So its only half way through the day here, but so far so good. Todays the day I pull this train back on the tracks. Thanks for your posts guys, As far as the chocolate goes I have to say no all together cause I am a all or nothing kind of girl, once I get a taste there is no stoping me, so its best to stay away. I have tried the cheat day, but I find it realy hard to get back on track afterwards, so this time I am going to try and just keep going, these pit stops are derailing me a bit too much.
So I am happy today as I won a bit of a victory at home. This house we live use to be the mother in laws, well it has always had a dishwasher but for the first few years hubby told me it didnt work. Then I year or so ago mother in law asked why we didnt use it, when I said it didnt work she replied yes it did work it just needed reconnecting. Confronted hubby on it and he said it uses to much water and it was much better to do the dishes normaly (easy for him as he never touches a dirty dish) well I complained a bit over the year, but never thought too much about it, till my friend got one and was telling me how much easier her life was. Now when it was just me and hubby, there werent too many dishes, now we have two kids I feel like I am forever standing over the sink doing dishes. So the past couple of months been trying to put my foot down over the dish washer, finaly last week I had, had enough and went on strike, Refuse to do anymore dishes until he reconnected it. Well last night BREAK THRU yah he reconected the dish washer. I am so happy, so will give me more time to get on and do other things.