Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

7/30 - 198 lbs
11/30 - 180 lbs
12/5 - 183 lbs
12/6 - 183 lbs
12/7 - 182 lbs
12/8 - 182 lbs
12/9 - 181 lbs
12/10 - 184 lbs

? days without binge

Yesterday felt like a binge day, but when I recorded and added up my calories it wasn't so high. I kind of think of 2,000 calories or so as my binge threshold, and I was probably under that, so who knows. My weight is up, but that has to be mostly water, too much gain for what was at best a smaller binge...
(4 days without binge; 6/10 for yesterdays diet)
Good for you!!
Dieted well all day yesterday but just could not get to sleep, it was around 1:40am I was stiil awake (been in bed since 10:30pm) and i was feeling slightly hungry, I ate cereal which gave me that content/full feeling and I fell asleep. Shouldn't have done that as it's simple carbs but better than eating handfuls of biscuits etc.
Yes the cereal was not a bad choice, but be careful not to get into the habit of eating in the middle of the night. I know when I eat something new and/or at a new time it doesn't take long to set my biological clock to expect it. You did well last night, and that's what counts. If you keep it up can you get some low carb high protein cereal? That is mostly what I eat.
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/06/23 - 255.5, 3978 steps, worked out
12/07/23 - 255.5, 2930 steps,
12/08/23 - 255.0, 5671 steps, worked out
12/09/23 - 254.8, 3528 steps
12/10/23 - 254.8,
1st December : 235.6 lbs
8th December : 234.6 lbs
9th December : 233.6 lbs
10th December : 233.4 lbs
11th December : 235.4 lbs
(0 days without binge; 2/10 for yesterdays diet)

Well I definitely messed up yesterday. A family member who was on a short weekend holiday, on their way home they rang me, in the conversation they asked if I wanted anything bringing back, knowing they meant sweets/chocolate etc I said "No". But they came back with chocolate for me anyway, tried to resist but ate it and then ate badly for the rest of the day. The fault is still with me, I should be able to resist temptation when it's right there in front of me. Ah well, it's gone now, todays another day.
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/06/23 - 255.5, 3978 steps, worked out
12/07/23 - 255.5, 2930 steps,
12/08/23 - 255.0, 5671 steps, worked out
12/09/23 - 254.8, 3528 steps
12/10/23 - 254.8, 2755 steps
12/11/23 - 254.8,
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/06/23 - 255.5, 3978 steps, worked out
12/07/23 - 255.5, 2930 steps,
12/08/23 - 255.0, 5671 steps, worked out
12/09/23 - 254.8, 3528 steps
12/10/23 - 254.8, 2755 steps
12/11/23 - 254.8,
12/12/23 - 254.8, 6938 steps, mowed, worked out (started 10th week?)
7/30 - 198 lbs
11/30 - 180 lbs
12/5 - 183 lbs
12/6 - 183 lbs
12/7 - 182 lbs
12/8 - 182 lbs
12/9 - 181 lbs
12/10 - 184 lbs
12/11 - 184 lbs
12/12 - 183 lbs

2 days without binge
12/12/23 - 254.8, 6938 steps, mowed, worked out (started 10th week?)
Good for you on the workout!

Still mowing? Our grass is long frozen.
Good for you on the workout!

Still mowing? Our grass is long frozen.
Thanks. Of all things, my dad had planted winter grass. :(:(
And well I use mowing to "clean" the yard. The mower has a mulching blade on it, so I don't bag leaves or anything. I just mow over them and it leaves the yard pretty clear.
1st December : 235.6 lbs
9th December : 233.6 lbs
10th December : 233.4 lbs
11th December : 235.4 lbs
13th December : 234.6 lbs
(1 days without binge; 4/10 for yesterdays diet)

Ate so-so yesterday but no binge. Would like to lose some weight before the 25th as over Xmas I'll be eating junk. Last year iirc I put on atleast 14 lbs over about 3 weeks at around this time! Going to try to limit my diet free days to 25th, 26th, 31st, and 1st. That's the plan anyway, what could go wrong 😭
7/30 - 198 lbs
11/30 - 180 lbs
12/5 - 183 lbs
12/6 - 183 lbs
12/7 - 182 lbs
12/8 - 182 lbs
12/9 - 181 lbs
12/10 - 184 lbs
12/11 - 184 lbs
12/12 - 183 lbs
12/13 - 182 lbs

