
DAY 85 (Thu) 2/1
Sup: cla fo vit
B: 3 sb eggs (3w 1y) + oatmeal almond blueberry banana brw sugar & MILK! (yay ^_^)
S: kashi bar + 1 string cheese + 1 slc wwb + 5 cheese cubes
Sup: fo cla vit l6
L: Seafood omelet (crab+shrimp) w/ 2%cc, peas, corn
D: finished the lunch + 2 slc med pizza (ham pineapple ordered regular crust by mistake... eat just the toppings & a couple bites of the crust)
S: 2%cc + blueberry

Total 1292 cal
Fat - 38.8% (58 grams)
Protein - 25.8% (87 grams)
Carbohydrates - 35.3% (118 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 1,869 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 584 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 17 grams

Evening Gym session:
bike 20min
ST: 40min
(the ones i can remember: bridge & core exercise with balancing ball, triceps 1x15 @8lbs, deadlifts 1x15 @11lbs, abductor & adductor @60lbs, hamstring 5@45lbs 5@40lbs 10@35lbs, latpull 15@30lbs, crunches on incline)
Elliptical 5min
OMG, getting hungry again!!
It is darn good! mm..... Can you believe that those are example of Indonesian comfort food? but hardly anyone there is obese...

That's authentically made by street side vendor (check out the amount of cheese they pile on top of the banana ... )

:eek: I think that alone would be my calorie quota for the day!!! However, I'm super cuirous now... :D
You shd try it! Just dont put so much cheese, chocolate and condensed milk. (the vendors like to overdo the amount of goodies, that way they wont look stingy) :D

Ok, i will make it next time and take pics of it. :p
I went back to RIU today plus cardio. Although only got 15 min of cardio because the gym closed at 8pm, it still feels good.

RIU doesnt leave me winded unlike BIU. I still have more energy to do something extra. And since the pace is slower, I can practice on my form and balance.

Today I ate a lot of protein (& calories...) !! Strange thing though, I dont feel stuffed :confused: I was trying to compensate for the fat intake and carb from morning (added half english muffins w/ 1 tsp margarine & 1 tsp jam). Ended up over shoot it LOL. check this out:

DAY 86 (Fri) 2/2
Sup: fo cla vit l6
B: 1/2 english muffin w/ margarine & jam + 2 sb eggs (2w 1y)
S: oatmeal raisin banana cinnamon almond milk brw sugar
S: 1 String Cheese
Sup: fo vit cla l6
Late L: 153g tilapia filet + brocoli w/ parmesan cheese + wwbreadcrumb
S: dannon light strawberry + granola
Sup: fo
D: chicken soup w/ peas + 3 egg white w/ crab omelet + 4 oz 2%milk

Total: 1602 calories
Fat - 27.6% (50 grams)
Protein - 40.8% (165 grams)
Carbohydrates - 31.6% (128 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 3,193 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 525 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 13 grams

Evening Workout: RIU 48min + 15 cardio s-bike
It looks good to me. You didn't overshoot it too bad!

I guess not. :rolleyes: hm....

This morning I read about

about lowering carb intake in your diet to promote faster fat-loss.

The question is for me. How am I going to maintain that naturally without taking protein supplements (poweder shake etc). Carbs just find its way into my body like air. Yesterday the amount of 'protein' I consume was a lot - aside the fact that I was cramming so much into one meal. I had chicken, fish, eggs, crabs, cheese... to be honest I was really cramming them into my mouth.

Today I am trying a different diet plan. Breakfast is not oatmeal :( but 1 slc wwb w/ 2 egg whites (poached) + cheese & a glass of milk. First meal looking good: Fat - 27.6% (8 grams), Protein - 31.8% (21 grams), Carbohydrates - 40.6% (27 grams)

Now to figure out what to do the rest of the day, which going to be tough since it is weekend...

I wonder how much protein in a shabu-shabu meal.....
I guess not. :rolleyes: hm....

This morning I read about

about lowering carb intake in your diet to promote faster fat-loss.

The question is for me. How am I going to maintain that naturally without taking protein supplements (poweder shake etc). Carbs just find its way into my body like air. Yesterday the amount of 'protein' I consume was a lot - aside the fact that I was cramming so much into one meal. I had chicken, fish, eggs, crabs, cheese... to be honest I was really cramming them into my mouth.

Today I am trying a different diet plan. Breakfast is not oatmeal :( but 1 slc wwb w/ 2 egg whites (poached) + cheese & a glass of milk. First meal looking good: Fat - 27.6% (8 grams), Protein - 31.8% (21 grams), Carbohydrates - 40.6% (27 grams)

Now to figure out what to do the rest of the day, which going to be tough since it is weekend...

