
I will keep with 40-30-30 or even it out. Couple of times I was pretty even on all three and it is not pretty difficult to do that.

So far today:
Fat - 27.5% (35 grams), Protein - 30.1% (86 grams), Carbohydrates - 42.5% (121 grams)
that's pretty close to 40-30-30 :)
Still have dinner to redeem a bit more on protein. I am sure while at it, fat and carb going up as well...

This is the gamer in you coming out, eh Kiria? lol
This is the gamer in you coming out, eh Kiria? lol

heh, everything in life is a game of sort ya know ;)
Makes the otherwise dull & boring existence the more exciting :D
ALL right! Almost got it to the dot! :D discrepancy of 0.1-0.5% only. ... (yeah, lol let's see how long I can keep this up. Takes quite an effort apaprently ; ; ....)

DAY 76 (Tue) 1/23
Supp: fo cla vit
B: 2 soft boiled egg (2wht 1yolk) + oatmeal raisin almond blackberry blueberry milk brw sgr
Supp: fo cla vit
L: ffcc(87g) w/ pear(98g) & blueberry(15g) + flank steak(3.125oz) w/ portabello mushroom(2oz) + 1 pc chicken quesadilla (3x4inch) ~ figured that I am still hungry not just 'eye-hungry' after lunch. Took a piece of chicken quesadilla at the office (freebies of 212cal yikes!). A good trade though - it's high in fat and I am a bit low in fat as of after lunch. Eating it bit by bit :)
S: 1 string cheese + 1 wheat cracker
D: flank beef + portabello mushroom + zucchini w/ rosemary, soy sauce, pepper + 2 shiumai
S: sweet potato + brw sugar + almonds

Total: 1413 calorie (goal 1400)
Fat - 29.5% (47 grams)
Protein - 30.9% (111 grams)
Carbohydrates - 39.7% (143 grams)
Sodium 1,444 mg, Cholesterol 375 mg, Fiber 19 grams
Grade A-

Workout Evening: Burn It Up 60min.
According to the calculation, it should. My workout is only about 30min-1hr/day & not as intense as yours or Sparrow :)

Of course, if I feel hungry I usually eat more.
I see I am not the only one feeling like a pig for eating when not hungry just to boost some 'stats'. And I also note that there are other breakfast options other than my ever favorite oatmeal. Plus, reading all others' workout routine, I just feel like a slob :( and feel I should push myself more and more.

My plan:
A. Increase my exercise. pushing that HIIT (1x/week) to the real max! :eek: more intensity on ST days & Burn Up more fat with Debbie.

B. Alternate Breakfast with egg white omelet + lfcc or ffcc + blueberry/blackberry + almonds (gotta hv almonds)
DAY 77 (Wed) 1/24
Supp: fo cla vit
B: 2 soft boil eggs (2wht 1yolk) + 1/3cup warm 2%milk w/ dash of cocoa powder + oatmeal raisin blueberry brw sugar milk
S: blueberries
Supp: fo cla vit
L: flank steak + portabello mushroom + onion + corn + cauliflower w/ olive oil & sherry
S: half tuna wwb wich + cheese cubes
D: 4 shrimp + cauliflower + 2 scrambled egg whites + red pepper
Pre-workout S: 6oz Dole fruit juice + couple sips of sports drinks + cheese cubes
S: blueberry + 100g ff cottage cheese + 1 string cheese
Supp: fo

Note: I am full. Chart says I am still below 100g in Protein - Made myself a blueberry/ffcc snack to bumped up the protein intake even though I wasn't really hungry. Ate too much carb 'again' thanks to the pasta during dinner. Usually I had my fill of good carbs since morning & dinner is when I can balance the diet with protein. No such luck today. Hubby cooked. (nice of him :D ) Although he did well, with the shrimp and egg whites (instead of full egg) scramble over cauliflower to nonetheless! It was a tad salty so the shell pasta made just a perfect base for the dish.

Fat - 21.9% (35 grams)
Protein - 29.8% (108 grams)
Carbohydrates - 48.3% (175 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 1,838 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 206 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 20 grams
Grade A-
Total (about) 1400-1500 cal

Evening Exercise: ST workout for 30min + 17 min (5 warm up & 10 HIIT w/ 30 sec of sprints (8mph) / jogs (5.5mph) & 2 cooldown)
@home: more ST for 20min (after dinner & American Idol :D )
Note: I don't really feel a workout is a workout unless I sweated river for the whole duration.
I was sleepy by 10p, could have eaten 1 more string cheese to bump up the protein to a even 30%. Decided not to though.

