Weight-Loss 4 Week Get-Ready-for-Summer Challenge Chat Thread

Stacy - It is great when all the pieces fall into place and we can see our project is firmly together. Remember that we all experience day to day weight fluctuations so do not be too disappointed if you do not get quite as much weight loss as you know that you deserve. It is easy to get depressed if the earned weight loss does not materialise straight away - but there can sometimes be a delay in it being reflected at the scales. Keep up the hard work - it will get you to where you want to be.

The scope to increase calories is always nice to have. :)
My weekend is going ok - considering that I am in Newcastle. My food has been on track - although the high side of my happy range of calories.

The weather last week at home was glorious sunshine - so I travelled in shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. Luckily I packed a couple of pairs of jeans etc. The temperature dropped as we got to the north.

All my walking has to be done outside - and I've been doing 6.5 miles at approx 3mph each morning. Friday brought heavy rain - so it was one of my drowned rat impression days... At the end of my walk my jeans etc went into the dryer so that I could continue wearing them later in the day.... I dont pack too many changes of clothes when coming away for a weekend and I felt that Friday morning was a bit early to start wearing other clothes in case the weather continued....

Fortunately Saturday and Sunday mornings were dry (although a bit overcast) at the time of my walk.

We travel back home on Monday - so it may be a bit tricky for me to get a comparable weighing on Monday. I like to always weigh after my walk but before eating - and I will not be able to do my walk until I have done the journey and eaten. It doesnt really matter as I know that there will be a lot of people who have lost more weight than I have over the course of this challenge. I dont really like to think of my weight as being the one with the food in (and experience tells me that I get a higher reading before exercise) - so I often do not bother weighing on those travelling days.

300 mile journeys involving getting away from London really make weight control less easy. Joy of joys - we will be heading back up to Newcastle on Wednesday and back home again Thursday. Such is life......
My weekend has been one of contradictions. My eating has not been of the best quality, but my activity level has been quite high. I still have to throw it all into the tracker to see where it all falls out.

I'm hoping for a loss for the official weigh in, but it's going to be tough to gauge right now.
The results are in and I'm stunned!

I actually keep my calories down to 3220 on Saturday, including pizza and beer. I kept the actual pizza consumption down, and oly had 3 beers soit was good. Had a wild and very active time saturday night :reddevil: time and time again... (I'm telling you, there is no way the fitness sites get the calories right for that "exercise"...)

Edit: 2897 calories for Sunday. Just gota wait for the weight...
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RC - wtg with keeping the calories in check. I hope your weight shows a loss!

I just updated my post, just in case I forget tomorrow. I guess my biggest hurdle this month was eating clean all week long. I have to work on that. I did end up losing 2 lbs. If there is a weight change tomorrow morning, I'll post it, but otherwise I think I'm good where it's at.

Monday: 11/05/09 - 147.7kgs(325.6pounds) : 45min combat class, 60min treadmill (steep incline)
Tuesday: 12/05/09 - 147.1kgs(324.3pounds) : 45min aerobics class, 30min treadmill, weights +squats
Wednesday: 13/05/09 - 147.1kgs(324.3pounds) : 45min combat class
Thursday: 14/05/09 - 146.8kgs(323.6pounds) : 45min aerobics class, 45min combat class, weights + squats
Friday: 15/05/09 - 146.5kgs(322.9pounds) : (rest day)
Saturday: 16/05/09 - 146.5kgs (322.9pounds) : (second rest day and had a treat meal)
Sunday: 17/05/09 - 147.9kgs (326.1pounds) : (3pounds friggin increase from yesterdays treat: 60min treadmill, 45min combat, weights)

WEEK 2: (ate clean)
Monday: 18/05/09 - 147.3kgs (324.7pounds) : (10mins elliptical, 50mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Tuesday: 19/05/09 - 146.8kgs (323.6pounds) : (30mins elliptical, 30mins treadmill, 45min aerobics)
Wednesday: 20/05/09 - 146.1kgs (322.1pounds) : (40mins elliptical, 20mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Thursday: 21/05/09 - 145.8kgs(321.4pounds) : (rest day)
Friday: 22/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (second rest day)
Saturday: 23/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical, 45min weights)
Sunday: 24/05/09 - 144.5kgs (318.6pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)

