Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

7/30 - 198 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs, pre surgery weight
11/1 - 188 lbs
11/2 - 189 lbs
11/3 - 187 lbs
11/4 - 187 lbs
11/5 - 185 lbs
11/6 - 183 lbs
11/7 - 183 lbs
11/8 - 182 lbs
11/9 - 181 lbs
11/10 - 183 lbs
11/11 - 183 lbs
11/12 - 182 lbs
11/13 - 182 lbs
11/14 - 181 lbs
11/15 - 182 lbs
11/16 - 183 lbs
11/17 - 181 lbs
... bingeing
11/21 - 182 lbs

2 days without binge
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs, pre surgery weight
11/1 - 188 lbs
11/2 - 189 lbs
11/3 - 187 lbs
11/4 - 187 lbs
11/5 - 185 lbs
11/6 - 183 lbs
11/7 - 183 lbs
11/8 - 182 lbs
11/9 - 181 lbs
11/10 - 183 lbs
11/11 - 183 lbs
11/12 - 182 lbs
11/13 - 182 lbs
11/14 - 181 lbs
11/15 - 182 lbs
11/16 - 183 lbs
11/17 - 181 lbs
11/21 - 182 lbs
11/22 - 180 lbs

3 days without binge
10/31/23 - 253.5 (-0.0), 1980 steps
11/01/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 2055 steps, worked out
11/02/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 3828 steps
11/03/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 1632 steps, worked out
11/04/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 4321 steps (mowed)
11/05/23 - 253.8 (+0.3), 1958 steps
11/06/23 - 253.8 (+0.0), 356 steps, worked out - started week 5
11/07/23 - 253.5 (-0.3),
---- Missing in Action ----
11/10/23 - 253.5, worked out
11/11/23 - 254.8 (+1.3)
11/12/23 - 254.8 (+0.0)
11/13/23 - 255.5 (+0.7), Worked out
11/14/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 4984 steps
11/15/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 6286 steps, Worked out, Mowed
11/16/23 - 255.4 (-0.1), 2941 steps
11/17/23 - 255.9 (+0.5), 2813, Worked out, Mowed
11/18/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 1864 (I walked more but forgot my phone)
11/19/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 351 steps (no walking today. very rainy)
11/20/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 2838 steps, worked out
11/21/23 - 255.0 (-0.9), 1119 steps
11/22/23 - 255.0 (+0.0),
Yeh I usually do 5000+ steps a nowadays with taking my dog out. I'm also occupying myself these days by coding a small app/game with an application called Unity. Unity makes game/app development much much easier, there is some manual coding involved (in C#) but 95% of it is done automatically. Doing it to learn, keep myself from getting bored etc. I recall you saying you were doing some writing, how's that going?
I'm working a little coding, but not much. I'm playing Minecraft with mods to pass the time. There are turtles (one block computer boxes) that can be programmed in LUA. As far as writing, I was going to try and put together a novel using A.I. Even though this is my favorite time of the year (It's been sucking huge the last few years), I just can't get motivated to do much of anything. I like working out and look forward to it each time. That's a plus, but other than that. Usually, in year's past, I've tried to watch as many versions of "A Christmas Carol" that I could find. That's my all-time favorite since a kid. I need to do more walking, but haven't. I need to find more hernia related exercises and do those. I should have been doing those all along, but just haven't. So each day, I'm looking to do little things to make me feel good, and try and avoid things that I know will make me feel bad. Like today. I'm really craving a soda (we actually call them cokes no matter what kind), but it has caffeine and caffeine is bad for me and that will make me feel edgy and not well the rest of the day. What I could do instead is drink some decaf green tea. That makes me feel good. So, I'll either make a good choice or a poor choice. I've been drinking tea, water, and cranberry juice. I haven't really had any sodas to speak of in weeks now. But, its close to the holidays and sometimes I want to commit food-i-cide even though it's not worth it lol. Kind of a comfort celebration. It's all about good choices and keeping up the motivation to keep them.
Yeh I usually do 5000+ steps a nowadays with taking my dog out.
5000 is really good! I'd take the dog out, but with our dog she is all gangster most of the time outside. She chases squirrels, barks at dogs, old people, children, etc. But put her on a leash and she turns into little miss coward. She whimpers, curls up, and lays on the ground as if it is the worst thing that has ever happened to her. She won't budge. LOL. Taking her for a walk is too much of a struggle for me. At least, you and your dog have a good time with it.
Happy Thanksgiving!

