Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

As you posted this yesterday you are a day ahead of me. Let's try to keep it that way!
I intend to ! I want to end this month no heavier than when I started it so need to do well for atleast the rest of the month.

October 1st : 229.4 lbs
October 23rd : 231.8 lbs
October 25th : 233 lbs
October 26th : 231.4 lbs
October 27th : 231.4 lbs
(2 days without binge)
10/01/23 - 253.0
10/02/23 - 251.7 (-1.3)
10/03/23 - 251.7 (+0.0)
10/04/23 - 253.5 (+1.8), 3308 steps
10/05/23 - 254.5 (+1.0), 3424 steps
10/06/23 - 253.3 (-1.2), 3877 steps
10/07/23 - 253.3 (+0.0), 531 steps
10/08/23 - 251.8 (-1.5), 1879 steps
10/09/23 - 252.4 (+0.6), 1857 steps
10/10/23 - 252.4 (+0.0), 2105 steps
10/11/23 - 252.4 (+0.0), 4271 steps
10/12/23 - 252.4 (+0.0), 3006 steps
10/13/23 - 251.9 (-0.6), 1363 steps
10/14/23 - 251.9 (+0.0), 4200 steps
10/15/23 - 251.9 (+0.0), 3380 steps
10/16/23 - 252.5 (+0.6), 5407 steps
10/17/23 - 251.9 (-0.6), 5181 steps
10/18/23 - 251.0 (-0.9), 3704 steps
10/19/23 - 251.0 (+0.0), 2671 steps
10/20/23 - 251.0 (+0.0), 400 steps
10/21/23 - 252.9 (+1.9), 2958 steps
10/22/23 - 252.9 (+0.0), 4594 steps (mowed)
10/23/23 - 252.9 (+0.0), 714 steps (worked out, not walking as much on these days)
10/24/23 - 252.9 (+0.0), 596 steps (rained all day; didn't get out)
10/25/23 - 252.0 (+0.0), 351 steps (rainy, rainy, rainy)
10/26/23 - 252.0 (+0.0), 733 steps (rainy)
10/27/23 - 254.0 (+2.0), 2701 steps (rainy)
10/28/23 - 254.0 (+0.0),

Going to be very rainy. Heavy rain all day long. We normally get about 4 inches of rain in October. I'd be curious to see where we are. We're at least double that.
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/1 - 188 lbs
10/2 - 188 lbs
10/3 - 187 lbs
10/4 - 188 lbs
10/5 - 186 lbs
10/6 - 188 lbs
10/7 - 187 lbs
10/8 - 186 lbs
10/26 - 193 lbs
10/27 - 193 lbs
10/28 - 190 lbs

2 days without binge
I want to end this month no heavier than when I started it so need to do well for at least the rest of the month.
Me too, but am not sure it will happen...
(2 days without binge)
Going to be very rainy. Heavy rain all day long. We normally get about 4 inches of rain in October. I'd be curious to see where we are. We're at least double that.
When I was in Louisiana it was very dry, but still a lot greener than here. Lots of small streams, bayous and swamps dry and trees dying... kind of sad.
Sorry! :banghead: I've let the side down, again! Bad month for dieting i'm definitely going to end it heavier, it's damage control now. I feel fat.

October 1st : 229.4 lbs
October 26th : 231.4 lbs
October 27th : 231.4 lbs
October 28th : 232 lbs
October 29th : 234 lbs
(0 days without binge)
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/1 - 188 lbs
10/2 - 188 lbs
10/3 - 187 lbs
10/4 - 188 lbs
10/5 - 186 lbs
10/6 - 188 lbs
10/7 - 187 lbs
10/8 - 186 lbs
10/26 - 193 lbs
10/27 - 193 lbs
10/28 - 190 lbs
10/29 - 189 lbs

3 days without binge
Sorry! :banghead: I've let the side down, again! Bad month for dieting i'm definitely going to end it heavier, it's damage control now. I feel fat.
Try not to feel bad about it, that helps nothing and isn't warranted. You have lost a lot of weight, and had more binge free days this month than not. I suspect you are still eating better and less than you did before you started this process. All things to feel good about and be proud of. Keep at it and you will be fine.