3 days without binge
Of all things, my dad had planted winter grass.
When I lived in Florida we used to plan annual rye grass in the winter, kept the lawn growing and green. But here our winter "lawn" is white...
And well I use mowing to "clean" the yard. The mower has a mulching blade on it, so I don't bag leaves or anything. I just mow over them and it leaves the yard pretty clear.
I do the same here, when we get a lot of leaves, but most years they just blow away.
1 days without binge
Good for you!
Would like to lose some weight before the 25th as over Xmas I'll be eating junk. Last year iirc I put on atleast 14 lbs over about 3 weeks at around this time! Going to try to limit my diet free days to 25th, 26th, 31st, and 1st. That's the plan anyway, what could go wrong 😭
A good goal, even just maintaining would be good... all kind of depends on what you eat on those "diet free days".
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/06/23 - 255.5, 3978 steps, worked out
12/07/23 - 255.5, 2930 steps,
12/08/23 - 255.0, 5671 steps, worked out
12/09/23 - 254.8, 3528 steps
12/10/23 - 254.8, 2755 steps
12/11/23 - 254.8,
12/12/23 - 254.8, 6938 steps, mowed, worked out (started 10th week?)
12/13/23 - 254.1, ???? on steps. Phone is dead. will update later.
1st December : 235.6 lbs
9th December : 233.6 lbs
10th December : 233.4 lbs
11th December : 235.4 lbs
13th December : 234.6 lbs
(1 days without binge; 4/10 for yesterdays diet)

Ate so-so yesterday but no binge. Would like to lose some weight before the 25th as over Xmas I'll be eating junk. Last year iirc I put on atleast 14 lbs over about 3 weeks at around this time! Going to try to limit my diet free days to 25th, 26th, 31st, and 1st. That's the plan anyway, what could go wrong 😭
*chants* You can do it! You can do it!
When I lived in Florida we used to plan annual rye grass in the winter, kept the lawn growing and green. But here our winter "lawn" is white...

I do the same here, when we get a lot of leaves, but most years they just blow away.

Good for you!

A good goal, even just maintaining would be good... all kind of depends on what you eat on those "diet free days".
We don't have to plant anything. It just comes back year after year. We live on a corner, so we have our leaves plus everyone else's lol.
7/30 - 198 lbs
11/30 - 180 lbs
12/5 - 183 lbs
12/6 - 183 lbs
12/7 - 182 lbs
12/8 - 182 lbs
12/9 - 181 lbs
12/10 - 184 lbs
12/11 - 184 lbs
12/12 - 183 lbs
12/13 - 182 lbs
12/14 - 182 lbs

4 days without binge
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/06/23 - 255.5, 3978 steps, worked out
12/07/23 - 255.5, 2930 steps,
12/08/23 - 255.0, 5671 steps, worked out
12/09/23 - 254.8, 3528 steps
12/10/23 - 254.8, 2755 steps
12/11/23 - 254.8, 6938, steps, mowed, worked out (started 10th week?)
12/12/23 - 254.8, 3481 steps
12/13/23 - 254.1, 5493 steps, worked out
12/14/23 - 254.1,

*Modified steps* I was off a day
Last edited:
7/30 - 198 lbs
11/30 - 180 lbs
12/5 - 183 lbs
12/6 - 183 lbs
12/7 - 182 lbs
12/8 - 182 lbs
12/9 - 181 lbs
12/10 - 184 lbs
12/11 - 184 lbs
12/12 - 183 lbs
12/13 - 182 lbs
12/14 - 182 lbs
12/15 - 183 lbs

:( days without binge
:( days without binge
I know that feeling, that's me this morning unfortunately. My stomach feels like I've eaten a gallon of concrete mix which has solidified in my stomach overnight.

1st December : 235.6 lbs
10th December : 233.4 lbs
11th December : 235.4 lbs
13th December : 234.6 lbs
15th December : 237.8(!) lbs
(0 days without binge; 0/10 for yesterdays diet)
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/06/23 - 255.5, 3978 steps, worked out
12/07/23 - 255.5, 2930 steps,
12/08/23 - 255.0, 5671 steps, worked out
12/09/23 - 254.8, 3528 steps
12/10/23 - 254.8, 2755 steps
12/11/23 - 254.8, 6938, steps, mowed, worked out (started 10th week?)
12/12/23 - 254.8, 3481 steps
12/13/23 - 254.1, 5493 steps, worked out
12/14/23 - 254.1, 5615 steps
12/15/23 - 254.1,
7/30 - 198 lbs
11/30 - 180 lbs
12/5 - 183 lbs
12/6 - 183 lbs
12/7 - 182 lbs
12/8 - 182 lbs
12/9 - 181 lbs
12/10 - 184 lbs
12/11 - 184 lbs
12/12 - 183 lbs
12/13 - 182 lbs
12/14 - 182 lbs
12/15 - 183 lbs
12/15 - 184 lbs

1 days without binge
My stomach feels like I've eaten a gallon of concrete mix which has solidified in my stomach overnight.
And I know that feeling too... although I am always surprised how fast it goes away and the binge urge returns. We need to figure out how to control that binge demon, I think posting here is helping me, but not cured for sure.
7/30 - 198 lbs
11/30 - 180 lbs
12/5 - 183 lbs
12/6 - 183 lbs
12/7 - 182 lbs
12/8 - 182 lbs
12/9 - 181 lbs
12/10 - 184 lbs
12/11 - 184 lbs
12/12 - 183 lbs
12/13 - 182 lbs
12/14 - 182 lbs
12/15 - 183 lbs
12/15 - 184 lbs
12/16 - 183 lbs

2 days without binge