Whisper's Diary

My neck towel is out at the golf club, Tom but I'll check out the brand when I'm out there next.
The hat worked well. I found it. I did use the neck thing that I have, but honestly I think I'd have better results with just using a damp paper towel. I literally couldn't feel any difference.
I think wearing a hat that can breathe makes a big difference. I haven't used my "cooling towel" for years.
I think wearing a hat that can breathe makes a big difference. I haven't used my "cooling towel" for years.
The hat definitely worked well. I tried it on walking today and normally when I get back I am soaked and very tired after two laps. Today, I got back, after having no problems with the two laps, and felt much better.
The heat is getting to me. I'm drinking enough. I'm not gaining or losing much at all, so I'm maintaining my fluid intake. I'm going to the bathroom good. The quick pinch skin test looks good. I just feel off. I'm sweating almost 24/7. Yesterday, I concentrated on electrolytes - had oatmeal, drank electrolit, gatorade, almond milk, and took a gummy chewable.

The problem with no A/c is that our house leaks a lot and it is effecting the electrical sockets where they short out and start to smoke. Not a good idea. And it rained a ton for several months. Now, we are going into a more drier time. and of course now the heat comes ugh.

Some have suggested a swamp cooler, but those from what I've read, work well in low humidity. Ours is higher humidity and we are really considered sub tropical believe it or not as we get a lot of moisture off the gulf.

Mosquitos and bugs have been a huge problem. I use Amdro for ants and it works really well. Mosquitos is another issue due to all the rain. We have mosquitos in the house so there's not a lot of relief for nothing. My sister bought some Diatomaceous earth and spread that out in the yard. She's got to buy some more. They used it before and said it worked really well on bugs like ticks, chiggers, etc. It's supposed to work with Mosquitos also, so we'll see. It's dog friendly. She was rolling around in it. Maybe, it will help with her fleas. I dunno. She is taking a pill for the fleas though.

Reconnected with my used-to-be counselor. It was mainly a 45 minute session of me blasting her with all of the things that have happened in the last 6 years - 5 deaths, loss of 34 year job, moving in with my dad, raid, dad's death, finding out he isn't my father, my brothers constantly harassing us etc. It was so much we didn't have time to discuss anything. I did ask a few questions and she had some suggestions mainly keep doing what we are doing - document everything, keep our distance, press charges and talk to their probation officer if need be.

I talked to my little brother's ex-wife. She seems to think he will back down and do nothing because he doesn't want to go back to prison. He needs to really think about that.

Other than that trying to feel better. I'm dealing with a heat rash which I've never experienced before. I have about 50 bug bites on me and that itch and drive me crazy, especially fingers and feet.

I'm started to get interested in life again like - language, programming, learning, fishing, genealogy (yeah, that whole father thing through me off for a while. Now, I feel like I can tackle both families).

Fitness is okay. I'm still walking 7 days a week and working out with hand weights 3 days a week. I just don't feel that great. And I don't feel like I am putting on any muscle, although I can't prove that.

My sister is doing well. She's lost 60+ pounds and maintaining the loss. I'm doing the same thing and nothing lol. But, stress does play a large part I know.

I'd like to go fishing. I was thinking the other day that we have a big area beyond the back yard. It would be so cool to even have some kind of virtual headset that could project a pond on the ground I could pitch a tent and fish that way. Pretend to camp out lol. Have to have an air conditioner for the tent though. I've been watching videos. It'll be quite some time before I can go fishing for real.

Anyways, thanks for listening.
Smoking power outlets?! That's just terrifying. The most mosquito bites I ever counted in one day was 43 and by nightfall I had a fever so I feel for you there. Great job looking ahead and getting going again regardless.
Smoking power outlets?! That's just terrifying. The most mosquito bites I ever counted in one day was 43 and by nightfall I had a fever so I feel for you there. Great job looking ahead and getting going again regardless.
Yeah it's no fun at all, but I'm looking forward to my sister coming home today. We are going to try some experiments. Can't wait to see how they turn out. Now, if I can just win that lottery.