In the big picture your 2 to 4 lb gain is just noise, and much of that last few pounds is probably water. Eat right and it will go away, for me the first few pounds after bingeing go in a few days. That's why my weight is down today, pretty sure just mostly water. I think you are really maintaining, not a terrible thing after so much lost weight. Hang in here and you'll be fine.
Try not to feel bad about it, that helps nothing and isn't warranted. You have lost a lot of weight, and had more binge free days this month than not. I suspect you are still eating better and less than you did before you started this process. All things to feel good about and be proud of. Keep at it and you will be fine.

In the big picture your 2 to 4 lb gain is just noise, and much of that last few pounds is probably water. Eat right and it will go away, for me the first few pounds after bingeing go in a few days. That's why my weight is down today, pretty sure just mostly water. I think you are really maintaining, not a terrible thing after so much lost weight. Hang in here and you'll be fine.
Thanks Rob, yeh I have to look at the bigger picture, I am still well down on my starting weight of 300lbs and a small gain this month isn't the end of the world. Today I'm about 2lbs up on a few months ago so yeh i've been maintaining so I should take something positive out of that. Thanks again.

October 1st : 229.4 lbs
October 27th : 231.4 lbs
October 28th : 232 lbs
October 29th : 234 lbs
October 30th : 232.4 lbs
(1 days without binge)
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/1 - 188 lbs
10/2 - 188 lbs
10/3 - 187 lbs
10/4 - 188 lbs
10/5 - 186 lbs
10/6 - 188 lbs
10/7 - 187 lbs
10/8 - 186 lbs
10/26 - 193 lbs
10/27 - 193 lbs
10/28 - 190 lbs
10/29 - 189 lbs
10/30 - 186 lbs, I am surprised but I'll take it. Down to where I was when I started my binge/vacation time.

4 days without binge
(1 days without binge)
Good for you!
10/01/23 - 253.0
10/02/23 - 251.7 (-1.3)
10/03/23 - 251.7 (+0.0)
10/04/23 - 253.5 (+1.8), 3308 steps
10/05/23 - 254.5 (+1.0), 3424 steps
10/06/23 - 253.3 (-1.2), 3877 steps
10/07/23 - 253.3 (+0.0), 531 steps
10/08/23 - 251.8 (-1.5), 1879 steps
10/09/23 - 252.4 (+0.6), 1857 steps
10/10/23 - 252.4 (+0.0), 2105 steps
10/11/23 - 252.4 (+0.0), 4271 steps
10/12/23 - 252.4 (+0.0), 3006 steps
10/13/23 - 251.9 (-0.6), 1363 steps
10/14/23 - 251.9 (+0.0), 4200 steps
10/15/23 - 251.9 (+0.0), 3380 steps
10/16/23 - 252.5 (+0.6), 5407 steps
10/17/23 - 251.9 (-0.6), 5181 steps
10/18/23 - 251.0 (-0.9), 3704 steps
10/19/23 - 251.0 (+0.0), 2671 steps
10/20/23 - 251.0 (+0.0), 400 steps
10/21/23 - 252.9 (+1.9), 2958 steps
10/22/23 - 252.9 (+0.0), 4594 steps (mowed)
10/23/23 - 252.9 (+0.0), 714 steps (worked out, not walking as much on these days)
10/24/23 - 252.9 (+0.0), 596 steps (rained all day; didn't get out)
10/25/23 - 252.0 (+0.0), 351 steps (rainy, rainy, rainy)
10/26/23 - 252.0 (+0.0), 733 steps (rainy)
10/27/23 - 254.0 (+2.0), 2701 steps (rainy)
10/28/23 - 254.0 (+0.0), 0 steps lol (rainy) I didn't carry my phone
10/29/23 - 254.0 (+0.0), 122 steps (rainy)
10/30/23 - 254.0 (+0.0),

Not many steps due to the rainy, but I'm particularly proud that I completed 3 weeks of working out. Today, starts the 4th week. And all in all I can't complain too much. I haven't lost any weight this month, but I'm only about 1 lb difference and that's a win in my book. I didn't weigh this morning so used yesterday's weight. It is really cold, like 39 degrees right now.

So as hot as it gets in the house in the summer, it gets cold in the house in the winter. I can see my breath this morning. this house is bad. Had a lot of leaks due to the rain and cold. I didn't sleep well last night. I'd like to win the lottery and move to something more normal.

