
There are some foods you had that you can put into fitday plus you can go on the internet to see if you can get the cals for the popcorn. You'll be amazed at how many calories some foods have. I would have never guessed them.
Yeah, no kidding. That's why I don't even bother calculating thhe calories yesterday LOL
I always google food calories. You know that little preety fruit tart? calories range anywhere from 250-700 a piece :eek:
Oh yes I know, I used to live on them every morning for breakfast. What's even worse, when I lived at home, at times breakfast was ice cream...:D It was either rocky road or phish food.
Oh yes I know, I used to live on them every morning for breakfast. What's even worse, when I lived at home, at times breakfast was ice cream...:D It was either rocky road or phish food.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: but i LOVE fruit tart! LOL and I love Ice Cream. Come to think of it... I haven't had any in a while and that hagendaz in the freezer (it's been that same 1 stick left from months ago I think) keeps taunting me :D
After a couple of days blowing off my calories to the roof, today I am having problem getting it beyond 1000. My guesstimate is 1200 tops. My guess the culprit is cassava (yucca) :D ~ i love that stuff too hehe..
That stuff gotta be one of the most complex carb and fiber rich food ever! I think I ate about half a cup worth? may be 200grams.
I tried eating ffcc later on at night to bump protein, but I am stuffed. So I guess today will be my low-end of the zigzag days.

I gotta say that changing my breakfast today to applesauce and cc, plus drinking s-drinks, seems to help with my endurance during workout this morning.

DAY 81 (Sun) 1/28
Sup: fo vit cla
Pre-workout S/B: 2%cc fruits + apple sauce + 4oz 2%milk w/ cocoa powder
workout S: 100ml s-drink
Post workout S: 30g apple sauce + 40g 2%cc fruits
S: a bite of choco croissant + 2 string chs
L: beef + port mushroom, onion, green & red pepper sauted in olive oil, garlic, rosemary, soy sauce, sherry, blk pepper.
S: es tape (cassava) + steam cassava
Sup: fo vit
D: 3 eggs omelet (3w 1y) + port mushroom onion red pepper broccoli cauliflower
S: 1 tbs 2%cc fruit salad + 1 cup green tea lime honey

Total: 987 cal (plus calories from the es tape ~ sweet milky cassava)
Fat - 26.6% (30 grams)
Protein - 32.2% (82 grams)
Carbohydrates - 41.2% (104 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 1,283 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 498 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 9 grams

Morning Workout: Cardio day at the Gym
TM: 1.3 miles - warmup 5 min (15% 3mph) - HIIT 10 min (sprint 4 x 30sec x 9mph, jog 5mph in between, walk 8% 4mph 2min)
Bike: 2.83 miles - 10min - HIIT (4 x 20sec x (?mph)~ spin as fast as I can, moderate speed in between)
Elliptical: 1.42 miles - 10min - SS @10 intensity

No night exercise tonight. PMS messing withg my head. Got a nagging headache. took advil and just chill.
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I was reading your above post. I've noticed the days I have applesauce and a lean protein (like egg whites or whey) my endurance is much better too. In particular the applesauce combo more than any other breakfast I've tried out so far. weird. Well girl, there has to be a way to get you to eat more cause thats just not good to not even reach 1000 :(
I was reading your above post. I've noticed the days I have applesauce and a lean protein (like egg whites or whey) my endurance is much better too. In particular the applesauce combo more than any other breakfast I've tried out so far. weird. Well girl, there has to be a way to get you to eat more cause thats just not good to not even reach 1000 :(

You know, I got the idea about apple sauce from reading your food log ;)

Yeah, I know :( :( my food yesterday was completely outta whack. It was most likely a bit over 1000 with the sugar from the cassava dessert. But I was feeling crappy to boot. PMS doesn't help either. I tried cramming food like FFCC + fruits, but my stomach was completely stuffed. Very yucky feeling. :/ Nothing else to do with body felt like jelly, so I went to bed early.

This morning, back into full swing. :)
2 eggs, oatmeal, milk, fruit cc, & after Advil kicked away my cramps I even made yummy shrimp pasta for lunch ^^
You know, I got the idea about apple sauce from reading your food log ;)

Yeah, I know :( :( my food yesterday was completely outta whack. It was most likely a bit over 1000 with the sugar from the cassava dessert. But I was feeling crappy to boot. PMS doesn't help either. I tried cramming food like FFCC + fruits, but my stomach was completely stuffed. Very yucky feeling. :/ Nothing else to do with body felt like jelly, so I went to bed early.

This morning, back into full swing. :)
2 eggs, oatmeal, milk, fruit cc, & after Advil kicked away my cramps I even made yummy shrimp pasta for lunch ^^

YUMMMM shrimp pasta!!! I'm totally drooling right now :)
PMS is the WORST. I feel your pain girl. Literally :( The months go too fast. Seems like I just went though this :mad: I totally get the way you described above with the no appetite, feeling like jelly stuff. I'm with ya there ;)
Thanks Sparrow :) yeah, I can't believe it's that time again already :/

So I gave myself a rest yesterday, just playing in the kitchen making home-made bread crumb (from left over whole wheat bread), and crab-bake thai style for dinner :D ~ Totally eating good today! Then crashed to bed early (11:30pm)

