After a couple of days blowing off my calories to the roof, today I am having problem getting it beyond 1000. My guesstimate is 1200 tops. My guess the culprit is cassava (yucca)

~ i love that stuff too hehe..
That stuff gotta be one of the most complex carb and fiber rich food ever! I think I ate about half a cup worth? may be 200grams.
I tried eating ffcc later on at night to bump protein, but I am stuffed. So I guess today will be my low-end of the zigzag days.
I gotta say that changing my breakfast today to applesauce and cc, plus drinking s-drinks, seems to help with my endurance during workout this morning.
DAY 81 (Sun) 1/28
Sup: fo vit cla
Pre-workout S/B: 2%cc fruits + apple sauce + 4oz 2%milk w/ cocoa powder
workout S: 100ml s-drink
Post workout S: 30g apple sauce + 40g 2%cc fruits
S: a bite of choco croissant + 2 string chs
L: beef + port mushroom, onion, green & red pepper sauted in olive oil, garlic, rosemary, soy sauce, sherry, blk pepper.
S: es tape (cassava) + steam cassava
Sup: fo vit
D: 3 eggs omelet (3w 1y) + port mushroom onion red pepper broccoli cauliflower
S: 1 tbs 2%cc fruit salad + 1 cup green tea lime honey
Total: 987 cal (plus calories from the es tape ~ sweet milky cassava)
Fat - 26.6% (30 grams)
Protein - 32.2% (82 grams)
Carbohydrates - 41.2% (104 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 1,283 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 498 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 9 grams
Morning Workout: Cardio day at the Gym
TM: 1.3 miles - warmup 5 min (15% 3mph) - HIIT 10 min (sprint 4 x 30sec x 9mph, jog 5mph in between, walk 8% 4mph 2min)
Bike: 2.83 miles - 10min - HIIT (4 x 20sec x (?mph)~ spin as fast as I can, moderate speed in between)
Elliptical: 1.42 miles - 10min - SS @10 intensity
No night exercise tonight. PMS messing withg my head. Got a nagging headache. took advil and just chill.