Also, November is typically a writing month for me. I do the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) event that occurs each November. And there are some games coming out and holidays and whatever. Typically, in the past this has been my most favorite time of the year. I hope it is this year. The last several years have not been very good or kind.
I'm particularly proud that I completed 3 weeks of working out. Today, starts the 4th week. And all in all I can't complain too much. I haven't lost any weight this month, but I'm only about 1 lb difference and that's a win in my book.
You may not have lost weight, but I am betting you lost some fat. Many people gain weight when they start exercising, a little. I do, Llama first explained it to me. This explains some of why:

I Just Started Exercising — Why Am I Gaining Weight?
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/1 - 188 lbs
10/2 - 188 lbs
10/3 - 187 lbs
10/4 - 188 lbs
10/5 - 186 lbs
10/6 - 188 lbs
10/7 - 187 lbs
10/8 - 186 lbs
10/26 - 193 lbs
10/27 - 193 lbs
10/28 - 190 lbs
10/29 - 189 lbs
10/30 - 186 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs, pre surgery weight

Now down 13 lbs from when I started the latest effort. All has not gone well, but I can't complain, down is good. And 13 lbs in 3 months is a good loss rate. Hope I can keep it up.

Not sure what November will look like, surgery today will set me back a bit. I always gain some weight after surgery, swelling does that to you. And I won't be able to exercise for a while, not sure how long. We'll see.

5 days without binge No surgery excuses for this one, it is all up to me... Plan to grow that number.
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs, pre surgery weight

Now down 13 lbs from when I started the latest effort. All has not gone well, but I can't complain, down is good. And 13 lbs in 3 months is a good loss rate. Hope I can keep it up.

Not sure what November will look like, surgery today will set me back a bit. I always gain some weight after surgery, swelling does that to you. And I won't be able to exercise for a while, not sure how long. We'll see.

5 days without binge No surgery excuses for this one, it is all up to me... Plan to grow that number.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, you've been dieting really well recently, if i can do half as well in the coming weeks/months i'll be pleased.

October 1st : 229.4 lbs
October 28th : 232 lbs
October 29th : 234 lbs
October 30th : 232.4 lbs
October 31st : 232.2 lbs
(2 days without binge)

So ended the month about 3 lbs up. Not great but not terrible either. I'm hoping to keep to low carbs today to give me a lower starting weight for November. I have a doctors appointment on Dec 6th where they'll probably record my weight, the last time they weighed me (July) I was 227 lbs so I want to be atleast a few lbs under that.
10/01/23 - 253.0
10/02/23 - 251.7 (-1.3)
10/03/23 - 251.7 (+0.0)
10/04/23 - 253.5 (+1.8), 3308 steps
10/05/23 - 254.5 (+1.0), 3424 steps
10/06/23 - 253.3 (-1.2), 3877 steps
10/07/23 - 253.3 (+0.0), 531 steps
10/08/23 - 251.8 (-1.5), 1879 steps
10/09/23 - 252.4 (+0.6), 1857 steps
10/10/23 - 252.4 (+0.0), 2105 steps
10/11/23 - 252.4 (+0.0), 4271 steps
10/12/23 - 252.4 (+0.0), 3006 steps
10/13/23 - 251.9 (-0.6), 1363 steps
10/14/23 - 251.9 (+0.0), 4200 steps
10/15/23 - 251.9 (+0.0), 3380 steps
10/16/23 - 252.5 (+0.6), 5407 steps
10/17/23 - 251.9 (-0.6), 5181 steps
10/18/23 - 251.0 (-0.9), 3704 steps
10/19/23 - 251.0 (+0.0), 2671 steps
10/20/23 - 251.0 (+0.0), 400 steps
10/21/23 - 252.9 (+1.9), 2958 steps
10/22/23 - 252.9 (+0.0), 4594 steps (mowed)
10/23/23 - 252.9 (+0.0), 714 steps (worked out, not walking as much on these days)
10/24/23 - 252.9 (+0.0), 596 steps (rained all day; didn't get out)
10/25/23 - 252.0 (+0.0), 351 steps (rainy, rainy, rainy)
10/26/23 - 252.0 (+0.0), 733 steps (rainy)
10/27/23 - 254.0 (+2.0), 2701 steps (rainy)
10/28/23 - 254.0 (+0.0), 0 steps lol (rainy) I didn't carry my phone
10/29/23 - 254.0 (+0.0), 122 steps (rainy)
10/30/23 - 254.0 (+0.0), 385 steps (last of the rain for a while. whew!)
10/31/23 - 253.5 (-0.0),

