Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Thanks, yes i'm enjoying it, learning alot although i really shouldn't maybe be using chatgpt so much to help me. Any problem i have i ask it and 9/10 times it helps out. Such a wonderful tool to aid development but has made me less likely to actually research and learn a topic myself. Still, wish it'd been around years ago.

Several years ago i played Minecraft online and i liked it. The only negative for me is the graphics, i'm a sucker for good graphics in a game. I've been playing a game called 7 days to die recently which (i think) has some similarities to Minecraft; you can build/craft etc and you can use any resources you can find, it has zombies in it which go crazy at night so you have to build a base etc. The graphics are pretty good.
I was going to use chatgpt for writing my novels, but haven't been in the mood to do anything in a while. I'm usually a really good graphics type person, but with my situation the better the graphics the hotter my computer runs and it gets too hot during the summer so the games I play usually depend on the season. With minecraft, I can tone down the graphics and be okay. The main reason I like and support minecraft is they gave support when my nephew had cancer. He lost his hair during chemo and the hospital did this baseball cap campaign. Through the hospital he got a Jack Black autographed cap (his choice). For me, I tried also and got an autograph cap from Keralis (Youtube minecrafter in sweden), and The Yogscast. They were very kind and sent hat pins also. And, the biggie, I was able to get Notch (creator of minecraft) and some others to autograph a cap for my nephew. This was before minecraft was sold to microsoft for a couple of billion. So I'll support Minecraft just for that reason alone. It really helped boost my nephew up at the time. I also support World of Warcraft for the same reason although I haven't played in ages. My nephew was chosen for Make-a-Wish and got to go to Wow's annual confernce in California one year.

I do have 7 days to die and have had it since pre-lease, but I don't remember the graphics. I need to check it out again. It's been a long time so I'm sure it has changed tons.
I was going to use chatgpt for writing my novels, but haven't been in the mood to do anything in a while. I'm usually a really good graphics type person, but with my situation the better the graphics the hotter my computer runs and it gets too hot during the summer so the games I play usually depend on the season. With minecraft, I can tone down the graphics and be okay. The main reason I like and support minecraft is they gave support when my nephew had cancer. He lost his hair during chemo and the hospital did this baseball cap campaign. Through the hospital he got a Jack Black autographed cap (his choice). For me, I tried also and got an autograph cap from Keralis (Youtube minecrafter in sweden), and The Yogscast. They were very kind and sent hat pins also. And, the biggie, I was able to get Notch (creator of minecraft) and some others to autograph a cap for my nephew. This was before minecraft was sold to microsoft for a couple of billion. So I'll support Minecraft just for that reason alone. It really helped boost my nephew up at the time. I also support World of Warcraft for the same reason although I haven't played in ages. My nephew was chosen for Make-a-Wish and got to go to Wow's annual confernce in California one year.

I do have 7 days to die and have had it since pre-lease, but I don't remember the graphics. I need to check it out again. It's been a long time so I'm sure it has changed tons.
A late entry today (it's 10:15pm here and bedtime soon). Been at my project all day, will take in and respond properly to your post in the morning Tom!

1st December : 235.6 lbs
2nd December : 235.4 lbs
3rd December : 234.8 lbs
I was going to use chatgpt for writing my novels, but haven't been in the mood to do anything in a while. I'm usually a really good graphics type person, but with my situation the better the graphics the hotter my computer runs and it gets too hot during the summer so the games I play usually depend on the season. With minecraft, I can tone down the graphics and be okay. The main reason I like and support minecraft is they gave support when my nephew had cancer. He lost his hair during chemo and the hospital did this baseball cap campaign. Through the hospital he got a Jack Black autographed cap (his choice). For me, I tried also and got an autograph cap from Keralis (Youtube minecrafter in sweden), and The Yogscast. They were very kind and sent hat pins also. And, the biggie, I was able to get Notch (creator of minecraft) and some others to autograph a cap for my nephew. This was before minecraft was sold to microsoft for a couple of billion. So I'll support Minecraft just for that reason alone. It really helped boost my nephew up at the time. I also support World of Warcraft for the same reason although I haven't played in ages. My nephew was chosen for Make-a-Wish and got to go to Wow's annual confernce in California one year.

