Whisper's Diary

Week 6 Update:

Start Weight: 268.8

Last Week - 255.1
This Week - 252.5

Lost this week: -2.6 lbs
Total Lost: -16.3 lbs

Achievements This Week: 5 LB Marker (dipped below 255)

Power 90 (old school) - Mon, Wed, Fri (Did not do this week)
Ab routine - Tue, Thu, Sat (Did not do this week)
Additional - yardwork and walking (Plenty of)

This week was better. I felt like I had more energy. I am researching a vitamin to take on a regular basis. It'd be great if I can find one. I know with my food allergies, getting everything I need isn't easy. For the first time in 6 weeks, I went over my calorie goal. I was short other days and I do not count my exercise calories. Still. It is because of depression. I need to watch that. This week I can put out limbs for the city to pick up and we have plenty of trees, so I should get a lot of exercise besides the walking. Main challenges - ingrown toenails. I am still having an issue with that and this maybe TMI, but I am prone to heat rashes and I have a doozy, so I will probably be walking like a duck today. Ugh. I wonder if losing weight will ever help. I used some Vaseline, but I think Desitin will work better.
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Wow, great feedback on my comments. I love the xls you provided, and many of the goals are ones I would consider wins.

I had an awesome first week of IF. It wasn't super difficult. I did go through hunger every day, both morning and eve. I gave in one evening and ate after 5pm. And it was an unhealthy dessert item. But, I know that's just me being human.

The great news is I lost 7.5 lbs in week 1. I know I said I wouldn't rely on the scale to tell me if I'm doing well. I knew I was succeeding each time I felt hungry and powered through it.

This week, I hope the scale stays the same. I know losing 7.5 lbs in one week is extraordinary. So, if I can keep it off, that would be fantastic. But, mostly, if I can do my IF window 6 out of 7 days, I know week 2 will be successful (regardless of what the scale says). And that is something I can control.
Wow, great feedback on my comments. I love the xls you provided, and many of the goals are ones I would consider wins.

I had an awesome first week of IF. It wasn't super difficult. I did go through hunger every day, both morning and eve. I gave in one evening and ate after 5pm. And it was an unhealthy dessert item. But, I know that's just me being human.

The great news is I lost 7.5 lbs in week 1. I know I said I wouldn't rely on the scale to tell me if I'm doing well. I knew I was succeeding each time I felt hungry and powered through it.

This week, I hope the scale stays the same. I know losing 7.5 lbs in one week is extraordinary. So, if I can keep it off, that would be fantastic. But, mostly, if I can do my IF window 6 out of 7 days, I know week 2 will be successful (regardless of what the scale says). And that is something I can control.

Good for you! Stay the course. For me, the first couple of weeks is the hardest. I'm six weeks in now and feel pretty good about how things are going. I was hungry for the first couple of weeks, but I find with exercise I am not so much. 7.5 lbs in the first week is great! I never really lose anything like that in the first week, but I'm like you, as long as I can keep it off then I am happy.
My heat rashes got SO MUCH BETTER when I lost weight. I hope the same will be true for you.

I hope so because today I really need to get out and work off some anxiety. I do get out and run store errands for my family, but anything else I start to panic. My nephew, who has been almost entirely home bound his entire life, due to cancer and such got a jury summons. I'm the one that panicked. I've gotten lots of ones before, but I get a lot of anxiety. *breathe*
NSV - I just finished 7300 steps. I did a lot of limbs out of the yard and my clothes are totally soaked from head to foot and I feel a good kind of tired. Way better than the week before where I felt sick after doing basically nothing.
That's great to hear! It may be a while before you can do this much every day without crashing but it's a great start.
Depression eating is still a thing. I'm so anxious right now. Exercise helps, but all it has been doing is rain! It rained again all day yesterday, so I was indoors all day. No yard work. This morning it is raining. It is supposed to quit by noon or so and then we will be dry for a week or so. It's been raining pretty much non-stop since 5/1. Now, it is going to be hot and muggy. I got to stay the course and remember why I am doing this. Oh yeah, why am I doing this again?
I think you're doing this because you're mom was diabetic and had high blood pressure and you take after her. You may also want to be able to move better, feel more energetic, avoid needless pain, or even just look better.
I hear you, Whispers65. I sometimes get caught up in the process, and forget why I'm doing this. There are many reasons for what we're doing to improve our bodies and health.

For me, one of the most difficult aspects is training my mind to keep going in the same direction, even when circumstances get in the way. I've heard (but have not tried yet) that speaking daily 'affirmations' helps with this. Things like "Today, I will eat within my IF window and do 10,000 steps'. I understand that being indoors, and gloomy weather makes it hard to do the exercise piece. But, maybe going up and down the stairs as many times as I can is an alternative.

Also, I accept that I'm not going to work the process perfectly every day. I'm not trying for perfection. Doing my few small positive behaviors even 4 out of 7 days each week, will give me success each week and month.

I don't plan for 'cheat days', but if they happen, I accept them as part of the process. I would put 'no exercise' days, sick days, and just not feeling up to it days in the same category. They are a normal part of this process, and actually help because you feel better once you get back on track.