7/30 - 198 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs
11/1 - 188 lbs
11/2 - 189 lbs
11/3 - 187 lbs
11/4 - 187 lbs
11/5 - 185 lbs
11/6 - 183 lbs
11/7 - 183 lbs
11/8 - 182 lbs
11/9 - 181 lbs
11/10 - 183 lbs
11/11 - 183 lbs
11/12 - 182 lbs
11/13 - 182 lbs
11/14 - 181 lbs
11/15 - 182 lbs
11/16 - 183 lbs
11/17 - 181 lbs
11/21 - 182 lbs
11/22 - 180 lbs
11/23 - 180 lbs

4 days without binge
I'm working a little coding, but not much. I'm playing Minecraft with mods to pass the time. There are turtles (one block computer boxes) that can be programmed in LUA. As far as writing, I was going to try and put together a novel using A.I. Even though this is my favorite time of the year (It's been sucking huge the last few years), I just can't get motivated to do much of anything. I like working out and look forward to it each time. That's a plus, but other than that. Usually, in year's past, I've tried to watch as many versions of "A Christmas Carol" that I could find. That's my all-time favorite since a kid. I need to do more walking, but haven't. I need to find more hernia related exercises and do those. I should have been doing those all along, but just haven't. So each day, I'm looking to do little things to make me feel good, and try and avoid things that I know will make me feel bad. Like today. I'm really craving a soda (we actually call them cokes no matter what kind), but it has caffeine and caffeine is bad for me and that will make me feel edgy and not well the rest of the day. What I could do instead is drink some decaf green tea. That makes me feel good. So, I'll either make a good choice or a poor choice. I've been drinking tea, water, and cranberry juice. I haven't really had any sodas to speak of in weeks now. But, its close to the holidays and sometimes I want to commit food-i-cide even though it's not worth it lol. Kind of a comfort celebration. It's all about good choices and keeping up the motivation to keep them.
Minecraft with mods sounds cool, going by what I've read I think you can get really creative with it. I've been using AI too (OpenAI ChatGPT) to help me with my Unity project, I think AI is fantastic tbh. I know what you mean about caffeine, I drink decaf tea, maybe 6-8 cups per day, if that were caffeinated I'd feel edgy. Good to hear your working out is going well.

5000 is really good! I'd take the dog out, but with our dog she is all gangster most of the time outside. She chases squirrels, barks at dogs, old people, children, etc. But put her on a leash and she turns into little miss coward. She whimpers, curls up, and lays on the ground as if it is the worst thing that has ever happened to her. She won't budge. LOL. Taking her for a walk is too much of a struggle for me. At least, you and your dog have a good time with it.
Tyke used to be chasing after cats, squirrels etc (he ate a mouse whole once, was very ill because of it) but nowadays he is very chilled. He likes going out in his doggy stroller and it gets me some fresh air too.

November 1st : 233.4 lbs
November 19th : 235.4 lbs
November 20th : 234.4 lbs
November 21st : 234.6 lbs
November 23rd : 233.8 lbs
(4 days without a binge, 5/10 for yesterdays diet)

I'm aiming to be below 230 lbs by the 1st of December.
10/31/23 - 253.5 (-0.0), 1980 steps
11/01/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 2055 steps, worked out
11/02/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 3828 steps
11/03/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 1632 steps, worked out
11/04/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 4321 steps (mowed)
11/05/23 - 253.8 (+0.3), 1958 steps
11/06/23 - 253.8 (+0.0), 356 steps, worked out - started week 5
11/07/23 - 253.5 (-0.3),
---- Missing in Action ----
11/10/23 - 253.5, worked out
11/11/23 - 254.8 (+1.3)
11/12/23 - 254.8 (+0.0)
11/13/23 - 255.5 (+0.7), Worked out
11/14/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 4984 steps
11/15/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 6286 steps, Worked out, Mowed
11/16/23 - 255.4 (-0.1), 2941 steps
11/17/23 - 255.9 (+0.5), 2813, Worked out, Mowed
11/18/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 1864 (I walked more but forgot my phone)
11/19/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 351 steps (no walking today. very rainy)
11/20/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 2838 steps, worked out
11/21/23 - 255.0 (-0.9), 1119 steps
11/22/23 - 255.0 (+0.0), 4112, worked out - upped reps again
11/23/23 - 255.0 (+0.0),