WEEK 3: (ate clean, one treat meal)
Monday: 25/05/09 - 143.8kgs (317pounds) : (can't make it to gym today: correction, managed to make it and did 10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
Tuesday: 26/05/09 - 143.5kgs (316.4pounds) : (too busy, no gym)
Wednesday: 27/05/09 - 143.5kgs (316.4pounds) : (too busy, no gym)
Thursday: 28/05/09 - 143.9kgs (317.2pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical, 45min weights)
Friday: 29/05/09 - 143.9kgs (317.2pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
Saturday: 30/05/09 - 143.9kgs (317.2pounds) : (too busy no gym: had a treat meal)
Sunday: 31/05/09 - 145kgs (319.7pounds) : (30min elliptical, 45min combat class) : went up 2.4pounds from treat meal but is probably mostly water weight

WEEK 4: (ate clean, one treat meal)
Monday: 01/06/09 - 145kgs (319.7pounds) : (couldn't make it to gym)
Tuesday: 02/06/09 - 145.7kgs (321.2pounds) : (40min elliptical, 45min step-aerobics)
Wednesday: 03/06/09 - 145kgs (319pounds) : (10min treadmill, 15min elliptical, 45min combat, 60min elliptical, 20min weights)
Thursday: 04/06/09 - 144.6kgs (318.8pounds) : (rest day)
Friday: 05/06/09 - 144.6kgs (318.8pounds) : (couldn't make it to gym: had a treat meal but overdid it)
Saturday: 06/06/09 - 144.6kgs (318.8pounds) : (10min treadmill, 65min elliptical, 15min weights)
Sunday: 07/06/09 - 144.6kgs (318.8pounds) : (couldn't make it to gym)
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The deadline approaches!!!

I realized I did not post for Friday either because of my schedule craziness. Friday night I di da pull seesion in the gym, 30 minutes. I also did a 11.5 mile cycle session @ 41 minutes. That works out to 16.8 mph so I was moving pretty well. 6:36 of organized exercise for the week.

Ate clean for Friday also. Will see about posting stats later, I'm feeling lazy right now...

This challenge has managed to give me a little extra incentive to stay accountable, and I'm glad of it. I'm pretty motivated right now and I have things going on in my life that are on my mind and keeping me somewhat focused too (not entirely for the right reasons - a story for another day).

I'll need to take a challenge break for a few days after the end of thi sone, maybe until next week anyway, but I may sign up for more after that. Who knows, maybe even start one?
Okay here it is, the end of the line. Final stats from Friday, saturday and sunday

Friday - cals 3189, 113g fat, 487g carbs, 84g protein
Saturday - 3220 cals, 145g fat, 330g carbs, 81g protein
Sunday - 2881 cals, 136g fat, 356g carbs, 81g protein

Today's weigh in - 315 lbs, so I'm down 2 more, total of 8 during the challenge :hurray::hurray::hurray:

I'm very happy!
Wow..I had one of those "What the Heck moments?" :toetap05:

I worked my tail off and only lost 1.1 lbs. (almost 5 hrs. of exercise!)

The only thing I can think of is that my cycle has only been gone a couple of days? Maybe I'm still holding on to water weight?

Had one of those last wek Stacy. No movement on the scale at all, but right back on track this week. Meh, it happens. Hopefully you'll get a nice"woosh" this week!
I contacted Stacy on FB and pointed out my earlier posting warning that we sometimes do not get the weightloss that we deserve immediately.

We have to remember not to fall down the hole that all the slimming clubs plus "dieters starting out" seem to fall down that "weight = fat". We can burn fat and have very productive weeks for our projects while not losing weight or indeed gaining weight.

If we keep working hard we get the results that we want.
I have just realised that I never did a final update and review of my progress:

Week 1

exercise 18hrs 20 mins
avg cals across all 7 days = 1595 which happens to be nicely in my preferred range...

Week 2

exercise 15hrs 25mins
average cals across all 7 days = 1636 - very slightly up - but still very nicely within my preferred range....

Week 3

exercise 17hrs 45mins
average cals across all 7 days = 1571 - again very nicely within my preferred range....