DAY 78 (Thu) 1/25
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 3 soft boil eggs (3wht 1y) + 1/2 cup milk w/ cocoa powder
S: oatmeal raisin almond blueberry milk brw sugar cinnamon (smaller portion)
Sup: fo vit cla
L: Safeway Sig portabello mushroom soup + chicken curry in almond milk (not coconut milk)
S: 1 slc wwb w/ pb + 1 string cheese
workout S: 200ml sports drink
D: 4 eggs omelet (4wht 1y) + green & red bell pepper + onion + portabello mushroom
Sup: fo
S: 2 cubes cheese Add 1 string cheese

Total: 1341 calories
Fat - 33.1% (51 grams)
Protein - 29.6% (103 grams)
Carbohydrates - 37.3% (129 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 2,070 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 549 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 16 grams

Evening Workout: BIU 53min + Slim Limber 10min

Edit: I ate that string cheese afterall. Kinda feel empty in my stomach.
Fat - 34.2% (55 grams)
Protein - 30.0% (109 grams)
Carbohydrates - 35.7% (129 grams)
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wow,u are a real inspiration cat:)
gotta move my booty to get back to where i was atleast,if not better than what i was:(
* sadie rumages throughthe piles of things in the unfinished home,and grabs her weights and hops on her TM*:D
in her dreams;)
c'mon sadie! ;) you know you can do it, and you know you want to do it too! Get Debbie move your bootie again, baby! :D
Wow.... Total bad day. Started good. By Lunch my ratio is about 30s even for C/P/F. But thats about it. Other than mental slump, today I just eat anything in sight LOL.
Oh well :D it felt good and it sure tastes good :D :D :D the chocolate croissant, the pumpkin truffle chocolate ($1.50 a piece!), the cup of hot chocolate (and it's been a while too since I had one. Always got mocha or latte lately), the pad thai, hor jor, hm..... finish them down with cups of hot green genmai tea ^__^ about 2000 calories hehehehe... :D

Ok, so here is the break down of the day somewhat:

Day 79 (Fri) 1/26
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 3 soft boiled egg (3w 1y) + 150ml milk w/ cocoa powder
S: 30g oatmeal raisin almond blueberry milk brw sgr
L: 108g chicken in almond milk + 1/4cup ffcc
S: 2 string cheese + fruits & nuts bar + 1 starbucks tall hot chocolate w/ a bit of whipcream + 1 pc pumpkin chocolate truffle
D: 3/4 serving padthai w/ shrimp & tofu + 1 pc hor jor w/ sweet sour sauce
S: 1/8 starbucks chocolate croissant + 2 cups green tea
Sup: fo

Total: about 2000 calories
Fat - 39.5% (86 grams)
Protein - 25.1% (123 grams)
Carbohydrates - 35.4% (173 grams)
Sodium Intake - 1,217 mg
Cholesterol Intake - 435 mg
Fiber Intake - 13 grams

Night Workout: 45min ST + 15min Stretching
Workout holding 2 lbs on each hand, consist of lunges, squats, pliees, push ups, arms lifts etc.

Note: I just realize that I can completely flatten my crossed legs with the flat of the feets touching. Something I couldn't do before because of the extra 'padding' on the side of hips. There are other things that I couldn't do before or very hard to do them before, but now seems so doable with stronger abs :D very uplifting and motivating.
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I see I am not the only one feeling like a pig for eating when not hungry just to boost some 'stats'. And I also note that there are other breakfast options other than my ever favorite oatmeal. Plus, reading all others' workout routine, I just feel like a slob :( and feel I should push myself more and more.

My plan:
A. Increase my exercise. pushing that HIIT (1x/week) to the real max! :eek: more intensity on ST days & Burn Up more fat with Debbie.

B. Alternate Breakfast with egg white omelet + lfcc or ffcc + blueberry/blackberry + almonds (gotta hv almonds)

I have 2 things to say to this :)

First, you cannot judge your workouts based on others' workouts. There will always be someone who works "harder", "faster" or "more fit" and always will there be someone not as "fit" as you. Trying to reach goals is good but if they aren't YOUR goals, you can run into frustration or overtraining just trying to do something you're not ready for. I personally think you workout really hard and do an amazing job of it!