Happy Thanksgiving All
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Happy Thanksgiving to each of you. I think it's great that you offer one another moral support & encouragement. I read your posts every day but don't often comment.
Tyke- I love that you take your dog out in a stroller!
Tom- your dog sounds hilarious.
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs
11/1 - 188 lbs
11/2 - 189 lbs
11/3 - 187 lbs
11/4 - 187 lbs
11/5 - 185 lbs
11/6 - 183 lbs
11/7 - 183 lbs
11/8 - 182 lbs
11/9 - 181 lbs
11/10 - 183 lbs
11/11 - 183 lbs
11/12 - 182 lbs
11/13 - 182 lbs
11/14 - 181 lbs
11/15 - 182 lbs
11/16 - 183 lbs
11/17 - 181 lbs
11/21 - 182 lbs
11/22 - 180 lbs
11/23 - 180 lbs
Thanksgiving binge
11/24 - 182 lbs

0 days without binge 🦃
10/31/23 - 253.5 (-0.0), 1980 steps
11/01/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 2055 steps, worked out
11/02/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 3828 steps
11/03/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 1632 steps, worked out
11/04/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 4321 steps (mowed)
11/05/23 - 253.8 (+0.3), 1958 steps
11/06/23 - 253.8 (+0.0), 356 steps, worked out - started week 5
11/07/23 - 253.5 (-0.3),
---- Missing in Action ----
11/10/23 - 253.5, worked out
11/11/23 - 254.8 (+1.3)
11/12/23 - 254.8 (+0.0)
11/13/23 - 255.5 (+0.7), Worked out
11/14/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 4984 steps
11/15/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 6286 steps, Worked out, Mowed
11/16/23 - 255.4 (-0.1), 2941 steps
11/17/23 - 255.9 (+0.5), 2813, Worked out, Mowed
11/18/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 1864 (I walked more but forgot my phone)
11/19/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 351 steps (no walking today. very rainy)
11/20/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 2838 steps, worked out
11/21/23 - 255.0 (-0.9), 1119 steps
11/22/23 - 255.0 (+0.0), 4112 steps, worked out - upped reps again
11/23/23 - 255.0 (+0.0), 3331 steps
11/24/23 - 255.9 (+0.9),

Really didn't go overboard yesterday. Simple meal, no desserts. I did however make a conscious effort to drink more. I've been lacking lately, so drank at least 50 oz yesterday. Other than that, pretty much the same as usual.
Happy Thanksgiving to each of you. I think it's great that you offer one another moral support & encouragement. I read your posts every day but don't often comment.
Tyke- I love that you take your dog out in a stroller!
Tom- your dog sounds hilarious.
She definitely does make us laugh on a regular basis. She is such a crazy dog.
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs
11/1 - 188 lbs
11/2 - 189 lbs
11/3 - 187 lbs
11/4 - 187 lbs
11/5 - 185 lbs
11/6 - 183 lbs
11/7 - 183 lbs
11/8 - 182 lbs
11/9 - 181 lbs
11/10 - 183 lbs
11/11 - 183 lbs
11/12 - 182 lbs
11/13 - 182 lbs
11/14 - 181 lbs
11/15 - 182 lbs
11/16 - 183 lbs
11/17 - 181 lbs
11/21 - 182 lbs
11/22 - 180 lbs
11/23 - 180 lbs
Thanksgiving binge
11/24 - 182 lbs
11/25 - 181 lbs

