A Unique Weight Loss Living Style Pattern

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How to select slow cooker

The larger the capacity is, the better. If it’s for making broth for single person, capacity should be able to contain 2 liters of water and 2 pounds of meat (for fish meat). So four quart slow cooker might be OK. If possible, get one with 5 or 6 quart capacity, this will leave some room between water surface and lid, which may be helpful to let protein hydrolyze into water. And this pattern requests 12 hour cooking time, so it’s better for you to select one without timer if you can’t find one with up to 12 hour timer. And there must be LOW temperature setting there.
How to select slow cooker

The larger the capacity is, the better. If it’s for making broth for single person, capacity should be able to contain 2 liters of water and 2 pounds of meat (for fish meat). So four quart slow cooker might be OK. If possible, get one with 5 or 6 quart capacity, this will leave some room between water surface and lid, which may be helpful to let protein hydrolyze into water. And this pattern requests 12 hour cooking time, so it’s better for you to select one without timer if you can’t find one with up to 12 hour timer. And there must be LOW temperature setting there.

Why are you still talking?

And, what in the hell does a SLOW COOKER have aaaaanything to do with what you were talking about earlier? You just like hearing yourself talk, don't you?
Corn meal cake recipe:

The suggestion from Mr. Liu is to buy yellow corn meal, it’s better than white corn meal.

I used to add 0.4 liter of water into 230 to 250 grams of corm meal. Mix adequately. Take appropriate amount of yeast (follow the instruction on yeast’s bag), mix the yeast with warm water then mix with corn meal. Follow the same way as making bread. Steam for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not bake. Baked corn meal cake will be too dry to eat.

To improve the tasting, you can use 2/3 corn meal and 1/3 soy meal. Or you can put fruit residue into it if you make juice. Putting soy residue into it is good too if you got some while making soymilk. Do not add sugar, chocolate, or any other additives, except yeast. You can add dates onto it to improve taste. But, select vacuum-packed dates without preservative.

If you feel it’s hard to eat, you can put the broth into a bowl, and put the corn meal cake into broth. This will make it easier.

Remember, drink broth first, and then eat the corn meal cake and vegetable dish. Sequence does matter here. If you eat this way, Mr. Liu said “you can eat until you feel 80% full to 100% full”. Broth you drink first takes a part of space in you stomach. After that, you won’t be able to eat too much. I do this everyday for 3+ years, and lost weight while being able to eat until full. You don’t have to bear hungry to lose weight if you do this way.

Are you saying this is a cheating to our stomach? No, the broth is not water, but with a lot of protein and collagen in it. After taking broth continer out from refrigerator, it looks like jelly. If it doesn’t, the way you make broth should be inaccurate. You could test yourself: you take broth/corn meal cake/vegetable dish for one day, and eat the same foods/dish by replacing the broth with equal volume of water in another day, see how long time you will feel hungry. Broth will let you feel not hungry for much longer time.
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You might have noticed that in this pattern, pollution intake control is at highest priority. If it’s possible for a good nutrition source to have pollution, this pattern suggests either “don’t eat it” or “how to reduce or eliminate”. Example:

1. Do not eat any fruits or vegetables, if there is no way to pare peel or ring of them.
2. Pare peel or ring, then cook or eat.
3. Avoid any foods with preservative.

Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, if we eat anything that could hurt our body, the first target it attacks is the “Wei Qi”. If translate to English word by word, “Wei Qi” means “Stomach Health”, but it means a lot more than that. From Mr. Liu’s book, it at least means:

1. Appetite; and
2. Digestive system’s health and its ability to absorb nutrients from food; and
3. Immune system; and
4. Liver and kidney; and
5. Hypothalamus; etc.

In the other words, “if we eat anything that could hurt our body, it first poises digestive system, further poises liver and hypothalamus, then result in decreasing appetite, digestive ability, and immunity.” If we see the symptoms of a cancer patient who took chemotherapy, this is true.

Our body can detoxicate, but with limit (up to certain amount) and cost (hurt liver, maybe kidney, at least, and hurt other target organs before cleaning is done).

