Weight-Loss 4 Week Get-Ready-for-Summer Challenge Chat Thread

That's totally cool Cerella. Hope everything comes together for you :).

I know about smokers cuz my H is trying to quit, but all he's done is cut back significantly. He wont bite the bullet and stop. Any recommendations?

How's everyone else doing?!

Food has been great ever since the start of the challenge. Here's my exercise re-cap for this week. I do most of it on the weekends. At the beginning of next month I'll start back at my gym so I can do other activities than just my home elliptical.

MON: 0 mins
TUES: 0 mins
WED: 30 mins elliptical
THURS: 40 mins elliptical

Hope everyone is doing great :).
I know about smokers cuz my H is trying to quit, but all he's done is cut back significantly. He wont bite the bullet and stop. Any recommendations?

How's everyone else doing?!

All I can suggest is for him to place himself in someone elses shoes..

For example us: We were placed in the position of choosing $57 for a carton of ciggs or groceries for our family.
With hubby's pay and hours getting cut we are hurting.

He could do an eye-opening test and go to the grocery store to see what amount of food that buys instead of ciggs.

Can U Smoke Coffee Grounds?!

....That thought came to me this morning as I was pouring my coffee and not able to go out on the patio to smoke... :smilielol5:

I will be going to the Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and Wal*Mart for household items and groceries today.
If hubby and I would have bought smokes, I wouldn't be going anywhere.

Gotta stay focused and I'll be in prayer a lot today.. :Angel_anim: *giggles*

I hope you all have a Great Memorial Day Weekend/Holiday!

I'll be at my parents Monday for my B-Day Bash. (My b-day is the 28th, but it fell on Memorial Day when I was born. Every few years the holiday will fall on the 28th.)
We just always celebrate my b-day on the holiday.

I'll be 36...*cries*

CHALLENGE QUESTION: Can I have a NORMAL portion of B-Day Cake bc of my b-day and still get points for eating clean?
Or, will that be a no?

Reach some Goals today y'all! :hug2:

hickgurl, Im pretty sure as long as it doesnt become a binge its okay... a serving is cool, half a cake is not lol

Another surprise this afternoon when i weighed in (i weigh myself whenever i have a shower... or happen to be naked for that matter lol) andyway todays number was 178.4 :eek2:... i was expecting it to rise a little or be about the same so i was pleasantly surprised :)
Stacy, of course you can! I agree with Cassie, wiping out half the cake is not going to work, but heck it's your B-day.

BTW, I highly recommend that you and your H keep your hands and mouths busy with other things in order to keep your mind off of smoking... :newangel:

Cassie, you had me at naked... no matter what the scale said, I remember your avatar during the six week challenge last winter... (yes I am one of these sometimes :piggy:)

I dun good today so here are the stats;
Did just over 18 miles, 1 hour, 7 minutes, 16.1 mph average. since my friday now tuned into an exercise day, I could give myself breathing room on calories and not beat myself up about it.

3138 calories, 108 g fat, 424 g carbs, 144 g protein. Under my self imposed 3200 cal exercise day limit.

I'm up to 6:39 for the week in exercise. I still have to do my upper body pull split tomorrow at the gym, so I'mma be just over 7 hours total for the week.

Maybe I'll take Sunday off...
Thanks Cassie.. ;)

LOL Karl!!! Hahahahahaha! :reddevil:

Hubby will be off tomorrow - Tuesday, so I'm sure we will be busy.. ;)


I had great exercise today parking far and shopping at 3 stores.
Plus the unloading and and going up/down our stairs so much I almost felt faint! LMBO! :ack2:

Once I put everything away and caught my breath, I was REALLY craving a cigg so ZuZu and I got out and took a walk.

2.5 ml (45 mins)

I'm still way low dog-gone it!

I'm now at 144 Fitness Mins

I'm gonna have to exercise my tail off this weekend!!

Man, I wanna smoke! :sifone:

Not going to tho... :hurray:

I peeked at the scale and I'm down .4 more!!
What in the heck?

Are you guys having probs w/tickerfactory?

I finally removed my ticker, it hasn't showed up in 3 days.

Is this just my computer?

