Weight-Loss 4 Week Get-Ready-for-Summer Challenge Chat Thread

Hey Gang!

Wed. will just have ta be a 'rest day' for me! ;)

Had too busy of a day w/distractions and I didn't get home from church until 9:30 ... LOL ... It was great to hang out with all my GF's and just gab after bible study. :)

:blush5: I have not had GF's in FOREVER!!

I'm so blessed these ladies are now in my life.

Pastor's wife also chatted w/me and asked for my help with Vacation Bible School June 7th - 10th from 6:15PM - 8:30PM I said yes of course. lol

Ms. Debbie and I will have to bake in the sun I guess on those days to get our walks in so I can then rush in and clean up before heading to church!

Holy cow, it's almost 1AM.. It's Thursday, I'm 36... :svengo: :nopity:

Stacy -

Happy Birthday!!! :party: :party: :party: :grouphug:
Thanks for the congratulations on this week's new low and goal / target everyone. I anticipate my monthly gain hitting any day so am getting prepared for the notion of being outside my upper range limit next Tuesday when I go to my slimming clubs. A three pound range (as at SW) is not necessarily enough to accommodate the kind of TOM gain that I normally see. They are used to it - having seen my weight patterns over the past year.

Kimberly - I hope that things are going great for you - and that the MIL visit is continuing to be enjoyable. It must be great having a MIL like that! I know that the food and exercise will be going well - but I am thinking more along the lines of parental health and how things are going otherwise. You are juggling a lot there. Give May a hug from me.

Claudia - Everyone has times when things slip a little. The sooner you get back on track the easier it will be. Hopefully you will be back on track already. I have mentioned before about how my walking distances reduced after I gave myself a week off when I had flu last October. A week was too long for me.... I found it so much easier to do 11 miles before then and so difficult since. It is great that your reason was that you were having so much fun. We all deserve a bit of fun - but it is easy to stretch things out afterwards.....

Karl - LOL at the doughnut attack!!! Thank goodness that you paid for it with exercise. That calorie balance thing is what it is all about. I love that notion that "I slipped up - but didnt really :) !!!".

Stacy - some days it can be hard to get the exercise in - but the great thing with walking is that there is a degree of flexibility in that you do not have to do so many miles or so many minutes at a time. You can pop out for a 10 minute walk several times throughout the day and let it build up. If you remember from my diary last year before I got my treadmill I used to often do maybe 6 laps round the block in the afternoon and that used to add 3 to 4 miles to my daily total. Each of them would not take long or add too big a distance - but it would all add up. Remember to do as I do and wear your pedometer all day long. That way all those extra bits of activity add up. It really doesnt matter whether it counts for the challenge or not. That is a minor issue. What matters is whether it counts for controlling your weight. Every step of the day counts for that. Seeing the steps and miles add up will boost your confidence that you are doing some very positive things and motivate you and challenge you to do more. You need that kind of encouragement even more at the moment while you are fighting your nicotine addiction.

Sweatpea - it is great that you are seeing progress at the scales. That is brilliant.
Rainy again today. 45 minutes of walking on the indoor track, a little less than 4 mph, 10 minutes on the hand cycle, 30 minutes of push split. a few minutes of stretching at the end.

So, 1:25 in exercise today, this should put me at 5:25 on the week now.

The only thing that bugs me is that I don't feel like the intensity is there when I'm not cycling. I'm doing what I can, but I really miss getting out and really getting into a ride. I find that when I'm riding, there is a certain Zen for me as I pedal along and it motivates me to push further sometimes.

Hopefully the weekend will bring some better cycling weather.

Food was clean again today. 2983 cal, 83g fat (much better), 496g carbs, 150g protein.

Assuming I'm good tomorrow, I should have my points scored for the week early.

The week hat concerns me is the final week. I have plans that involve hot tubs, alcohol and debauchery planned for the 6th, just before the challenge ends. The trick is net energy balance right? I just have to burn off more than I take in right? Sounds like the debauchery has to be really, really active...:reddevil:
I have plans that involve hot tubs, alcohol and debauchery planned for the 6th, just before the challenge ends. The trick is net energy balance right? I just have to burn off more than I take in right? Sounds like the debauchery has to be really, really active...:reddevil:

Active debauchery is always good from a weight perspective (or other perspective if it comes to that). If you want to be boring like me - you just boost your exercise levels a bit - then you can calculate the calorie balance for the week on fitday and think of the surplus as money in the bank. It is up to you whether you spend up to that day's limit of calories spent (and since you normally have a deficit that is quite a bit more than normal) or whether you go the whole hog and spend the savings of the week....