The chemicals used for chemotherapy are strongly toxic. How about taking tiny things with very weak toxicity, such as tiny preservative? Mr. Liu said: “our body has to spend costs to excrete it out, this process will hurt our body and health. Some harmful things may not be excreted thoroughly, they will accumulate in our body. They will hurt our health once reaching a threshold. So eating anything our body doesn’t need will hurt our health sooner or later. So don’t give the control of your health to anyone, not to food and chemical manufacturers, farmers, etc. We have to control ourselves.”

That’s where such suggestions of the pattern come from.
Why should we eat 3 to 5 lbs of fruits daily? Mr. Liu said: “the fruits bought from market are no longer natural. They are picked from trees while they have not matured. Therefore they are lack of vitamins.” If you have apple trees at your back yard and pick the apples only when they matured, eating 1 pound per day could be enough. To ensure enough vitamin intakes from fruits you buy from market, eating more is necessary. But the amount is large, so this pattern says you should make juice. Another advantage of drinking self-made juice is the vitamins in juice should be easier to be absorbed than eating fruits. Again, pare rings before making juice or eating them. If there is no way to pare ring for a good vitamin fruit source, do not eat it.

You are saying you can buy fruits from market, which look like matured very well? That could be great, and might be even worse. Some chemicals can make fruits become “matured” with excellent-looking color. Is it good or bad if the color is due to such chemicals? If you go to orchard and pick fruits directly from trees, it’s better than buying from market, because such chemicals should have not been applied to the fruits on the trees yet (no guarantee).

You may say that recently, low toxic pesticide is used in orchards; the pesticide can degradate faster and therefore safe. But, degradating faster should mean shorter effective period, right? For the same fruit growth period, it means orchards have to spend more money to apply the low-toxic pesticides more times, right? Would they trend to lower costs? If yes, what should they do? And how about if the fruits are imported from other countries without strict rules on using pretidice? Again I would not give the control to orchards. If you feel it’s OK, then you may go for some fruits without ring or there is no way to pare their rings thoroughly. But you should remember that you have to bear the consequences too while taking the benefits of such fruits.

You may say that there are chemicals on market; the manufacturers claim that they can remove all pesticide residues. But remember, that may add a new kind of chemical residue onto fruits. Again, if you trust the manufactures and would like to give control to them, you could use them. Mr. Liu said “never use such chemicals, just because the manufacturers have not done some human trails for a period that is long enough.” I do believe they haven’t done such trail for 80 years to see if such chemicals impact one’s health and/or natural lifespan, and/or have any negative impacts on one’s grandchildren’s health, because such products are invented just in several decades. If you would use them, you could be doing such human trails for them, for free, and without any obligation on them.
Three hobos have rapid arms for things of tricycle ping pong revolver carpets with tube steak hairdos and Donruss baseball cards while boat rides take overcoat Easter Sunday through the last slice of pizza since JENNIFER LOVE HEWIIIIITT!!!!

Oh, I'm sorry...I thought we were just saying random stuff now. My bad.

(watch the language)
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Why should one drink 4 liters of water everyday? “Drinking enough water is necessary for relieving constipation and ensuring your health. Constipation can hurt health by many ways. Our body generates many metabolic wastes everyday. If body feels the water in it is in short, it will trend to keep excreta longer time in our body to get the water in excreta back to body. But metabolic wastes will be absorbed back too while absorbing water, this makes excreta dry. What’s next? Our body will have to make harder effort to excrete the wastes again. How about if water is still in short? Absorb from excreta again and it makes excreta even dry – this is one of the reasons why constipation appears. This vicious circle will trend to more serious if you ignore the signal your body sends to you but continue the insufficient water intake pattern.” If our body is under this bad situation in long term, liver and kidney will get overloaded, and may go failure – you should know the deceases caused by liver or kidney full or partial failure.

Another factor to help relieve constipation should be to eat “coarse staple foods”. “Eating rice- or wheat-made foods may increase constipation degree.”

