[h=1]TRUTH About Leg Strength and Aesthetics[/h]
People have told you that in order to have a muscular, and well developed pairs of legs, you need to be squatting 315lbs and above. Although you are guaranteed to have big and strong legs, this is unecessary if your goal was aesthetics.In your first year of training, you will have gained 75% of your total elg development. Getting to a 400 or even 500lb squat isn't going to make your legs substantially bigger. If it does, they will end up monstrous like Chris Jones or Candito, which takes away from the aesthetics look overall.If your goal is to look good on the beach, whether it's a Zyzz, Greg Plitt, or Hollywood physique, then the 315 squat is all you need.Anyone who tells you otherwise is dogmatic in their belief that you need to be squatting powerlifting amounts of weights.Look at Greg from KinoBody, Luimarco, Scott Herman, Nick Wright, Greg Plitt, Zyzz, Jeff Seid, Alon Gabbay, etc.Their legs are not monstrous by all means, but you cannot call them out on having chicken legs. They are well developed, and add to that nice v-taper effect. You want a v-taper, not an x-taper.This is the truth about maximal strength and hypertrophy in your legs.