I don't see y'alls either..Just red X's..
Week 2

Mon - AM - walk/jog/run - 1hr 15min 4.65miles
PM - Lower body weight training / 15 mins on the cross ramp total time approx 1 hr

Tue - AM - 1hr bike ride

Wed - AM - 1 hr 15 min walk/jog/run
pm - Upper body split / 20 mins cross ramp

Thurs - off day

Friday - am - 45 min walk
pm - Leg day at home 30 mins

Saturday - upper body split @ home 30 mins
I'm seeing the tickers. :) Stacy just remember re the cigs and the rest of the bad stuff in your life atm--what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger..lol. :biggrinjester: Hang in there, sweetie. It'll get better. Soon you won't crave the nicotine so much. My gran quit cold turkey back in the 80s, and hasn't smoked since. You'll do it, too. :)

Sorry I haven't been around much. With MIL here and getting our basement finished and dealing with the baby, I just haven't had much time. I've been reading, but not posting. I haven't had much of a chance to exercise, either. I only have about 45 min in so far. But, we are going to Chicago for the day tomorrow and will do tons of walking, so I think I'll get in my 4hrs hopefully. Eating has been good, as MIL doesn't believe in junk food--well, except for the occasional french fry..haha. So as not to shock her at how much junk I can consume :biggrinjester: I have been eating well. Also, she's been doing some cooking--which is wonderful b/c it means I don't have to, and she's a really really good cook. Anyway, the scale has been kind. I'm down to 221.5lbs today, which is 4lbs less than when I started this challenge. :party: Only 4lbs to get back to my pre-preg weight. :party:
:grouphug: Kimberly :grouphug:

Thanks Sweetie! ;)

You are doin' Great, way2go! :hurray:

I'm at 194 Fitness Mins now..(still going..lol)

So far today:

* 20 Mins. Tone & Sweat

* 30 Mins. 1.5 ml Brisk Walk

Well...Didn't mean ta give a peep show today but when it's this humid/warm I don't like wearing a bra to work out; Just a cotton t-shirt and cotton walkin' shorts. When we are far from the apt, it decides to start raining..

2 men actually stretched their heads out the car window as they drove by! :auto:


*hope it wasn't anyone from church!?* :smilielol5:


I'm gonna get on the stationary bike next before I get cleaned up..

Stacy - I can see the tickers fine - but I have had that problem in the past. All of a sudden the tickers were red crosses having worked ok in the past.... My problem was resolved by taking off the cookie controls in the firewall. For me it was ZoneAlarm - but you might use another one. It may be worth you trying that.

We have spoken in FB about the cigs - you are doing great and will beat this once and for all this time if you just stay strong. Often we have to struggle in life to overcome our problems - but the feeling of achievement when we win is worth the pain and hardship.

It sounds like everyone is doing great.

Kimberly - I am sure that you will walk all over Chicago. Getting in a few hours of walking should be nothing to a person who walked 40 miles in one day last year. It is great that your MIL is looking after you with the food side of things - it kind of makes up for the mad rush trying to get the house ready before she turned up. I'll bet you are glad that she isnt like my MIL......
Recap and update on my progress:

Week 1

exercise 18hrs 20 mins
avg cals across all 7 days = 1595 which happens to be nicely in my preferred range...

Week 2
exercise 1hr 50mins
cals 1591, protein 69.8, fibre 64.3, calcium 1326.7, sodium 1176.7

exercise 2hr 50mins
cals 1544, protein 91.8, fibre 60.5, calcium 1257.7, sodium 1946.6

exercise 3hrs 25mins
cals 1674, protein 114.8, fibre 61.3, calcium 1966.2, sodium 1573.4

exercise 1hr 50mins on the treadmill at 4.0mph
cals 1712, protein 95.8, fibre 57.9, calcium 1269.7, sodium 1790.4

exercise 1hr 50mins on the treadmill at 4.0mph
40mins outdoor walking - 2 miles at approx 3mph
cals 1581, protein 99.2, fibre 58.9, calcium 1413.6, sodium 1353.4

Saturday - going well so far
exercise 1hr 50mins on the treadmill at 4.0mph
cals etc on target and it is 22.40pm so not too long to go before the end of the day......
5/23 Fitness

Total For Today: 1 hr. of exercise

204 Mins Total So Far

I'm gonna make it!! :hurray:

I'll exercise after church/lunch tomorrow and be set for Monday's stats. :)

I hope to lose another 1.5 - 1.6 this week!! *fingers crossed*

Man, I'm gonna become obsessed w/exercise to keep busy and not smoke! :rolleyes:
I'm grumpy right now, so excuse me..lol..