I follow this pattern to eat “coarse staple foods” only with 4 liter water intake daily. My moderate constipation is gone after only one week of following it. BTW, I feel the fresh sweet potato is the best to relieve the symptom. I also had question – is 4 liter water necessary? Can I drink less? So I tested myself. After it’s relieved, I try to drink 2.5 to 3 liters daily for days. Immediately, I feel it’s harder to excrete out. Now I drink 5 to 6 liters of water daily, I don’t have any issue.

Why should we drink 1 liter of water as first thing after getting up? You will go to restroom within 15 or 30 minutes (for me, within 5 minutes to 10 minutes) – no constipation. This helps morning excreting a lot.

Without relieving constipation, weight loss could be harder, because your metabolic process is abnormal, but burning fats needs good metabolic conditions, it needs liver’s effort. If you have constipation, overloaded liver may be not very healthy, burning fats could be inefficient.
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This is sound advice except for the zero fat intake - you only get essential fats (omega 3 and 6) from your foods such as fish, nuts, seeds, olis. They are essential because they build you brain, your eyes, nervous sytem and your hormones. Having some level of fat in the diet is essential. What you need to avoid is trans fats and balance unsaturated with saturated fat intake to be healthy.

Thanks for sharing this.
This is sound advice except for the zero fat intake - you only get essential fats (omega 3 and 6) from your foods such as fish, nuts, seeds, olis. They are essential because they build you brain, your eyes, nervous sytem and your hormones. Having some level of fat in the diet is essential. What you need to avoid is trans fats and balance unsaturated with saturated fat intake to be healthy.

Thanks for sharing this.

You’re welcome, and thank you for pointing omega 3/6.

I have taken this pattern for 3 year plus 4 months, but I don’t have any symptom caused by insufficient omega 3 and/or 6. I never eat fish oil pill in my life. In fact, my health is much, much more better than before, and my heart pain no longer exists if I follow this pattern (heat deceases should be caused by being lack of omega 3 and/or 6?). My health is dramatically improved after following this pattern, while my body might be lack of omega 3 and 6. What does it mean? I think that:

Assumption C: Omega 3 and 6 might be necessary, but their impact to health is in long term, at least longer than 3 years, because my meat intakes are in broth form, with zero fats in it, no way to get omega 3 or 6 from meat in this pattern. (Sorry, no scientific explanation.)

For my point bellow, it doesn’t matter if Assumption C is true or false. If this Assumption C would not be true, then it means omega 3 and/or 6 were not necessary, because I have good health within 3 years without omega 3 or 6 intake from meat source (also very limited from other sources). So it has to be true, at least for me, my wife, and other people taking this patter (or the necessarily of omega 3 and/or 6 claimed by science were incorrect). If it’s true, then it’s good news. This is my point:

For people who have over-weighted too much, their highest priority is weight loss. The threat to the people from over-weight is much higher than being lack of omega 3 or 6. They COULD take this pattern with zero fat intakes from meat sources and be safe, at least for 3 years, because our body might be able to live with insufficient omega 3 or 6 for years. After body weight is in good range, these people can then take some omega 3/6-rich meat cooked in general way.

Any comments?

Another thing could be more interesting: if I eat more meat not in broth form now (for example, when participating friends’ party), light heart pain comes back for sure. But it will be gone for sure too, after I switch back to broth. This happens to my wife too. Can anyone explain? If nobody could, I will assume again. :)
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Another factor to help relieve constipation should be to eat “coarse staple foods”. “Eating rice- or wheat-made foods may increase constipation degree.”


How can eating “coarse staple food” help constipation relief?

In general diet plans, staple food intakes are limited to small amount. It might be possible for our body to hold the foods longer in intestinal to absorb more nutrients in them, because body feels the nutrient intakes are not enough. The result of holding foods longer is that they become dry. If this is true, then eating less within a range could not work. That’s why general diet plans let us eat much less than daily consumption amount, usually 20% less than consumption. Another reason could be: when we eat more, the foods we eat later could push foods in intestinal ahead, so foods stay in intestinal shorter. But we can’t eat more rice- or wheat-made staple foods to get diet. We can only eat “coarse staple foods” based on the reasons assumed.


