
DAY 72 (Thu) 1/18
B: 1/2 cup 2%milk w/ 1 tsp hot cocoa nestle mix nonfat + 1/4 cup oatmeal raisin almond brw sugar
S: 1 slc wwb w/ pb + 1/2 cup 2%milk w/ 1/2 tsp nestle cocoa mix
Supp: fo vit
L: seared jumbo scallops with wasabi mashed potato & spinach + 2 cup of coffee w/ baileys
S: string cheese + 2 wheat crackers
D: korean food = sundobu + chap jae + spicy pork + small dishes
S: raspberry pastry & chocolate peach roll + a glass sweet ginger tea + 1/4 of chinese mochi w/ red bean paste filling

Morning workout: BUI half time 30 min.
I consider my weekend in NY as one of my zig-zag days ;) that is the days when my intake is high. Also, I figure that walking around for half a day in the cold to freezing weather ought to burn some calories too. :D

No exercise on saturday, just packing, did a quick run through the city once again before heading back.

Went to the Natural History Museum... LOL... It looks nothing like the movie! So I found out that the movie was not shot in the museum at all! :p Oh well, It is very interesting nonetheless. I wish we had more time to walk around in there. The place is huuuuge!!!! If I wasn't feeling adrenalin rush due to time, I would have loved to sit down and rest my legs @.@

DAY 73 (Fri) 1/19
B: 1/2 cup 2%milk w/ 1 tsp hot cocoa nestle mix nonfat + 1/4 cup oatmeal raisin almond brw sugar
S: 1 slc wwb w/ pb
L: portabello w/ eggplant & roasted red pepper sandwich w/ small salad (ate half of the bread) + a cup of vegi lentil soup w/ crackers + cup of coffee
S: a bite of truffle
D: @Artisanal Fromage: CHEESE!!! 2 glasses of riestling + a flight of cheese + bread + mussels w/ butter garlic wine + tuna carpaccio + fruity pumpkin pudding (so good!) + a cup of passion fruit infused green tea. + @korean BBQ: some kalbi + green lettuce + ginger green tea

DAY 74 (Sat) 1/20
**Traveling back to San Fran **
B(around 11am): 1/2 cup choco milk
Note: So hungry! We were too busy packing and rushed to go out of the door, we planned to have lunch when we were out there... which finally we could at the museum...
L(3pm): @American Natural History Food Court: Mac&Cheese + assorted salad (greens, green bean, mozarella & tomato, hearts of palms, pine nuts, parmesan cheese, roasted red pepper) + 2 fried chicken wings
Note: so hungry... by lunch I practically inhaled the mac&cheese!! yummmm
D(at the airport 6:30pm... yes, we missed the flight LOL): slice of double vegie pizza + ice lemon tea
S: Total snacking time on the plane: 2 sml dark chocolate cookies + lotsa laughing cow cheese cubes w/ wheat crackers & grapes + spicy flour coated peanuts + 1 chocolate truffle

Note: finally stuffed with snacks! kickin back and watched Food TV (Alton Brown Feasting on Asphalt) then fell zzz ... so tired.
so good to be back home :)

quiet Breakfast of my usual oatmeal, now with warm choco milk. Kicking back until food digested, logging my food for the weekend, and getting ready to hit the gym for cardio blast! Yeah! :D
I found new love!!!:D :D :D

For Cheese that is LOL. Laughing cow light cube cheese! 5 cubes for 35 calories - 3g pro, 1g carb, 2g fat! That means each cube only 7cal & I love the ratio between pro & carb! Includes the time and efforts in opening each foil wrap, that 5 cubes would be more than enough to satisfy snack attack.

Of course still cant beat cottage cheese with 13g pro and 4g carb, but hey, cube cheese is more portable :p
sheri, have you checked out this site? Cool calculating tool for calorie allowance and it also has calculator to measure macro nutrients.

After I input my stat, with 5times/week exercise, this is what I get for calorie

Maintenance:*1750 Calories/day
Fat Loss:*1400 Calories/day
Extreme Fat Loss:*1050 Calories/day

After that I can play around with the setting of my diet to figure out the percentage to how much (grams) of each carb, protein, & fat.
If I want to follow that guideline, I really have to buy a kitchen scale.. :p which I prolly too lazy to measure every single thing I eat anyway. But, good to know and for one day that I feel up to it. :)
After my usual Breakfast, my lunch was a yummy portabello mushroom steak w/ beef & brocolli; a total of 482 cal. After a good hour long cardio workout this morning (burned approx 600 cal in 7miles) I think I can use all the protein I can get :)