Week 4
exercise 1hr 15mins (5 miles) on the treadmill at 4.0mph
40mins (2 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3mph
1 hour of exercise during keep fit class lasting 1hr 15mins long
cals 1517, protein 83.2, fibre 51.0, calcium 1807.6, sodium 1519.6

exercise 1hr 15mins (5 miles) on the treadmill at 4.0mph
1hr 20mins (4 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1577, protein 74.7, fibre 58.1, calcium 1484.0, sodium 1294.5

exercise 1hrs 50mins on the treadmill at 4.0mph
45mins counting as exercise at hour long dance class
cals 1574, protein 88.3, fibre 62.3, calcium 1296.5, sodium 2009.0

exercise 1hr 30mins (6miles) on the treadmill at 4.0mph
40mins (2 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1650, protein 90.0, fibre 63.2, calcium 1369.7, sodium 1030.1

exercise 2hr 10mins (6.5 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1649, protein 72.8, fibre 61.1, calcium 1416.8, sodium 1648.6

exercise 2hr 10mins (6.5 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1693.7, protein 94.5, fibre 55.6, calcium 1315.8, sodium 2178.8

exercise 2hr 10mins (6.5 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1638, protein 93.1, fibre 62.8, calcium 1256.3, sodium 1979.2

week 4 totals therefore
exercise 16hrs 45mins
average cals across all 7 days = 1614 - again very nicely within my preferred range....

Since then things have gone well.

As predicted - we were travelling home on Monday so I could not follow my normal routine of exercise before eating / weighing / then eating. I did not do my exercise until evening and by that time I had eaten a lot. Packing restrictions meant that I had eaten some things and not weighed myself before I weighed for Monday - and my weight was naturally up.

I was weighed independantly at my slimming club on Tuesday and once again weighed in at my low weight (i.e. my ticker weight which is one pound below my goal weight). I actually think that this better represents my progress made during this challenge - and have entered both weights on the scoresheet. Claudia can determine the most appropriate one to use.
Claudia - you mentioned a guru's site in relation to water release a few weeks ago. I would be interested in having a look there. Can you please give the link so that I can pop in and read up on it.
Claudia - you mentioned a guru's site in relation to water release a few weeks ago. I would be interested in having a look there. Can you please give the link so that I can pop in and read up on it.

I have also read the article. He doesn't so much prove it as throw the idea out as a logical concept.

Hey guys :D. Apologies for abandoning my thread, I have been so busy yet have been eating very little and exercising regularly and of course I'm still just going up and down from 150 to 146. Yesterday I got to 146, but here we are today back at 148 despite eating very little yesterday, including just a tiny sliver of my birthday cake. So yeah, it gets extremely discouraging. I went to an endocrenologist the other day and he gave me these pills that block insulin, the presence of which apparently makes it nearly impossible to mobilize fat. I read about a diet online regarding the control of insulin so you can get some fat burning going and the diet is almost identical to OMEGA's! So no surprise that it is working like a charm for our very own Margaret. Congratulations Margaret, I am so very happy for you given the hard work and dedication you have maintained for such a long time now. Thanks for keeping the thread alive and inspiring us. Best to everyone :).
hey omega,
is it alright if i asked how long it's taken you to loose the weight? your ticker is the first EVER that i've seen to say it's below the goal weight, thats freakin AMAZING! congratulations on reaching your goal weight and then some....your an inspiration to myself and many. all the best xoxo :grouphug:

I have just realised that I never did a final update and review of my progress:

Week 1

exercise 18hrs 20 mins
avg cals across all 7 days = 1595 which happens to be nicely in my preferred range...

Week 2

exercise 15hrs 25mins
average cals across all 7 days = 1636 - very slightly up - but still very nicely within my preferred range....

Week 3

exercise 17hrs 45mins
average cals across all 7 days = 1571 - again very nicely within my preferred range....

