I got all points except for the outdoors one. I walked my dog for maybe 10 minutes. It was way too cold outside today.
If the getting outside to exercise isn't possible for some of you since there are members throughout the world, maybe as an alternative we could continue the last mini challenge format in that if you do a different exercise a day you'd still get points. Sound good?
Does anyone know if yard work can count for our daily exercise points? I was outside for most of the day between messing with the yard and a short birthday party.
FRIDAY: Water points. Walking outside for regular exercise. Mini challenge exercise was yard work (raking mostly).
I certainly believe that it does. Mandy certainly claimed it for the challenge last week so people in the other teams are thinking that way too...
OMEGA..I didnt see that part lol..Can I count the half hour of power walking outside as points in my hour that I do?
New mini challenge for next week, starting Saturday:
Diet Challenge: 2 Points for every day where no junk food at all is consumed. By junk food I'm talking candy, potato chips, cakes, ice cream, etc. Also, 2 points daily for NOT adding any additional salt to your meals. I still cave into my cravings for sweets from time to time and I do love adding salt to my meals so this will be a challenge for me. It may be a lay up for the rest of you.
Exercise Challenge: I *think" it should be nice enough for everyone to get outside now so hopefully this one will be a fair one. 2 points a day for a half hour's worth of exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, yard work, etc) outside. Getting out and about in the fresh air and sun can be a great moral booster. I hope this one will be doable.
If the getting outside to exercise isn't possible for some of you since there are members throughout the world, maybe as an alternative we could continue the last mini challenge format in that if you do a different exercise a day you'd still get points. Sound good?