I often hate counting calories. Interestingly it is not so much of an issue at the minute since I officially do not need to lose weight. I feel less vulnerable than at any other time counting calories during this project. I often do much of the calorie side of things by intuition with a pretty repetitive diet and exercise pattern and spot check weeks every so often to check that everything is still as it was last time. Normally all has been as expected. It was at my most recent spot check that I discovered that my sodium had gone high (while everything else was as I expected). Cutting out the sodium culprit has made the biggest of differences for me. I have just kept on counting for the past six weeks.
I'm not a fan of counting calories either, but... currently it is keeping me honest, and I'm losing weight. Since last summer, my exercise level has been much higher and more consistent than ever before in my life. But, I still managed to fluctuate with my weight. When I was consistent about tracking, my weight slowly dropped. As soon as I let it go... the pounds came right back - even when I thought I was doing okay, I wsn't keeping myself accountable.

As much as I hate it, I'm finding it a necessary evil for me. Therefore for that day in question, I will do my best to account for what I take in, add an exercise bank. And hope that the evening's activities focus more on movement, and less on consumption. I'll do my best, it's all I can do.
There are ways that movement can be much more fun than consumption!

It is vital that we do not put our life on hold. The temptation can be there to not go to somewhere where we know that we will be tempted. That is great for someone that just needs to drop a few pounds and can see the end in sight right from the start. Some of us know that we will need a long term project. Not going to such events simply makes us feel deprived and more likely to abandon the project plus teaches us no strategies for coping with such events in the future.

I have always hated counting calories. I have always held that bad feeling that you get when you know that you have gone over the limit (be it on the day or week) has much to blame for many of my failed attempts to lose weight over the past 20 years. Combined with all that has been written over that time about 1,000 calorie a day diets being a good idea plus a spouse with major weight issues of his own - I found that all attempts to lose weight got me nowhere (or worse off than before).

Fortunately I became a challenge addict and spent a good amount of time entering every challenge on here. Prior to her pregnancy - Kimberly used to set some legendary challenges which used to regularly force me into tracking different nutritional goals (and one easy way was through fitday) whether I wanted to or not in order to get my bonus points. Since I always wanted to scoop the bonus points to make up for my erratic weight loss - I regularly had to spend a week tracking things. I used to grumble about it - but have to admit that it did cause me to lift my nutritional game.
hey guys... ive been slackin in the posting department... im sorry to say im not getting my points this week. I've had very low calorie days but i havent been excersizing :(
Karl--I totally sympathize with the messiness of biking in the rain. I spent two summers working on Mackinac Island in Lake Huron where there are no cars allowed. Horse and bike are the main sources of transport. You can imagine the horse dung that would be in the streets, and that little line of dirt down the back you wrote of had more to it than dirt on the island..lmao. To avoid having a line of watery horse manure down one's back, the clever ones put fenders on their bike's wheels to avoid such a fate. :D

Stacy--Glad you and Dave enjoyed my birthday wishes..lol. :biggrinjester: Btw, I still giggle every time I think about your one contestant wet tshirt contest. I especially giggle about you hoping no one from church saw you--or honked for that matter!! :rofl:

Margaret--The visit with MIL is going pretty well. She only drives me slightly crazy occasionally. :biggrinjester: For the most part it has been good. David is gone more than here, so she and I and May are together most of the time. I just bite my tongue a lot--as does she, I imagine. haha. We are not much alike, Marian and I. She is very proper and interested in fashion and designer labels. I couldn't care less about that. That is just for starters. Let's just say I am far more laid back than she is and leave it at that...hahaha

Claudia--I had thought I had May down for the night, but alas, it looks as though she isn't finished chowing. She kept falling asleep on the job all day today, making it difficult to get anything done b/c she would wake up the minute I put her down and would fuss. Needless to say, I still managed to do 3 loads of laundry, change the bed sheets and make the bed, vacuum the whole house, clean the bathroom, shower (not until 8pm though), help with dinner and take a short walk.

May is still not on a schedule. She goes down for her big sleep anytime between 8pm and 2am (usually between 10pm and midnight). Last night she was down at 9pm and slept until I woke her up at 6am. That was her longest stretch yet--9hrs!! Usually it's 5-8hr stretches.

I haven't got in much exercise this week--about 50min so far. Eating has been good, though. Don't know if I'll get enough exercise in to get any pts this week. :(
:biggrinjester: Kimberly...*TeeHee* ;)

I'm glad your eating has gone well doll. :hug2:

You'll have more time/energy once May really gets used to her routine.
Once Cory was used to his, I'd give him his bath, read to him and snuggle and he would sleep 9-10 hours! (Every night) Once he was about 6 months things changed a little bit bc they are more active and doing more but then you adjust where you need to with daytime things/naps.


What a crazy Friday for me...
(No exercise for me either in 2 days)

I didn't go to bed Thursday until 4:30AM (Friday) morning.
I woke up sneezing my head off at 7:30AM
I took allergy meds and was so messed up until they kicked in.
I went back to bed after 10:30AM and woke up at 1PM I was still messed up and so foggy. I got dressed and had to run errands.
I then got a bad headache.
Made a late dinner and then Hubby and I were playin' with ZuZu and then we all ended up in bed and fell asleep for almost 2 hours and we just got up at midnight..
I still have the headache. What a crazy day which is not over until we go to bed 4 good.. :svengo: lol..
I guess I have a sinus headache.?.
Weekend update, just a drive by...