DAY 82 (Mon) 1/29
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 2 soft boil egg (2w 1y) + 100ml 2%milk w/ cocoa powder
S: 30g oatmeal raisin almond blueberry milk brw sugar
Sup: fo cla vit
L: 80g cc fruit salad blueberry peach + spaghetti w/ shrimp brocolli red pepper onion in butter sherry garlic olive oil + several slices of left over beef from yesterday.
S: green tea + 1 slc apple croissant + 1 slc wwb 1tbs pb
D: crab cake thai style (curry powder, pepper, bean thread noodles, crab meat, eggs, onion, parsley)
S: 1 small egg roll + 1 apple croissant

Total: 1585 calories
Fat - 31.3% (56 grams)
Protein - 24.4% (98 grams)
Carbohydrates - 44.3% (178 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 2,547 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 563 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 18 grams
No workout tonight ... ; ; I felt beat. May be the soreness from Sunday workout just caught up to me. Or other may be's.
I took 1 day off from working out and it feels like a week! :eek:

Today back into the groove and eating the good stuff. But 1 thing kinda give me the curve-ball: Ham & Cheese Croissant.
This sucker got 350cal with loads of carbs. :eek:
:confused: I feel like I didn't eat alot, yet I got to 1600calories anyway...

DAY 83 (Tue) 1/30
B: 3 sb eggs (3w 1y) + oatmeal raisin almond blueberry brw sugar (Out of Milk!!)
L: 2 slc wwb + 2 tbs pb + 5 cheese cubes + ffcc + peach + blueberry + 1 string cheese
S: 1 cup of coffee w/ soy milk + 1 ham/cheese croissant
Pre-W S: apple sauce (3tbs/80g) + 2%cc (2tbs/80g)
Sup: fo cla vit
D: tilapia seasoned w/ blk pepper, garlic, italian herb, salt, soy sauce + cauliflower, peas, green pepper + 1 egg white + 1 tsp parmesan

Total: 1600 calories
Fat - 36.4% (67 grams)
Protein - 27.7% (114 grams)
Carbohydrates - 35.9% (148 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 2,096 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 354 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 19 grams

Cardio Bike: 20 min, fastest 104mph, average 85mph
Strength & Stretching 45min:
hamstring 2x12 free weight
Pliee w/ arm front raise w/ 2lbs @hands 1x12
split lunge w/ 14lbs 1x12
cardio blast: upper cut punch + front punch w/ 2lbs @hands
split lunges 1x15 w/ side arm raise 2lbs @hands
front lunges 1x15 w/ biceps curls 2lbs @hands
reverse lunge 1x15 w/ knee raise, 2lbs @hands
squats no weight 1x15
cardio blast: upper cut & front punch w/ 2lbs @hands
squats & pliees w/ biceps & triceps w/ 2lbs @hands
deadlifts 1x15 @14lbs
Is my body trying to tell me something? ... I feel full faster these several days. Today, I was ready to call it a day with 1200 cal (pushing it with some fruit cottage cheese with wheat crackers, even toasted corn chips & salsa!). Watching American Idol, I figure I might as well eat something to push it up a bit. Had avocado desert (40g avocado with condensed milk). I got to almost 1400 from that alone.

Thanks Tom for your suggestion. I didnt make it to the gym tonight. But tomorrow when I do, I will increase my intensity. Like you said, I feel like I am not buring as much calories as before. I think I am about to outgrow SI6 :( Need to find something else as variation.
Here is today's log. At least I managed to get close to 40-30-30 :)

DAY 84 (Wed) 1/31
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 2 sb egg (2w 1y) + oatmeal almond blueberry brw sgr (Still no MILK!!)
S: 2 cheese cube + 2 wheat crackers
Sup: fo cla vit
L: shrimp & crab & chicken-apple sausage & port mushroom in ragu garlic sauce over shell pasta (5g)
S: 40g yucca + fruit cottage cheese + 1 wheat crackers
D: tilapia filet + toasted corn chips w/ salsa + 2 egg white
Sup: fo
S: 40g avocado dessert w/ 1 tsp condensed milk & a squirt chocolate sauce

Total: 1382 calories (Added the last 182 from Avocado dessert)
Fat - 29.4% (46 grams)
Protein - 31.0% (108 grams)
Carbohydrates - 39.6% (138 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 2,602 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 555 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 19 grams

Workout: BIU 60min
what the heck is "avocado dessert" ?

I grew up knowing avocado in 'dessert' category. Indonesian avocado is different. It is harder, less creamy. We eat it sweet, usually in fruit drink mix.

Home style desert is simply: avocado blended - either using blender or roughly mashed with fork (not smoothie, ix-nay on the yogurt/ice cream in it) with ice, condensed milk, coffee/chocolate milk.

so gooood....


Oh, ever try grilled banana with cheese, chocolate sprinkle & condensed milk? :D (deadly, unless of course you use low fat cheese or chocolate, but nothing can be done about the condensed milk unfortunately)
[/QUOTE]Oh, ever try grilled banana with cheese, chocolate sprinkle & condensed milk? :D (deadly, unless of course you use low fat cheese or chocolate, but nothing can be done about the condensed milk unfortunately)[/QUOTE]

OMG, that sounds so good, but I'm hungry already. If I wasn't, that would have made my hungry!!
Those actually really do sound like they could be excellent. Can you come live with me a while Kiria ...bring Stingo on your way, and show me how to cook something more interesting :confused: :D
It is darn good! mm..... Can you believe that those are example of Indonesian comfort food? but hardly anyone there is obese...

That's authentically made by street side vendor (check out the amount of cheese they pile on top of the banana ... )