Wow.... Total bad day. Started good. By Lunch my ratio is about 30s even for C/P/F. But thats about it. Other than mental slump, today I just eat anything in sight LOL.
Oh well

it felt good and it sure tastes good

the chocolate croissant, the pumpkin truffle chocolate ($1.50 a piece!), the cup of hot chocolate (and it's been a while too since I had one. Always got mocha or latte lately), the pad thai, hor jor, hm..... finish them down with cups of hot green genmai tea ^__^ about 2000 calories hehehehe...
Ok, so here is the break down of the day somewhat:
Day 79 (Fri) 1/26
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 3 soft boiled egg (3w 1y) + 150ml milk w/ cocoa powder
S: 30g oatmeal raisin almond blueberry milk brw sgr
L: 108g chicken in almond milk + 1/4cup ffcc
S: 2 string cheese + fruits & nuts bar + 1 starbucks tall hot chocolate w/ a bit of whipcream + 1 pc pumpkin chocolate truffle
D: 3/4 serving padthai w/ shrimp & tofu + 1 pc hor jor w/ sweet sour sauce
S: 1/8 starbucks chocolate croissant + 2 cups green tea
Sup: fo
Total: about 2000 calories
Fat - 39.5% (86 grams)
Protein - 25.1% (123 grams)
Carbohydrates - 35.4% (173 grams)
Sodium Intake - 1,217 mg
Cholesterol Intake - 435 mg
Fiber Intake - 13 grams
Night Workout: 45min ST + 15min Stretching
Workout holding 2 lbs on each hand, consist of lunges, squats, pliees, push ups, arms lifts etc.
Note: I just realize that I can completely flatten my crossed legs with the flat of the feets touching. Something I couldn't do before because of the extra 'padding' on the side of hips. There are other things that I couldn't do before or very hard to do them before, but now seems so doable with stronger abs
very uplifting and motivating.