13 miles of cycling, should have been more but I got a flat, changed the tube, and got another one... so I added in 20 minutes of walking too..., did my pull work out, so today was like 1:35 of exercise.

Calories were good yesterday, they should be good today too since I'm starting out at like -700...

I'm going to update my points, I did good this week.
Hey everyone!

Just a quick update, I've been doing lots on the wii fit this week. The back of my legs are getting sore!

I am still seeing a loss on the scale, so I'm happy about that.

I will be more personal with my next post. Sorry this is so short, my battery life on my laptop is about to give up and dh is using the laptop charger!!
:waving: Great Job Gang! :hurray:

It was just me tonight... Ms. Debbie helped a church friend move and was plum worn out.. lol

5-30 ~ Saturday Evening

* 3.5 ml ~ 45 Mins.

I gotta jump in the shower and get things ready for church tomorrow.

There are 2 services this Sunday. (AM/PM) :)

Have A Great Night All! :grouphug:
Total calories 3152, 125g fat, 409g carbs, 140g protein.

Six for six this week so far. I have gotten well over the challenge and bonus exercise, and my eating is on track for a perfect week.

Now if the scale agrees with me on monday, I'll be doing the happy dance!

Well, no, not really, At 6'8" and over 300lbs, I could hurt someone doing the happy dance, probably me!
Whelp, I'm taking myself out of this challenge.

*I will still root you guys on though!*

I'm tired of not getting points...LOL... :p

I have ate clean each week and haven't earned anything bc I'm always short on Fitness minutes. :ack2:

I'm starting a sparkpeople challenge tomorrow that lasts the whole month of June. There are many ways to earn points which will keep me movin' along and motivated.

(no offence Claudia!) :hug2: lol


Monday: 11/05/09 - 147.7kgs(325.6pounds) : 45min combat class, 60min treadmill (steep incline)
Tuesday: 12/05/09 - 147.1kgs(324.3pounds) : 45min aerobics class, 30min treadmill, weights +squats
Wednesday: 13/05/09 - 147.1kgs(324.3pounds) : 45min combat class
Thursday: 14/05/09 - 146.8kgs(323.6pounds) : 45min aerobics class, 45min combat class, weights + squats
Friday: 15/05/09 - 146.5kgs(322.9pounds) : (rest day)
Saturday: 16/05/09 - 146.5kgs (322.9pounds) : (second rest day and had a treat meal)
Sunday: 17/05/09 - 147.9kgs (326.1pounds) : (3pounds friggin increase from yesterdays treat: 60min treadmill, 45min combat, weights)

WEEK 2: (still eating clean)
Monday: 18/05/09 - 147.3kgs (324.7pounds) : (10mins elliptical, 50mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Tuesday: 19/05/09 - 146.8kgs (323.6pounds) : (30mins elliptical, 30mins treadmill, 45min aerobics)
Wednesday: 20/05/09 - 146.1kgs (322.1pounds) : (40mins elliptical, 20mins treadmill, 45min combat)
Thursday: 21/05/09 - 145.8kgs(321.4pounds) : (rest day)
Friday: 22/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (second rest day)
Saturday: 23/05/09 - 145.5kgs (320.8pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical, 45min weights)
Sunday: 24/05/09 - 144.5kgs (318.6pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)

WEEK 3: (ate clean, one treat meal)
Monday: 25/05/09 - 143.8kgs (317pounds) : (can't make it to gym today: correction, managed to make it and did 10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
Tuesday: 26/05/09 - 143.5kgs (316.4pounds) : (too busy, no gym)
Wednesday: 27/05/09 - 143.5kgs (316.4pounds) : (too busy, no gym)
Thursday: 28/05/09 - 143.9kgs (317.2pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical, 45min weights)
Friday: 29/05/09 - 143.9kgs (317.2pounds) : (10min treadmill, 60min elliptical)
Saturday: 30/05/09 - 143.9kgs (317.2pounds) : (too busy no gym: had a treat meal)
Sunday: 31/05/09 - 145kgs (319.7pounds) : (30min elliptical, 45min combat class) : went up 2.4pounds from treat meal but is probably mostly water weight
CherryGarcia - Combat class sounds like fun, what is it?

Hickgirl - is the Sparkpeople challenge on Sparkpeople or here at WLF?

Even though I did not get in exercise everyday I got in more than enough for the 4 hrs - I went over!

I did eat clean up until today, so no bonus points for me.

I hope everyone does well next week!
It's at SparkPeople. =)

My sparkpage is Time2Change...Stacy's Journey

SP Name : TXStacy

On my page, click on Biggest Loser SP Team. =)

I'll get zip pts this week also Stacy for the same reason. So I feel your pain..haha. Just couldn't find the time to exercise that much with MIL here and the baby. We went for a walk this afternoon, so that put my time up to about 2hrs of exercise for the week. I did eat pretty cleanly all 7 days, though.