I do have 7 days to die and have had it since pre-lease, but I don't remember the graphics. I need to check it out again. It's been a long time so I'm sure it has changed tons.
Oh I can see why you support Minecraft with how the creator helped out, plus the heat issue. Even without that it's a great game, i think it is the biggest selling game of all time if i'm not mistaken so it must be good. I think my thing with graphics is alot related to the fact I play my games nearly always in VR nowadays (at the moment with a Meta Quest 3 VR headset). I know Minecraft has a VR mod, but when i tried it, because what you see in VR is alot more in your face and close up, I tended to notice the blocky graphics more. 7 Days graphics aren't great but they are good enough for VR i think. If you ever dust off 7 days let me know, i might be up for for some multiplayer. I used to play multiplayer in the early 00's with a couple of friends and it was great fun but not played with friends since then, have played multiplayer of course since then but not with people i know. I never got into the WOW scene, I know it was massive (it probably still is?).
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/05/23 - 255.7
1st December : 235.6 lbs
3rd December : 234.8 lbs
5th December : 236.2 lbs
6th December : 236.8 lbs
7th December : 235.2 lbs
(1 days without binge; 8/10 for yesterdays diet)

Managed to do a proper low carb diet yesterday, hoping for the same today.
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/06/23 - 255.5, 3978 steps, worked out
12/07/23 - 255.5,
1st December : 235.6 lbs
5th December : 236.2 lbs
6th December : 236.8 lbs
7th December : 235.2 lbs
8th December : 234.6 lbs
(2 days without binge; 7/10 for yesterdays diet)
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/06/23 - 255.5, 3978 steps, worked out
12/07/23 - 255.5, 2930 steps,
12/08/23 - 255.0,

Today will complete week 9 of working out.
7/30 - 198 lbs
11/30 - 180 lbs
binge break... 3 steps forward, then 2 back...
12/5 - 183 lbs
12/6 - 183 lbs
12/7 - 182 lbs
12/8 - 182 lbs

4 days without binge

Your workouts seem to be pretty regular, what do you do?
Many moons ago, I used a program called Power 90 by Beachbody. I've always liked the workout, but the original one. It's changed up a lot over the years. It consisted of several tiers starting with tier 1 and tier 2. Each was about 6 weeks, compromising 3 months. The full body workout was three days a week - Mon, Wed, Fri for me. Alternate days were cardio.

Fast forward to old decrepitude. I do the same basic workout, except I modified a few exercises to make them more hernia friendly. I also added a number of exercises. So basically I am at tier 2 plus. Today I'm completing my 9 week so doing really well. Even though I'm not losing any weight (I'm not starving myself either), I am definitely slimming down and gaining muscle.

I like working out only 3 days a week. It is less like I'll get bored with it or skip a day. The other days I walk. With the potential of legs swelling from sitting so much, I tend to walk some everyday for circulation.

Hopefully the screenshot comes out right. All of the "pushups", "chest flys" etc are done seated with light hand weights. No planks, squats, etc. I also do belly holds. Something my sister got me into. It is at the bottom of the workout, but didn't show up.

1st December : 235.6 lbs
6th December : 236.8 lbs
7th December : 235.2 lbs
8th December : 234.6 lbs
9th December : 233.6 lbs
(3 days without binge; 8/10 for yesterdays diet)

3 continuous days of low carbs now, i can feel my body going into ketosis (increased thirst, slightly funny taste).
11/30/23 - 255.0, 931 steps
12/01/23 - 255.0, 4168 steps, worked out
12/02/23 - 255.0, 2477 steps
12/03/23 - 255.0, 2126 steps
12/04/23 - 255.0, 3862 steps, worked out
12/05/23 - 255.7, 3696 steps
12/06/23 - 255.5, 3978 steps, worked out
12/07/23 - 255.5, 2930 steps,
12/08/23 - 255.0, 5671 steps, worked out
12/09/23 - 254.8,
1st December : 235.6 lbs
7th December : 235.2 lbs
8th December : 234.6 lbs
9th December : 233.6 lbs
10th December : 233.4 lbs
(4 days without binge; 6/10 for yesterdays diet)

Dieted well all day yesterday but just could not get to sleep, it was around 1:40am I was stiil awake (been in bed since 10:30pm) and i was feeling slightly hungry, I ate cereal which gave me that content/full feeling and I fell asleep. Shouldn't have done that as it's simple carbs but better than eating handfuls of biscuits etc.