1 days without binge
10/31/23 - 253.5 (-0.0), 1980 steps
11/01/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 2055 steps, worked out
11/02/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 3828 steps
11/03/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 1632 steps, worked out
11/04/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 4321 steps (mowed)
11/05/23 - 253.8 (+0.3), 1958 steps
11/06/23 - 253.8 (+0.0), 356 steps, worked out - started week 5
11/07/23 - 253.5 (-0.3),
---- Missing in Action ----
11/10/23 - 253.5, worked out
11/11/23 - 254.8 (+1.3)
11/12/23 - 254.8 (+0.0)
11/13/23 - 255.5 (+0.7), Worked out
11/14/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 4984 steps
11/15/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 6286 steps, Worked out, Mowed
11/16/23 - 255.4 (-0.1), 2941 steps
11/17/23 - 255.9 (+0.5), 2813, Worked out, Mowed
11/18/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 1864 (I walked more but forgot my phone)
11/19/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 351 steps (no walking today. very rainy)
11/20/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 2838 steps, worked out
11/21/23 - 255.0 (-0.9), 1119 steps
11/22/23 - 255.0 (+0.0), 4112 steps, worked out - upped reps again
11/23/23 - 255.0 (+0.0), 3331 steps
11/24/23 - 255.9 (+0.9), 3469 steps, worked out
11/25/23 - 255.9 (+0.0),
Last edited:
(5 days without a binge, 5/10 for yesterdays diet)
Good for you, I think the days without binge is the most important number we post. Food ratings and calories not so much.
Really didn't go overboard yesterday. Simple meal, no desserts. I did however make a conscious effort to drink more. I've been lacking lately, so drank at least 50 oz yesterday. Other than that, pretty much the same as usual.
Good for you, wish I could say the same about my Thanksgiving.

I also have a dog, and like dogs.
Good for you, I think the days without binge is the most important number we post. Food ratings and calories not so much.

Good for you, wish I could say the same about my Thanksgiving.

I also have a dog, and like dogs.
It's my sister's dog. I hate dogs really lol, but don't mind other people's dog even though I am allergic.
10/31/23 - 253.5 (-0.0), 1980 steps
11/01/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 2055 steps, worked out
11/02/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 3828 steps
11/03/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 1632 steps, worked out
11/04/23 - 253.5 (+0.0), 4321 steps (mowed)
11/05/23 - 253.8 (+0.3), 1958 steps
11/06/23 - 253.8 (+0.0), 356 steps, worked out - started week 5
11/07/23 - 253.5 (-0.3),
---- Missing in Action ----
11/10/23 - 253.5, worked out
11/11/23 - 254.8 (+1.3)
11/12/23 - 254.8 (+0.0)
11/13/23 - 255.5 (+0.7), Worked out
11/14/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 4984 steps
11/15/23 - 255.5 (+0.0), 6286 steps, Worked out, Mowed
11/16/23 - 255.4 (-0.1), 2941 steps
11/17/23 - 255.9 (+0.5), 2813, Worked out, Mowed
11/18/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 1864 (I walked more but forgot my phone)
11/19/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 351 steps (no walking today. very rainy)
11/20/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 2838 steps, worked out
11/21/23 - 255.0 (-0.9), 1119 steps
11/22/23 - 255.0 (+0.0), 4112 steps, worked out - upped reps again
11/23/23 - 255.0 (+0.0), 3331 steps
11/24/23 - 255.9 (+0.9), 3469 steps, worked out
11/25/23 - 255.9 (+0.0), 3501 steps
11/26/23 - 255.9 (+0.0),
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs
11/1 - 188 lbs
11/2 - 189 lbs
11/3 - 187 lbs
11/4 - 187 lbs
11/5 - 185 lbs
11/6 - 183 lbs
11/7 - 183 lbs
11/8 - 182 lbs
11/9 - 181 lbs
11/10 - 183 lbs
11/11 - 183 lbs
11/12 - 182 lbs
11/13 - 182 lbs
11/14 - 181 lbs
11/15 - 182 lbs
11/16 - 183 lbs
11/17 - 181 lbs
11/21 - 182 lbs
11/22 - 180 lbs
11/23 - 180 lbs
Thanksgiving binge
11/24 - 182 lbs
11/25 - 181 lbs
11/25 - 180 lbs

2 days without binge