You did help me a few days ago. It was a hot day, and I had done nothing but sit on the computer all day. No exercise. You mentioned that you had done a lot of yard work and were tired, but it felt good. That got me to go outside and walk my dog.
I think you're doing this because you're mom was diabetic and had high blood pressure and you take after her. You may also want to be able to move better, feel more energetic, avoid needless pain, or even just look better.

Thanks. Those are two of the top reasons for sure. I am going to do a why am I doing this post so I can have a reference. And also, I can check to see whether these things are still a worry or not.
I hear you, Whispers65. I sometimes get caught up in the process, and forget why I'm doing this. There are many reasons for what we're doing to improve our bodies and health.

For me, one of the most difficult aspects is training my mind to keep going in the same direction, even when circumstances get in the way. I've heard (but have not tried yet) that speaking daily 'affirmations' helps with this. Things like "Today, I will eat within my IF window and do 10,000 steps'. I understand that being indoors, and gloomy weather makes it hard to do the exercise piece. But, maybe going up and down the stairs as many times as I can is an alternative.

Also, I accept that I'm not going to work the process perfectly every day. I'm not trying for perfection. Doing my few small positive behaviors even 4 out of 7 days each week, will give me success each week and month.

I don't plan for 'cheat days', but if they happen, I accept them as part of the process. I would put 'no exercise' days, sick days, and just not feeling up to it days in the same category. They are a normal part of this process, and actually help because you feel better once you get back on track.

You did help me a few days ago. It was a hot day, and I had done nothing but sit on the computer all day. No exercise. You mentioned that you had done a lot of yard work and were tired, but it felt good. That got me to go outside and walk my dog.

I've tried affirmations before, but the thing with me is I have trouble sticking with anything long term no matter what it is. I go in cycles from doing something to quitting to trying again. Still those are great affirmations. I know the key for me is exercise and so I need to watch out for things that could block the attempts, but at the same time remind myself that it is okay to take off a day here and there. I'm bad about that too. I go to extremes from doing nothing to pushing way too hard. It's all about balance.
Why am I losing weight?

These are my current goals and reasons for losing weight. They may not all be best reasons or practical or ideal. They are what they are at this point in time. Everything is subject to change.

1) High blood pressure. I've worried about this since I was a kid! I use to have epilepsy and had to go to the doctor constantly. They had to adjust my medicine by weight gain. Even as a kid, I was stocky and wore husky jeans. I took phenobarbital for the epilepsy for a long time. The doctor said I would probably outgrow it and I did. Still, one time he said my blood pressure was higher than it was supposed to be. My mom said I get nervous. It's been that way ever since. Even thinking about the word causes panic. But I feel that losing weight and exercising will help. At least, it always has before. Even writing this makes me stressed. Ugh.

2) Diabetes. Several people in my family has had diabetes. My blood sugar has for the most part been low. That runs in the family also. But I am afraid of getting diabetes. My mother died at 58 due to congestive heart failure which was a complication of her diabetes. She weighed 258 pounds. Her blood sugar was out of control So the exact 258 poundage number scares me.

3) Feel better. I'm 56. I'm not getting any younger and it's not going to get any better. Being thinner can only help.

4) Look Better. Ever since Junior high school, I've lifted weights in one form or the other. Under this fatty frame, I'm still fairly muscular. I'd like to look more the part. I'm not saying chiseled six-pack abs, bulging veins, and muscles popping out so much that I can't move. No offense, but that isn't me. Still, a hint of a six pack, and fairly muscular build would be nice.

5) More stamina. Be able to move around and do stuff without the first thought of "Am I going to be sick'.

6) Walk a 5k in good time. I've never done it. I've always been afraid of walking too far (more than a mile without getting sick). I think it would be a very doable, valid goal.

7) Water Retention. I may always have this problem. I've talk to doctors a lot about this. I sat in a cubicle all day for 30+ years and had problems even in my 20s. But the less I weigh, maybe my body will work better.

8) Looking younger. From what I've seen, losing weight can make you look either older or younger. I've seen some people look, well, not so good when they lost a bunch of weight as if they lost too much. I'd like to look younger. Most people, in the past, guessed my age to be less than what I was. It was a long time before I got gray hair. I was actually worried about it for a while, because everyone my age and younger had already had gray hair for quite some time. LOL. What a thing to be concerned about.

9) Stress and Anxiety. I think by losing weight, I will be able to physically handle the stress and anxiety part better. I know things that I am worried about (mostly money) and there seems to be no recourse on how to fix that. It is what it is. Maybe, I can lose weight, get a great bod and become a model lol.

10) Hope. There isn't much these days. To combat stress, I usually find something to focus on. Losing weight is at least something I can control.
I wonder if the anxiety will get better when your blood pressure goes down. I deal with anxiety and I know it´s worse on high-blood-pressure days but I don´t know which way the causation runs. I do know that high blood pressure can make water retention worse, so you´ve got a good chance that one will at least get better.