I ate cooked rice (not dry rice) about 100 grams and 1 cup of milk everyday before, and about 200 grams of meat cooked in general way each week. My body weight was close to 150 pounds. Now I eat much more, but body weight reduced.
Some DOs and DONTs by this pattern:

All the requirements/suggestions below come from Liu’s book.

1. When preparing meat for cooking broth, do not cook meat first, do not put meat into hot water, do not fly meat either. When cooking by slow cooker, do not hot or warm water, do not add salt or condiments. All those may let protein become polypeptide, which will no longer or hard to hydrolyze into water.

Hate to burst your bubble, but ALL proteins are polypeptides.
All polypeptides, in contrast, are not proteins.
Hate to burst your bubble, but ALL proteins are polypeptides.
All polypeptides, in contrast, are not proteins.

When you say "burst your bubble", do you think my body weight is changing back to 138 lbs, which is what it was before I take this pattern, from 110 lbs I have now? :) Just kidding!

What is happening on my body is fact, it won't be "bursting" by any arguments. Actually, the reason why I'm explaining is not for myself, but for making up possible gaps in science, and for other friends here. Now I don't spend any cent on medicine, my health is like when I was 30 years old, do I care about bursting? :) My answer is no for sure.

But the information you posted is welcome, it will help improve my (or Mr. Liu's) explanations and/or assumptions, which might be inaccurate or with gaps. Yes, all proteins consist of polypeptides. I would like to modify what I said (partially from Mr. Liu's book) to:

"1. When preparing meat for cooking broth, do not cook meat first, do not put meat into hot water, do not fry meat either. When cooking by slow cooker, do not start with hot or warm water, do not add salt or condiments. All those may let protein denature to some kind of polypeptides, which might be no longer or hard to hydrolyze into water."

Bold words above are new or updated.

Would you be able to live with it?
well, assuming you put your slow cooker on (which of course you would) the proteins will still denature during the cooking process (that is what 'cooks' the meat).
well, assuming you put your slow cooker on (which of course you would) the proteins will still denature during the cooking process (that is what 'cooks' the meat).

The key is not "denature or not denature", but denature to "what", or denature to something that is easier or harder to hydrolyze into water, and easier or harder to be absorbed by our digestive system.

From the facts happening on my body, proteins coked this way become or denature to something that is easier to absorb, so that my health gets much better.
The key is not "denature or not denature", but denature to "what", or denature to something that is easier or harder to hydrolyze into water, and easier or harder to be absorbed by our digestive system.

From the facts happening on my body, proteins coked this way become or denature to something that is easier to absorb, so that my health gets much better.

With heat, a certain protein will always be denatured the same way. There is no scientific reason that using cold water at first instead of hot/warm water will cause proteins to denature differently. And they won't. Heat denatures protein, end of story.

By the way, overcooking something for that long ( believe it was 12 hours?) will actually mean that you are losing most of the nutrients in the food. Of course you are just eating the broth, so you won't get most of the nutrients in the first place.
With heat, a certain protein will always be denatured the same way. There is no scientific reason that using cold water at first instead of hot/warm water will cause proteins to denature differently. And they won't. Heat denatures protein, end of story.

By the way, overcooking something for that long ( believe it was 12 hours?) will actually mean that you are losing most of the nutrients in the food. Of course you are just eating the broth, so you won't get most of the nutrients in the first place.

You're saying my health is getting much better than before because of no meat protein intake (and limited plant protein intakes)? Is it against science?

You are trying to negative Mr. Liu's and my points. OK, let me give up for a while. I'm waiting for your explanations about why the health of mine, my wife, and many other people are getting much better (if not perfect yet) while drinking the broth you negatived.
"Talking 30 to 60 minute napping after lunch has more effects than letting brain have a rest. Another important effect of it is to let digestive system get enough blood to absorb nutrients from foods."
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