This is sound advice except for the zero fat intake - you only get essential fats (omega 3 and 6) from your foods such as fish, nuts, seeds, olis. They are essential because they build you brain, your eyes, nervous sytem and your hormones. Having some level of fat in the diet is essential. What you need to avoid is trans fats and balance unsaturated with saturated fat intake to be healthy.
Thanks for sharing this.
You’re welcome, and thank you for pointing omega 3/6.
I have taken this pattern for 3 year plus 4 months, but I don’t have any symptom caused by insufficient omega 3 and/or 6. I never eat fish oil pill in my life. In fact, my health is much, much more better than before, and my heart pain no longer exists if I follow this pattern (heat deceases should be caused by being lack of omega 3 and/or 6?). My health is dramatically improved after following this pattern, while my body might be lack of omega 3 and 6. What does it mean? I think that:
Assumption C: Omega 3 and 6 might be necessary, but their impact to health is in long term, at least longer than 3 years, because my meat intakes are in broth form, with zero fats in it, no way to get omega 3 or 6 from meat in this pattern. (Sorry, no scientific explanation.)
For my point bellow, it doesn’t matter if Assumption C is true or false. If this Assumption C would not be true, then it means omega 3 and/or 6 were not necessary, because I have good health within 3 years without omega 3 or 6 intake from meat source (also very limited from other sources). So it has to be true, at least for me, my wife, and other people taking this patter (or the necessarily of omega 3 and/or 6 claimed by science were incorrect). If it’s true, then it’s good news. This is my point:
For people who have over-weighted too much, their highest priority is weight loss. The threat to the people from over-weight is much higher than being lack of omega 3 or 6. They COULD take this pattern with zero fat intakes from meat sources and be safe, at least for 3 years, because our body might be able to live with insufficient omega 3 or 6 for years. After body weight is in good range, these people can then take some omega 3/6-rich meat cooked in general way.
Any comments?
Another thing could be more interesting: if I eat more meat not in broth form now (for example, when participating friends’ party), light heart pain comes back for sure. But it will be gone for sure too, after I switch back to broth. This happens to my wife too. Can anyone explain? If nobody could, I will assume again.