Tone & Sweat - (20 mins)
Brisk Walk - 1.5 ml (30 mins)
Stationary Bike - 3.3 ml (10 mins)

I'm pooped and I hope I'll be able to go to bed early and sleep/stay asleep!
I have had a lot of anxiety today and it just feels terrible. =(


Yep, I see the tickers now..How strange that they were gone on my end for 3 days...lol..?

:grouphug: Thanks so much Margaret!

{{Look at you BTW! Great Job!}} ;)
Shamelessly copying from my journal entry (lazy as on the computer, not IRL).

Well, my eating was acceptable for today given my exercise level (barely), I’ll call it a win. I came in at 3140 cal, 131g fat, 396g carbs, 112g protein.

I did a pull split and some core this morning – 30 minutes, and then spent a couple of hours up to my waist in cold water with a chainsaw (weird combination), cutting up tree limbs that fell against the summer house and hauling them onto the shore. The picture in my last journal post is of my brother’s X-3 hauling the branches up the hill behind the house in a broken down canoe. Not what most people do with a $50,000 SUV…

I’m marking today off as day 5 of clean eating, and going to bed before I feel like snacking…
Good Grief...

I will TRY to get exercise in...:smash:

I will be up 24 hrs. at 11AM..:ack2:

Sunday school starts at 9:15AM and that will be the first time I make it..lol
I always arrive at 10:30AM for the Praise/Worship, Prayer, and Sermon.

I'm sure once I arrive home around 12:30PM from church I'll pass out in the bed..Who knows, maybe not?

I wish I could be put to sleep until this was over..:smilielol5:

I will do my best to try and get that last hour of exercise in today!
LAST WEEK EXERCISE SUMMARY (sorry will just copy paste from diary, hope its ok).

Monday: 11/05/09 - 147.7kgs(325.6pounds) : 45min combat class, 60min treadmill (steep incline)
Tuesday: 12/05/09 - 147.1kgs(324.3pounds) : 45min aerobics class, 30min treadmill, weights +squats
Wednesday: 13/05/09 - 147.1kgs(324.3pounds) : 45min combat class
Thursday: 14/05/09 - 146.8kgs(323.6pounds) : 45min aerobics class, 45min combat class, weights + squats
Friday: 15/05/09 - 146.5kgs(322.9pounds) : (rest day)
Saturday: 16/05/09 - 146.5kgs (322.9pounds) : (second rest day and had a treat meal)
Sunday: 17/05/09 - 147.9kgs (326.1pounds) : (3pounds friggin increase from yesterdays treat: 60min treadmill, 45min combat, weights)

WEEK 2: (still eating clean)
Monday: 18/05/09 - 147.3kgs (324.7pounds) : (10mins elliptical, 50mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Tuesday: 19/05/09 - 146.8kgs (323.6pounds) : (30mins elliptical, 30mins treadmill, 45min aerobics)
Wednesday: 20/05/09 - 146.1kgs (322.1pounds) : (40mins elliptical, 20mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Thursday: 21/05/09 - 145.8kgs(321.4pounds) : (rest day)
Friday: 22/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (second rest day)
Saturday: 23/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical, 45min weights)
Sunday: 24/05/09 - 144.5kgs (318.6pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
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Well it looks like I wont be getting any of my points this week :D. It is a holiday weekend here and the weather has been lovely. I have been outside every minute and have had no time to get my exercise in! No excuses but I am feeling good because my appetite has been greatly diminished since the start of the challenge! Its like a normal person's: dont get too hungry too often, eat only when hungry, get to eat whatever I want because I haven't had much. This wont last long but I'm enjoying the ride. I know if I keep busy then I dont overeat/binge. Once a binge starts I become a foody and can't control myself. So it is actually good that I've been out of the house so much running around and socializing with people. It is when I am cooped up in the house that I can't control my eating. But of course the busyness has come in between me and my elliptical. She will get over it lol. Next week will be back to business with the exercising!