I consider my weekend in NY as one of my zig-zag days

that is the days when my intake is high. Also, I figure that walking around for half a day in the cold to freezing weather ought to burn some calories too.
No exercise on saturday, just packing, did a quick run through the city once again before heading back.
Went to the Natural History Museum... LOL... It looks nothing like the movie! So I found out that the movie was not shot in the museum at all!

Oh well, It is very interesting nonetheless. I wish we had more time to walk around in there. The place is huuuuge!!!! If I wasn't feeling adrenalin rush due to time, I would have loved to sit down and rest my legs @.@
DAY 73 (Fri) 1/19
B: 1/2 cup 2%milk w/ 1 tsp hot cocoa nestle mix nonfat + 1/4 cup oatmeal raisin almond brw sugar
S: 1 slc wwb w/ pb
L: portabello w/ eggplant & roasted red pepper sandwich w/ small salad (ate half of the bread) + a cup of vegi lentil soup w/ crackers + cup of coffee
S: a bite of truffle
D: @Artisanal Fromage: CHEESE!!! 2 glasses of riestling + a flight of cheese + bread + mussels w/ butter garlic wine + tuna carpaccio + fruity pumpkin pudding (so good!) + a cup of passion fruit infused green tea. + @korean BBQ: some kalbi + green lettuce + ginger green tea
DAY 74 (Sat) 1/20
**Traveling back to San Fran **
B(around 11am): 1/2 cup choco milk
Note: So hungry! We were too busy packing and rushed to go out of the door, we planned to have lunch when we were out there... which finally we could at the museum...
L(3pm): @American Natural History Food Court: Mac&Cheese + assorted salad (greens, green bean, mozarella & tomato, hearts of palms, pine nuts, parmesan cheese, roasted red pepper) + 2 fried chicken wings
Note: so hungry... by lunch I practically inhaled the mac&cheese!! yummmm
D(at the airport 6:30pm... yes, we missed the flight LOL): slice of double vegie pizza + ice lemon tea
S: Total snacking time on the plane: 2 sml dark chocolate cookies + lotsa laughing cow cheese cubes w/ wheat crackers & grapes + spicy flour coated peanuts + 1 chocolate truffle
Note: finally stuffed with snacks! kickin back and watched Food TV (Alton Brown Feasting on Asphalt) then fell zzz ... so tired.