to give up, and with the bug zapper over the scales, you'll see better results next week.

And wrinkles or not, you still look great for your age. And so long as the bright, bubbly fun part of you shines through, no one will ever see the wrinkles :)

Hope everyone has a brilliant day, TGIF (I should stop saying that...)

Bronski said:
And wrinkles or not, you still look great for your age. And so long as the bright, bubbly fun part of you shines through, no one will ever see the wrinkles :)
I'll second that Bronsk!!

Well done, Blitzed, for resisting a binge. You have gone sooooo long without one, it would be a shame to set 22 days back to 0!! I know you can keep strong!!;)
*hangs an electric fly zapper above Avi's scales* That'll scare them off next time! *hugs* You'll do great next week, I promise.

*Brownie promise*

Someone was very cruel today and told me one little sweet won't hurt my diet. Then she gave me a chocolate and said exactly the same thing. I need to go for a walk to get rid of those two curse-ed things.

Ah, but if you went for a walk that you wouldn't have done without that inspiration, you will have burnt off more calories than one sweet and one chocolate (honestly, how much could that be .... (famous last words ;) )) so actually, that friend has done you a favour.

" Always look on the briiiight side of life ... da doo ... da doo, da doo, da doo, ..."
"... whistle, whistle, whistle whistle"

In addition:

I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK, I sleep all night, I work all day! etc etc!

I did go for my walk. It was very nice, and I stopped by the shops on the way back to buy some tea. Have done even more walking tonight (I haven't stopped!) to see fireworks over the Humber :)

It's 1 AM... I should go to bed... Nah, not yet! Wait until my eyes bleed.

I made a habit of drinking green tea.. which I hate. lol. But its a good habit.
Confession time :eek: , I had a binge on Friday night.....some crakers and cheese, shared some miro popcorn (the buttered type) and one and a half toasted cheese sandwiches. Now I am 154 lbs and not happy :mad: . Now I am back to 0 Bronski.:(

Good to hear so many lost this week, will get me motivated again.:D , would love to be 152 next Friday so I will try very hard.

Avi2kat, hope we both do better this Friday.:D
Yes, we can work together! I had some chocolate cake this weekend... but was good the rest of the time and did extra exercise today. :) This week I will be piling on the exercise :) Going shopping Tuesday for some grocceries to help out :)
Bronski said:
I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK, I sleep all night, I work all day! etc etc!
"I cut down trees, I wear high heels, suspenders and a bra .... I wished I'd been a girlie, just like my dear ma'ma ..." ;) I should have known you'd be a Monty Python fan :D

Blitzed, Avi, it is so difficult to resist having a little something when the scales have been unkind ... I don't blame you one bit. And now it will make you even more determined to kick butt this week and get a good result next Friday. You can do it!! ;)
I second what Mrs B said. I know that if this week, or any week, I go up I'll be incredibly tempted to go to the nearest shop and spurlge out on far too much chocolate.

You just need to kick butt the rest of the week. You're both willing to do it, so neither of you will have any trouble.

And please don't be sad, blitzed! I don't like to see sad face. *hugs* You will do great this week and you will drop. We all have faith in you, and in Avi :)

Oh, and Mrs B...

"We're knights of the round table, we dance whenever we're able. We do routines and chorus scenes, with footwork impeccable. We dine well here in Camalot we eat ham and jam and spamalot!"

No ask me to sing the rest :p In some versions of the Lumberjack song, they sing "just like my dear pa-pa" instead. Gotta love the Pythons :D

Have a great Sunday, Bon Dimanche :D

Reading over this thread has lifted my spirits. I was a compulsive overeater for quite some time, and always felt out of control. I am now recieving treatment for bulimia because i purge after the binges, i feel so disgusted that i couldnt control myself during the binge.
Knowing that there are plenty of you out there trying hard to resist the strong urges to overeat and binge gives me some hope and inspiration.
I am on the strait and narrow now.. thats what bad scales do to me. Sticking to green tea instead of green tea lattes. Remembered to bring my frozen watermelon to work. having soups and cream of wheat.. meat and salads. Not drinking alcohol again till I get my belly button ring. :)
Thanks for the support, (Bronski, Mrs Bear) I can't believe how hard we get on ourselves when the scales let us down.

I got on the scales today and it was 155,:mad: I was so disappointed just couldn't believe it....had my coffee and when to the powder room :eek: ....went back on the scales and I was 153, I got on them 3 times and it said 153 everytime so I don't know what is happening...I put in good new battery afew weeks ago so I know it's not that.

Anyway since (Saturday) I have been doing well, eating heaps of vegetables.
I made a stack of spinach pancakes :D (green pancakes) (for my son).....this is where I put in heaps of blended spinach in the batter and then fry them up in a nonstick pan....but wait it gets better, he loves to eat them with vegemite and grated cheese :eek: . We don't like sweet pancakes.

I would like to get down to 140 lbs by my 45 th birthday in 4 months so if I loose 1 lb a week I will get there...thats not asking too much surely.:)

Avi2kat, I hope you are doing well.
Hey gang!

Erm, sorry about the gain, but I'm pleased about the loss again :) Electric scales are so tempremental; I always weigh 3 times, whether good or bad to have a best of 3. You need to weigh yourself just once a week, though. Otherwise you won't see the progress as clearly.

Mm, those spinach pancakes sound fantastic! It's great that your son's eating plenty of greens without being forced :D

I'm sure you'll get to your goal weight by your 45th, just as always, work hard at it, and no matter what the scales say, *don't let them get you down* You're already a beautiful person, you shouldn't let them worry you.

Avi, good for you for kicking the latte for just tea. And the frozen watermelon must be a nice treat, especially if your weather's anything like ours! Don't forget to stay positive, and I'm sure when friday comes, you'll see changes.

Stay cool, dudes!

Blitzed said:
Anyway since (Saturday) I have been doing well, eating heaps of vegetables.
I made a stack of spinach pancakes :D (green pancakes) (for my son).....this is where I put in heaps of blended spinach in the batter and then fry them up in a nonstick pan....but wait it gets better, he loves to eat them with vegemite and grated cheese :eek: . We don't like sweet pancakes.

ya had me until the vegemite... That has to be something you are born with like - it's definitely not an aquired taste :)

that's cool though -- isuppose if you don't make a big deal out of what he's eating -then he'll eat anything :)

I think yout 45th birthday goal is absolutely do-able.. :)
I had my first binge incident in this past 2 weeks. :(

I totally binged on popcorn today. I make my own with an airpoper and kurnels. I ate 8 cups all in one sitting and enough to make my stomach ache and yet I did it and then tonight I had fast food. :(

I've let 1 not so bad day turn into a semi bad day into a bad day.

Now it's back to binge free life!
Don't worry about the binge, kallie *hugs* It's happened now, that can't be changed. But you sound willing to get back on the horse (or donkey or pony or dolphin or whatever your choice of steed) which is the important thing.

You're still doing great, hun. Don't let one incident get you down. And the first in two weeks, that's a good while.

Hope you have a brilliant day today!

hey guys
sorry but i havnt read this whole thread but i do need to tell someone that i binge eat. Its so out of hand. iv been trying since febuary to lose weight and have had a little success, nothing more than 10lb and now its all back on and more. im 5'2 and 238lbs - i am disgusted at myself.

the only way i am going to lose weight is if i stop eating all together cuz once i start i cant stop. i just dont know how to get out of this mess im in. its affecting my social life as i dont want to go out cuz i cant find nice clothes to fit me. im always paranoid people are staring at me and talking about how fat i am.

i cant tell anyone i know about this so its made it alot better telling you lot on here. hopefully someone can help me.

much love