Second, the no appetite thing. Its very possible your new big increase of protein is quenching your appetite so soon in the day. Protein is a carb and craving killer. When I started upping protein I had a hard time reaching my quota everyday for like 2 weeks. It takes time to get used to that. I still have issues sometimes, if I don't keep my carbs a little higher, where they should be. For you and I who tend to have lower calories for the workouts we do, its important to eat even when not hungry (for the most part) to get our bodies used to the increase it really does need. I have learned that being stuffed doesn't mean you'll be gaining weight as long as you're in the calorie range for your body and activity

You're doing great kiria! Keep it up!
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I agree with everything sparrow just said. She's a smart lady.

My own experience with eating protein every meal is that it basically annihilates my cravings for carbs or anything really. I don't get hungry again until it's my next meal time, and what I want is protein. I just kinda slog through the veggies and fruit as an afterthought. Some days, though, it's like I'm just not hungry at all and I eat anyway. I'm still getting used to it too. So..hang in there. ^_^ I've been watching your journal for a're making steady progress on your ratios. Keep at it and pretty soon you'll have it down. :)
Thanks for the encouragement guys :D
Yah and that night when I finally snuck in 1 more cheese into my tummy, I actually felt better!
I hear ya about different people's exercise's goals. Hm... I guess I know I shdnt be playing 'match to match', but I will keep reading them to give myself motivation and always push it a bit further every time. That is how we improve, right? :)

Sparrow, is it possible to have a 'stronger' heart rate after you drank sports drink? I drank one last time, it was supposed to be quite a strong kind (military uses it) and I was told to dilute it 1:1 with water. I did. After the workout about an hour or so when I was resting, I could feel/hear my heart beat. Beating strong, not fast. Just more prominent than usual. It went on all through the night and the next day. So I was just wondering if it's possible that the s-drink may have that effect.

Well, this morning I am drinking some of it again (8oz of water+that) pre morning workout with my breakfast. Curious to find out if that happens again. :D
I'd also suggest it having to do with flexibility as well. Keep up the great work.

Oh yeah, flexibility :D I guess those stretches does something afterall LOL.

But my balance still sucky. Like during lunges, I still wobble here and there. I don't want to always use chair to balance myself out. You think I should just keep at the lunges and improve my balance doing it, or shd I include other balancing exercise? Or am I simply just a klutz :confused: ...
This morning I finally shake my breakfast, well, a little. No Oatmeal!! :eek: Instead increase 1 more egg white plus ffcc w/ banana & 8oz s-drink. Getting ready for morning (11am) workout.
Oh yeah, flexibility :D I guess those stretches does something afterall LOL.

But my balance still sucky. Like during lunges, I still wobble here and there. I don't want to always use chair to balance myself out. You think I should just keep at the lunges and improve my balance doing it, or shd I include other balancing exercise? Or am I simply just a klutz :confused: ...

Keep doing them - I had real problems with my left leg in lunges but I just kept on doing them til finally I'm pretty decent on the left leg.
Another day started well, and went on as another empty calories. Since I can't really get the real breakdown of the food, I am guessing I had a lot of carbs today from the ramen, tarts & popcorn; high sodium from the ramen & popcorn; high fat from the tart & butter popcorn. Wow... am I glad I had 3 egg whites and ffcc this morning ^^;

Anyone care to guess how much calories these are? :D

DAY 80 (Sat) 1/27
Sup: cla fo vit
B: 3 soft boil egg (3w 1y) + ffcc w/ 1/2banana, raisin, almond, cinnamon
Up to this point here goes the breakdown:
Total: 304 calories
Fat - 23.6% (8 grams)
Protein - 37.7% (29 grams)
Carb - 38.7% (30 grams)
Sodium - 286 mg
Cholesterol - 212 mg
Fiber - 3 grams

L: 1/2 bowl kyushu ramen
S: 16oz hazelnut coffee w/ half2milk & sugar + 1 berry fruit tart + 1 slc apple pastry
S (at movie): small butter pop corn

Morning workout: BIU 50min + SL 10min
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