hey you guys. This morning I feel really low. a lot of things have been going on since last night..something really emotional & exhausting & possible impact on our future. I didn't get to go to bed until 2am and I didn't fall asleep until 6, and I slept a short hour. I am absolutely knackered.
I really don't want to/can't go into details. I am not sure how I gonna survive this weekend. I am all by myself right now. & zero friends & family here. I can't even think about food, let alone eat anything. uhm...I feel sick...
Everything happened after the gym last night. its something to do with my husband and his job.
in any case thanks to the nerves I probably end up losing more weight...
I lost 4.5 lbs this week. I am now 259. (down from 273 on Jan 9)
I copy result from score sheet:
Feb. 1 - lost 4.5 lbs & current weight is 259 lbs (1.71%) {overall: 12 lbs lost & 4.43%}
ex. points 13
mini chall. points 6
Feb. 1 _330.0 week -4.8 contest -15___
ex. points_8__
mini chall. points_7__
-19.2 from my December starting weight
Justina, so sorry to hear about that. I hope that everything works out for you and yours.
Guys I am feeling a little off. Went on the scale this morning, and I am only down 0.4lbs from last week. It was really discouraging when I went on the scale. The dang sucka is just not moving. Was about to do something dumb, which usually is eating some high carbohydrate or flour product, this is how in the past I dealt with the fact that the weight is not moving.
Caught my senses and grabbed the measuring tape. Now while my weight has fluctuated and from last Friday I have only lost less than half a pound, at one point is was lower, but anyway... grabbed the tape and I have lost another inch off my waist.
So, although the weight is upsetting me, this means that I have lost 2 inches off my waist since we started this thing. So, I guess I should thank God for small miracles.![]()
Omega - this thing is really complicated. & what makes it the hardest it that i really cant talk about it to anyone.
San - if you are taking codeine, constipation is a side effect, eat some prunes, pineapple, or kiwi fruit to help things along. I hope you feel better and better.
Justina sounds like a tough night, thinking of you, and hope that you and hubby can get a good nights sleep tonight, and that whatever is upsetting you gets resolved.
San - Drinking plenty of water and of course eating fibre are both good for constipation... It is good that you are eating the prunes and having those fruit and veg.
It is worth keeping in mind that liquids that contain caffeine cause dehydration so reducing coffee / cola while this is a problem may help too...
The big thing is lots of water.