I wonder how much protein in a shabu-shabu meal.....

I think what you were trying to achieve with the 40/30/30 is good for you Kiria. You seem to handle the carbs well for your body and you're already thin. Some people can be somewhat carb resistant and have trouble losing fat but I really don't think you're one of them, especially with your hard workouts. I wouldn't get too obsessed with the protein factor. Try to get some lean protein and complex carbs in with your first few meals and then switch to lean protein and fibrous veggies towards the end of your day. Don't worry so much about the ratio either, that can just totally consume your day.
Yep. As usual, I agree with sparrow. It's not about your ratio per's about your overall ratio. Not every meal will be balanced..but as long as you get some protein and some healthy carbs at every meal, and good fats when you can, you're doing alright. Worry about the numbers at the end of the day, not on a per-meal basis, it'll be easier. :)
Yep. As usual, I agree with sparrow. It's not about your ratio per's about your overall ratio. Not every meal will be balanced..but as long as you get some protein and some healthy carbs at every meal, and good fats when you can, you're doing alright. Worry about the numbers at the end of the day, not on a per-meal basis, it'll be easier. :)

I think what you were trying to achieve with the 40/30/30 is good for you Kiria. You seem to handle the carbs well for your body and you're already thin. Some people can be somewhat carb resistant and have trouble losing fat but I really don't think you're one of them, especially with your hard workouts. I wouldn't get too obsessed with the protein factor. Try to get some lean protein and complex carbs in with your first few meals and then switch to lean protein and fibrous veggies towards the end of your day. Don't worry so much about the ratio either, that can just totally consume your day.

I agree with you guys. Usually I make up the protein intake at dinner time. Today is just an exception.

Thanks for the suggestion, Sparrow. That makes it much simpler to plan my food :)
DAY 87 (Sat) 2/3
**woke up around 12p**
Sup: fo l6 cla vit
B/L: 1 slc wwb + 2 ew + 5 cheese cubes + 8oz 2%milk
S: 34g 2%cc + 34g fruit cc + 1 wheat crackers + 1 cheese cube
D: hamburg steak w/ tomato sauce + broccoli + cauliflower + baby carrot + mentaiko (spicy cod roe) + spaghetti
Sup: fo l6 vit cla
S: 8oz green tea honeydew sweetened + 1 pc chocolate
S: 1 slc wwb + 4 ew + 5 cheese cubes

Note: I am not sure how much calories is in the hamburg steak. According to one recipe at recipezaar it is 403 per serving of 1/4lbs meat. I thought I ate about 6oz which makes it about 1.5 serving. My calories intake now is either just right or a bit under (+/-200). Thought I might need more protein. Crammed 1 toast with 4 egg whites + 5 cheese cubes while watching late night show (1am) - now i'm stuffed.... might be a bad idea after all.. yuck.... On the upside, the late snack perks me up now. I was quite sleepy before that.

Total: 1521 calories
Fat - 38.0% (64 grams)
Protein - 29.0% (111 grams)
Carbohydrates - 33.0% (126 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 3,042 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 329 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 9 grams

Afternoon workout: BIU (+ 1 hr house chore: vacuumed, wiped & mopped the floor)
I can't sleep! Its horrible! I'm not sure I ever went to I never woke up. ha :D !!
I'm an idiot.

Dude, I don't know who you are or what you are doing here, but Kiria is doing just fine. If anything, I'm the one who needs the help, not her. She has her percentages where they should be. Just because she goes little under or little over doesn't mean she needs help. While we're on the subject, what do you think she needs help for? Does she have mental issues we don't know about? Is her food killing her in anyway? If you have an answer, maybe you can shed some light on it for us. If you have no clue what the h@ll you're talking about, then I suggest you go away before you get blocked, because if anything, I'll be the first one to tell her how to do it, because she doesn't needs idiots like you bringing her down, but I doubt she's even listening to you.
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Dude, I don't know who you are or what you are doing here, but Kiria is doing just fine. If anything, I'm the one who needs the help, not her.

I'm wondering if hdsegal is Nobody with a different name.

Nobody was a spiteful child so the profile fits.
I thought I saw Nobody around while back, but I could be wrong. True, that does fit the profile, but if he's so spiteful, why does the mods let him hang around?
I thought I saw Nobody around while back, but I could be wrong. True, that does fit the profile, but if he's so spiteful, why does the mods let him hang around?

They don't. He was banned, or at least he was banned, It looks like they let him come back.
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Kiria you really are an idiot! Get some professional help before you hurt yourself!
That's your 2nd insult so let's see how you like a 2 week ban.

One more and you gone permanently.