Not bad. Ups and downs for sure, but officially -0.5 for the month.
You may not have lost weight, but I am betting you lost some fat. Many people gain weight when they start exercising, a little. I do, Llama first explained it to me. This explains some of why:

I Just Started Exercising — Why Am I Gaining Weight?

Yeah, I kinda expected some gains, but I'm gradually easy rep count up each week so we'll see. I can feel a difference already in strength and tone.
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/1 - 188 lbs
10/2 - 188 lbs
10/3 - 187 lbs
10/4 - 188 lbs
10/5 - 186 lbs
10/6 - 188 lbs
10/7 - 187 lbs
10/8 - 186 lbs
10/26 - 193 lbs
10/27 - 193 lbs
10/28 - 190 lbs
10/29 - 189 lbs
10/30 - 186 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs, pre surgery weight

Now down 13 lbs from when I started the latest effort. All has not gone well, but I can't complain, down is good. And 13 lbs in 3 months is a good loss rate. Hope I can keep it up.

Not sure what November will look like, surgery today will set me back a bit. I always gain some weight after surgery, swelling does that to you. And I won't be able to exercise for a while, not sure how long. We'll see.

5 days without binge No surgery excuses for this one, it is all up to me... Plan to grow that number.
Best wishes on the surgery and a healthy and speedy recovery!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, you've been dieting really well recently, if i can do half as well in the coming weeks/months i'll be pleased.

October 1st : 229.4 lbs
October 28th : 232 lbs
October 29th : 234 lbs
October 30th : 232.4 lbs
October 31st : 232.2 lbs
(2 days without binge)

So ended the month about 3 lbs up. Not great but not terrible either. I'm hoping to keep to low carbs today to give me a lower starting weight for November. I have a doctors appointment on Dec 6th where they'll probably record my weight, the last time they weighed me (July) I was 227 lbs so I want to be atleast a few lbs under that.
3 lbs isn't too bad at all considering how much we can fluctuate every day. your my inspiration. I'd love to drop another 20 lbs and be where you are. hopefully adding a little muscle will help me out.
3 lbs isn't too bad at all considering how much we can fluctuate every day. your my inspiration. I'd love to drop another 20 lbs and be where you are. hopefully adding a little muscle will help me out.
Well done on losing a bit for the month just gone.
Well, you've already lost weight from your starting weight so it's definitely within you to lose some more. It'll happen. The exercise will certainly help. Yeh i'd love to drop another 20 lbs too, my lowest weight during this diet was 209 lbs in April i think, it felt good, my belly wasn't so big lol!

November 1st : 233.4 lbs

New month, new start (again - lol). I made a good start to October by quickly losing a few lbs then messed it up. I'm going to try my best this month.
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs, pre surgery weight
11/1 - 188 lbs

Regained the weight I lost in October, but with the surgery that's to be expected. And my previous surgery experience tells me I will gain a bit more over the next week or so. All post surgical edema, swelling, just water. But it can take a while to go away, a month or two. All went well, and not as painful as I thought it would be.

6 days without binge
Best wishes on the surgery and a healthy and speedy recovery!
Thanks, and so far so good.
7/30 - 198 lbs
10/31 - 185 lbs, pre surgery weight
11/1 - 188 lbs

Regained the weight I lost in October, but with the surgery that's to be expected. And my previous surgery experience tells me I will gain a bit more over the next week or so. All post surgical edema, swelling, just water. But it can take a while to go away, a month or two. All went well, and not as painful as I thought it would be.

6 days without binge

Thanks, and so far so good.
Glad to hear it went well! Here's to another month.
10/31/23 - 253.5 (-0.0), 1980
11/01/23 - 253.5 (+0.0),

Tried to get in a few more steps yesterday. Today is workout day and start of Nanowrimo.