Week 4
exercise 1hr 15mins (5 miles) on the treadmill at 4.0mph
40mins (2 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3mph
1 hour of exercise during keep fit class lasting 1hr 15mins long
cals 1517, protein 83.2, fibre 51.0, calcium 1807.6, sodium 1519.6

exercise 1hr 15mins (5 miles) on the treadmill at 4.0mph
1hr 20mins (4 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1577, protein 74.7, fibre 58.1, calcium 1484.0, sodium 1294.5

exercise 1hrs 50mins on the treadmill at 4.0mph
45mins counting as exercise at hour long dance class
cals 1574, protein 88.3, fibre 62.3, calcium 1296.5, sodium 2009.0

exercise 1hr 30mins (6miles) on the treadmill at 4.0mph
40mins (2 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1650, protein 90.0, fibre 63.2, calcium 1369.7, sodium 1030.1

exercise 2hr 10mins (6.5 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1649, protein 72.8, fibre 61.1, calcium 1416.8, sodium 1648.6

exercise 2hr 10mins (6.5 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1693.7, protein 94.5, fibre 55.6, calcium 1315.8, sodium 2178.8

exercise 2hr 10mins (6.5 miles) outdoor walking at approx 3.0mph
cals 1638, protein 93.1, fibre 62.8, calcium 1256.3, sodium 1979.2

week 4 totals therefore
exercise 16hrs 45mins
average cals across all 7 days = 1614 - again very nicely within my preferred range....

Since then things have gone well.

As predicted - we were travelling home on Monday so I could not follow my normal routine of exercise before eating / weighing / then eating. I did not do my exercise until evening and by that time I had eaten a lot. Packing restrictions meant that I had eaten some things and not weighed myself before I weighed for Monday - and my weight was naturally up.

I was weighed independantly at my slimming club on Tuesday and once again weighed in at my low weight (i.e. my ticker weight which is one pound below my goal weight). I actually think that this better represents my progress made during this challenge - and have entered both weights on the scoresheet. Claudia can determine the most appropriate one to use.
Thanks everyone for the messages. I am having an exhausting week. The journey between Newcastle and my home is 300 miles and since it involves the traffic on the outskirts of London (often during rush hour) it tends to take between 6 and 8 hours..... The M25 (London orbital motorway) can be very time consuming.

Anyway - we came down from Newcastle on Monday (the last 20 miles took nearly 2 hours.....), up yesterday evening (the first 70 miles took 2.5 hours) and we will be heading down again today (hitting London at rush hour).....

I have been packing a big box full of undressed salad nibbles with some grilled pork loin steak cut into small pieces on days when I havent otherwise had my main meal and either way - a lot of washed fruit.

Karl - thanks for the link. I will check it out in the next few days. I am very interested in weight loss matters - not only for my own maintenance - but I still have to try to guide Rod through this journey too.

Claudia - it is great that you limited yourself on your birthday. It saves you doing damage to your project - those little treats that we would all like can delay us. One of my friends always serves only the most fattening food that you can imagine whenever I visit her (and I visit for a whole day at a time so have to eat). I always seem to spend weeks repairing the damage. When I was bigger I could get away with those little things without seeing the damage so severely but as you get smaller (as we are) it is more and more obvious. Thanks for the congratulations Claudia - I do work very hard for my project - but cannot deny that I am pleased with the results that I am getting. It feels so good to finally be able to think of myself as a thin person. I do know that I continue to need the surgery though - I have too much loose skin that will never be solved otherwise. I do hope that the pills and any changes to your diet that you adopt from your research works well for you.

Cherry - thanks so much for your congratulations. It has taken exactly 27 months to get to goal weight - starting the last week of February 2 years ago and hitting goal on the last week of May this year. I lost weight really well in the first year spending quite a few months dropping a stone a month or thereabouts. Every time my rate of weight loss declined - I increased my walking to perk it back up again. Naturally that was not going to go on forever.... I started at 21 stone exactly so had quite a celebration in April last year when I got down to 10 and a half stone and had halved my start weight. It has taken over a year to get off that last one and a half stones - getting me down to 8st13lbs and crossing my 9st goal. I see that you are in the UK. My avatar is my Slimming World book front cover with my target sticker and my stickers for 12 stone, 11.5 stone, 11 stone, 10.5 stone etc going down the page..... You are doing well yourself. Stick with it - I have a track record of 20 + years of diet failure so if I can lose weight - any big person can. I used to think that I had got so big that it would be impossible for me. The only problem with doing it from the larger sizes is that you cannot finish off the project in a month or so like people that are already thin can when they diet - you are dealing with a long term project (or indeed one that has to be life long).