And the stat looks promising:
Fat - 38.3% (40 grams)
Protein - 32.2% (75 grams)
Carbohydrates - 29.5% (69 grams)
Sodium Intake - 372 mg
Cholesterol Intake - 137 mg
Fiber Intake - 10 grams
DAY 75
Supp: fo cla vit
B: 1/2 cup milk w/ coco + oatmeal raisin almond blackberry milk brw sugar
S: 1/2 banana + 1/4 cup cottage cheese + 1 cube laughing cow cheese
L: portabello mushroom steak + beef + brocolli cooked with balsamic vinagrette herb marination
S: 1 cube cheese + 1 wheat crackers
Supp: fo cla vit
D: shrimp + brocolli + onion + green pepper + parmesan cheese +1/4 bacang ketan + corn chips + 3 shiumai

Total Calorie: 1429
Fat - 41.5% (67 grams)
Protein - 31.3% (113 grams)
Carbohydrates - 27.2% (99 grams)
Sodium 1,771 mg, Cholesterol 328 mg, Fiber 16 grams

Morning: 60 min elliptical @10 intensity, 622 calories, 7.3 miles
Night: Burn It Up 60 min
I saw the Diet Ratios in the Macro Nutrients Calculator, and it listed Zone Diet (40-30-30). But that is 40carb - 30 pro - 30fat.
Have I been trippin? I thought the 40 is for protein?

Anyway, I play around the the diet ratio (Moderate & Low Carb) It is interesting to see how they break down the grams and calories for you to meet the ratio.

Looking at Moderate, I was close to this ratio before, with ratio of 50carb - 25protein - 25fat. Well, with the difference, I have more fat than protein.

I think I am going to shoot for low carb ratio: 25carb - 40pro - 35fat. I think that is doable for me. For whatever reason, right now I managed to control carb, but still iffy on fat.

Man... this is like food science! @.@
I've always understood it to be 40 = carbs, 30 = protein, 30 = fat in terms of percentage of calories. (Carbs and proteins = 4 calories/gram, Fat = 9 calories/gram).
Today I got it almost to 40c 30p 30f. Somehow, the fat got lower than 30 :confuse: Gotta be the fat free cottage cheese LOL (coz usually I would be munching on the either 2% or light)

DAY 75 (Mon) 1/22
Supp: fo cla vit
B: soft boiled egg (2 whites 1 yolk) + oatmeal raisin blackberry almond brw sugar milk
L: white chicken chunks w/ zucchini, onion, italian herb, portabello mushroom in ragu tomato garlic sauce + parmesan cheese + 5 wheat crackers
Supp: fo cla vit
S: tuna + 1 slc wwb + parmesan cheese + abc
S: 1/4 banana + 3 cubes cheese + 1 wheat crackers
D: chicken noodle soup home made (about 220 cal) w/ a bit of whole wheat pasta
S: 3/4 banana + almond + 1/4 cup fat free cottage cheese + cinnamon + dash of fat free cocoa mix
S: 6 frozen shiumai

Total Calorie: 1439
Fat - 26.3% (42 grams)
Protein - 33.5% (121 grams)
Carbohydrates - 40.2% (145 grams)
Sodium 2,822 mg, Cholesterol 422 mg, Fiber 27 grams

Workout Evening: Cardio Elliptical: 30min @10 intensity, 312 cal, 3.68 miles + BIU 30 min (not doing crunches or arms & floor exercise)
Note: can't do full 1 hr. My body too tired from cardio & perhaps I need more fuel.
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I love it and knowing my hubby, he bought it with the size & design first in mind not features LOL. I feel like a dork ^^; coz this is actually the first time I own MY OWN food scale :D
Usually it's my mom's or my grandma's.
Hey sweet scale! I'm not sure I could spend 40 bucks on a food scale though. Nice though!
I just wanted to confirm the 40/30/30 is carb/pro/fat and I'm not sure you should plunge down to 25 with the carbs, thats pretty low. 30 is probably the lowest you should go. you could try to make all the ratios pretty much even. Lots of people are successful with that too. Also that low end for "extreme fat loss" is starvation mode calories, especially with your workouts, so be careful of that too since that could totally "undo" all your hard work and its very hard to get out of, I'm learning :(
I will keep with 40-30-30 or even it out. Couple of times I was pretty even on all three and it is not pretty difficult to do that.

So far today:
Fat - 27.5% (35 grams), Protein - 30.1% (86 grams), Carbohydrates - 42.5% (121 grams)
that's pretty close to 40-30-30 :)
Still have dinner to redeem a bit more on protein. I am sure while at it, fat and carb going up as well...